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Posted: 3/27/2007 8:11:35 AM EDT
I'm going to do a little experiment. I'll be printing out pro-gun images and putting them up around campus- on the doors to buildings, in the stairwells of the dorms, the elevator of the girl's dorm, etc. The idea being that I'll see how long it takes for them to become a topic of conversation on campus (if at all) and how long before somebody tears them down. The experiment will begin this weekend, since the girl's dorm is only open to guys on Sunday (minus the lobby).

For your review, here are the posters I'll be putting up around campus.

This one goes on the door to the english/literature building.

Girl's dorm.

Elevator in the girl's dorm, where everybody will be sure to see it.

Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:17:37 AM EDT

I hope they stay up for awhile, though I doubt that they will last beyond minutes....

Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:23:04 AM EDT
Tag for updates.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:24:45 AM EDT
Not to be a wet blanket, but you DO have Mr. Volk's permission to use his images, right?
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:27:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:27:58 AM EDT
NICE dood!

Get pics of the places you posted 'em!  I'd see about maybe letting Oleg Volk about your plans, since he owns copyright to those pics, but he's generally very supportive of using them to help our cause.  

Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:29:37 AM EDT

Not to be a wet blanket, but you DO have Mr. Volk's permission to use his images, right?

I'm not claiming them as my own, nor am I profiting in any way from them. I do believe that satisfies his requirements for use of his images. Besides, not all of them are Oleg's stuff.

I figure either a bunch of libtards will tear them down at random or the school will go all PC and have them removed. Considering this is a conservative baptist university and two professors (including the dean) are shooters, I don't think the latter will happen, but we'll see. Hence, why I'm doing it on the weekend- not only do I have full access to the girl's dorm then, but it also means no faculty or staff on campus except for janitors, security, and cafeteria workers. That's the whole point to this experiment, to see what happens.

The other point, obviously, is to inspire conversation about it on campus and see what, if anything, is said about it.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:31:10 AM EDT
I give it 5 minutes before they are torn down.  Sorry, but you are posting in liberal mecca
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:33:10 AM EDT

NICE dood!

Get pics of the places you posted 'em!  I'd see about maybe letting Oleg Volk about your plans, since he owns copyright to those pics, but he's generally very supportive of using them to help our cause.  

I can't visit his pro-gun site because the stupid web protection thing they installed in all the computers last week blocks it (as well as ar15.com, forcing me to come here through a different url). That's actually what inspired this experiment- I wanted to see if it was deliberate, or just a default setting of the software they installed in a lame attempt to prevent students from surfing porn and 'hate' sites and crap. If somebody can link me to Oleg's photography website so I can search for his e-mail address, I'd be glad to send him a link to this thread and see what he says about it.

The experiment begins this weekend; I'll put up most of the posters on campus Saturday night and get ones inside the girl's dorm Sunday.

ETA: Forgot one of the posters:

Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:34:57 AM EDT
Good luck.  

Hopefully the liberal bastards won't try to punish you for "vandalism".  
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:36:34 AM EDT
That is awesome keep up the good work.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:37:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:37:42 AM EDT

I give it 5 minutes before they are torn down.  Sorry, but you are posting in liberal mecca

I go to a small conversative baptist university in central Texas. Two of the professors (probably more), including the dean of student activities, are shooters and one collects mil-surp and EBR's religiously. Most of the professors don't require attendance on the opening day of hunting season since nobody is going to show up anyway. The ONE liberal professor I've had in the four years I've gone to this college threatened to fail any of her students who voted for Kerry.

Liberal mecca my ass.

That said, I give it three days before they all get torn down.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:38:16 AM EDT


NICE dood!

Get pics of the places you posted 'em!  I'd see about maybe letting Oleg Volk about your plans, since he owns copyright to those pics, but he's generally very supportive of using them to help our cause.  

I can't visit his pro-gun site because the stupid web protection thing they installed in all the computers last week blocks it (as well as ar15.com, forcing me to come here through a different url). That's actually what inspired this experiment- I wanted to see if it was deliberate, or just a default setting of the software they installed in a lame attempt to prevent students from surfing porn and 'hate' sites and crap. If somebody can link me to Oleg's photography website so I can search for his e-mail address, I'd be glad to send him a link to this thread and see what he says about it.

The experiment begins this weekend; I'll put up most of the posters on campus Saturday night and get ones inside the girl's dorm Sunday.

ETA: Forgot one of the posters:


Volk has nudes so that site may be a problem.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:38:58 AM EDT
Oh shit!

Red flag! RED FLAG!
Good job, it will be interesting to see how long they stay up.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:52:22 AM EDT
Wow, keep us updated.  I might even try it here to see what happens.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:56:04 AM EDT
Oleg Volk does great work!
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:58:04 AM EDT
Could someone advise as to the make/manuf of the hammerless revolver shown?  Thanks.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 8:58:39 AM EDT

... If somebody can link me to Oleg's photography website so I can search for his e-mail address, I'd be glad to send him a link to this thread and see what he says about it.

IM sent.  Great idea, btw.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 9:02:43 AM EDT


... If somebody can link me to Oleg's photography website so I can search for his e-mail address, I'd be glad to send him a link to this thread and see what he says about it.

IM sent.  Great idea, btw.

Thanks for the e-mail addy. I'll get something sent out today and see if he responds.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 9:04:52 AM EDT
Are guns allowed on campus?  If not, the college will see these as encouraging people to break the rules and will take them down.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 9:07:25 AM EDT

Could someone advise as to the make/manuf of the hammerless revolver shown?  Thanks.

Looks to me like a S&W Airlite - 342 .38 perhaps.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 9:13:37 AM EDT

Are guns allowed on campus?  If not, the college will see these as encouraging people to break the rules and will take them down.

Guns WERE allowed on campus until the year before I enrolled. You can store them in your vehicle, but not in the dorms. You can bring firearms onto the campus itself if you have permission ahead of time- I brought a Springfield Model 1898 to class when we did the Spanish-American War, and somebody else brought a Colt Navy revolver clone to my Civil War class. The school released a list of long-term goals two years ago, including the construction of a skate park, a rock-climbing wall, HUNTER'S SAFETY COURSE, and RIFLE COMPETITION. The skate park and rock-climbing wall have been done, along with a few other things on the list, but we're only a third of the way through the list and all of the gun-related items were at the very end of the list.

The school also doesn't have a policy specitifically pertaining to CCW either way, just a rule stating you cannot have weapons of any sort in the dorm (without permission; I've got swords in my room because I asked).
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 9:18:40 AM EDT


Are guns allowed on campus?  If not, the college will see these as encouraging people to break the rules and will take them down.

Guns WERE allowed on campus until the year before I enrolled. You can store them in your vehicle, but not in the dorms. You can bring firearms onto the campus itself if you have permission ahead of time- I brought a Springfield Model 1898 to class when we did the Spanish-American War, and somebody else brought a Colt Navy revolver clone to my Civil War class. The school released a list of long-term goals two years ago, including the construction of a skate park, a rock-climbing wall, HUNTER'S SAFETY COURSE, and RIFLE COMPETITION. The skate park and rock-climbing wall have been done, along with a few other things on the list, but we're only a third of the way through the list and all of the gun-related items were at the very end of the list.

The school also doesn't have a policy specitifically pertaining to CCW either way, just a rule stating you cannot have weapons of any sort in the dorm (without permission; I've got swords in my room because I asked).

Wow, cool.  Good luck!  
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 9:22:23 AM EDT
tag for updates
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 9:26:01 AM EDT

I'd love to get the "Gun control is racist" one put up around Michigan.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 9:31:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 10:24:46 AM EDT
Those are really great.

I would LOVE to see those as a billboard campaign on the access roads in and out of NYC, and the surrounding region.  Never happen, but I can dream.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 10:28:38 AM EDT
I see a trip to the school psychologist and maybe an expulsion if you are caught...  After all this is Amerika.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 10:31:39 AM EDT
This is not a tag
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 10:37:28 AM EDT
You are mentally defective and in need of counseling and treatment.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 10:43:52 AM EDT

tagged for results
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 10:44:44 AM EDT
I'm not tagging this.  Nope.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 10:54:19 AM EDT
Tag for results of experiment

Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:06:16 AM EDT
I posted something similar around campus my junior year.

Some of them stayed up for a while, others got torn down pretty quick.
I carried an assload of copies in my bag, so when I saw one gone, I'd replace it.
The posters did get brought up in a couple of my classes.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:12:09 AM EDT
Very nice!
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:13:26 AM EDT
If you really want to generate buzz, make those posters into LED lights and hang them all over town!
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:15:04 AM EDT

I posted something similar around campus my junior year.

Some of them stayed up for a while, others got torn down pretty quick.
I carried an assload of copies in my bag, so when I saw one gone, I'd replace it.
The posters did get brought up in a couple of my classes.

You just exposed the second half of my experiment. You may recall I made a thread a while back asking for statistics and such on illegals in response to a speech a professor made during assembly in which he said we should be nice and welcome illegals because Jesus said be nice to strangers. Of course, I think the fact that he's a (legal) Mexican immigrant is coloring his judgement.

My only problem is, I can't find any decent posters for illegals, though yours is nice. I have another that has an American flag made out of crosses and says "Illegals kill 1,500 Americans every year, but at least we have cheap lettuce and nice lawns". Except that they MURDER far more than 1,500 Americans every year, and the number of Americans they kill via drunk driving is almost the same (for an average of about 10,000 Americans killed by illegals every year), so I can't use that one.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:17:49 AM EDT

Tag for updates.

Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:26:30 AM EDT

Those are really great.

I would LOVE to see those as a billboard campaign on the access roads in and out of NYC, and the surrounding region.  Never happen, but I can dream.

Just call the number of the billboard agency and pay to have an image put up. They'll take your money and put the billboard up for a specified amount of time. If you did that though, I would DEFINITELY get permission before using someone else's images and put a url to their website on the billboard. There's a difference between printing out a couple sheets of paper and taping them to doors on a university campus and putting up a billboard.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:26:58 AM EDT
From Oleg's website, regarding use of his images:

Feel free to use them for any pro-RKBA web pages and publications. By-lines or back-links much appreciated but not required.

Sounds like he wouldn't have a problem with it, but you drop by THR and ask him if unsure.

Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:53:49 AM EDT
I'm not tagging this thread.  I meant to post in the latest BOTD, but ended up here.  

Oh well, sounds good, let the shenanigans begin!  
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 11:57:32 AM EDT

I only wish there were more like you at your age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 12:01:09 PM EDT

Those are really great.

I would LOVE to see those as a billboard campaign on the access roads in and out of NYC, and the surrounding region.  Never happen, but I can dream.

that happening is just a matter of money.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 12:02:54 PM EDT
be smart.  focus on the racist and sexist aspects of gun control rather than the governmental oppression angle.

what you want to do is to make the kiddies have to choose between pet issues.  remember, to liberals, the most political capital belongs to the victims, so target those who are viewed as victims.

especially hit rape statistics.  use stats from the gender studies department so that they cannot be marginalized by antis.  use rape talking points from women's studies texts for the same reason--that way, liberals can't argue.

focus on the '68 GCA being motivated by black panthers exercising their RKBA.  there are tons of quotes from early gun-grabbers about keeping blacks 'in their place' via gun control.

and your secret weapon is the pink pistols.  force the antis to say that gay people do not have the right to defend themselves against 'hate crime'.

to be politically effective, you have to pit anti activists against their core target--the 'victims'.  this will be far more effective than using the governmental tyranny issue, which will just muddy the water and make their job easier.

your central message:

GUN CONTROL:  racist, sexist, anti-gay!

i'm interested to see how this turns out.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 12:07:13 PM EDT

I'd suggest that you check your school's handbook/rules/whatever first.

I got in trouble for something similar.
At my school, the rules are that you need the flyer or whatever to be approved and stamped by the administration before it goes up.  Even then, you can only hang them in certain areas.  (we have rental cops on patrol and almost as many security cameras as students, so "sneaking" doesn't work very well here)

I got lucky, dean of disciplinary action or whatever just told me not to do it again.

same thing here if its not approved by student activities the school might even take them down.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 12:15:00 PM EDT

be smart.  focus on the racist and sexist aspects of gun control rather than the governmental oppression angle.

what you want to do is to make the kiddies have to choose between pet issues.  remember, to liberals, the most political capital belongs to the victims, so target those who are viewed as victims.

especially hit rape statistics.  use stats from the gender studies department so that they cannot be marginalized by antis.  use rape talking points from women's studies texts for the same reason--that way, liberals can't argue.

focus on the '68 GCA being motivated by black panthers exercising their RKBA.  there are tons of quotes from early gun-grabbers about keeping blacks 'in their place' via gun control.

and your secret weapon is the pink pistols.  force the antis to say that gay people do not have the right to defend themselves against 'hate crime'.

to be politically effective, you have to pit anti activists against their core target--the 'victims'.  this will be far more effective than using the governmental tyranny issue, which will just muddy the water and make their job easier.

your central message:

GUN CONTROL:  racist, sexist, anti-gay!

i'm interested to see how this turns out.

Good advise here.

I use this very method to get just about the entire clientele of a gay bar shooting. Changed quite a few opinions also.

This is not a tag , ( for when I don't renew my team membership friday)
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 12:26:30 PM EDT
Not to get off-topic...but

sprayandpray, what are you doing in the gay bar?  Are you teh ghey?  (not knocking if you are, my sister and sister-in-law are gay....not together)

If so,  that gives a new meaning to Sprayandpray  

So, OP has a good idea.

I know of a Grocery Store chain around here that allows free advertisements in the exit area.  Also, some libraries.  Maybe I'll have a few of these printed and place them around and see what happens!  
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 12:37:19 PM EDT
No but a guy I know is , and I really don't give a shit.

So I went there a few times. Lo and Behold, Sunday is freak night for straight people. "sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me"

That is my scene. Obviously some of the "regulars" still go there. So over time I have gotten to know quite a few of them. Wherever I go the topic of guns comes up, I just can't seem to leave the pulpit home. Before you know it. I have a whole bunch of Gays who want to go shooting. And quite a few who like it.

NOW BACK ON SUBJECT!!!!!! No hijacking here
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 12:55:53 PM EDT
I was thinking of doing something similar, but different.  I was thinking of using the NRA window decals I have and sticking them on the front entrance to a major store like Tagret or Wal-mart, just to see how long it took to be noticed.  With all the other stickers on the doors I'm sure it would go unnoticed for a while.

Wal-mart here also has a free ad board at the exits, that fit 4x6 cards I think.  Just print some of those images as 4x6 photos at a local photo shop and slip them in there.
Link Posted: 3/27/2007 1:19:56 PM EDT
Some would make good bumber stickers
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