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Posted: 6/21/2011 5:02:48 AM EDT
Good riddance.


WASHINGTON –– ACORN, the controversial and defunct community activist group accused of a variety of criminal activities, will not get a chance to air its grievances about losing federal funding before the Supreme Court, the justices announced Monday.

The group was trying to appeal a unanimous lower court ruling affirming the federal government's right to strip millions of dollars in funds from the group and its associated affiliates. The justices, as often happens, announced their decision without comment.

Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:04:55 AM EDT
Fuck ACORN and the tree they fell from.

Link Posted: 6/21/2011 5:16:05 AM EDT
Golfclap for the SC
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 6:53:15 AM EDT
They worked the system to get their grubby mits on the government teet. That kind of people don't go away. They have reorganized and will emerge as some other community leadership group with a noble name all in the name of greed and voter fraud.

Link Posted: 6/21/2011 7:34:24 AM EDT
"without comment" = "fuck you"

Link Posted: 6/21/2011 7:39:27 AM EDT
That's two awesome rulings in a week.....
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 7:42:17 AM EDT
Call me when they start arresting people....until then they'll just change the name and go on with business as usual
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 7:45:15 AM EDT
Fuck the whole bunch of thieving, Obama loving bastards!!!!  
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 7:54:58 AM EDT
Call me when they start arresting people....until then they'll just change the name and go on with business as usual

Link Posted: 6/21/2011 7:57:54 AM EDT
Fuck ACORN and the tree they fell from.

You're naiive if you think this is the last of them.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 8:00:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 3:50:11 PM EDT
Fuck ACORN and the tree they fell from.

You're naiive if you think this is the last of them.

It has to start somewhere.
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 3:59:59 PM EDT
That's two awesome rulings in a week.....

Now if they'd have the balls to quick step the Obama Care crap, and shoot that damn thing down, I'd make sweet love to Ginsberg! even though she's sure to vote against repeal, she still needs good loving.
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