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Posted: 10/30/2006 4:15:18 PM EDT
Is it still legal to CHL in TX State Parks and SNA's?

I've got the email response the Attorney for DPS sent me and the letter from the Exec Park Director - but they're a coupla years old.

I've already searched the usual suspects (sites) and didn't find anything new.

I'll make phone calls tomorrow,  but just wondering if anyone has any new (changes) info and could save me some time.

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 4:18:50 PM EDT
Lets put it this way. I couldnt figure it out with their rules, so I did anyway. Its concealed, and I didnt see a 30.06
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 4:20:08 PM EDT
As I recall, state yes, national no.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 5:16:56 PM EDT

Lets put it this way. I couldnt figure it out with their rules, so I did anyway. Its concealed, and I didnt see a 30.06

Like I said above, I got an email from the DPS Attorney - I need to get my scanner hooked back up and post it.  IRRC I did once.

Here's his email - it was current as of 11 February 2004: [email protected]
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 5:34:36 PM EDT


Lets put it this way. I couldnt figure it out with their rules, so I did anyway. Its concealed, and I didnt see a 30.06

Like I said above, I got an email from the DPS Attorney - I need to get my scanner hooked back up and post it.  IRRC I did once.

Here's his email - it was current as of 11 February 2004: [email protected]

Copy and paste the letter.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 5:40:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 5:40:58 PM EDT



Lets put it this way. I couldnt figure it out with their rules, so I did anyway. Its concealed, and I didnt see a 30.06

Like I said above, I got an email from the DPS Attorney - I need to get my scanner hooked back up and post it.  IRRC I did once.

Here's his email - it was current as of 11 February 2004: [email protected]

Copy and paste the letter.

Can't - I changed ISP's since then and lost it.  

Let me see if I can find the cables for the scanner.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 6:15:41 PM EDT

(e)  It is an exception to the application of this section that the property on which the license holder carries a handgun is owned or leased by a governmental entity and is not a premises or other place on which the license holder is prohibited from carrying the handgun under Section 46.03 or 46.035.

State parks are owned by a governmental entity, and they are not named in sections 46.03 or 46.035, so it is not unlawful to carry there.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 6:20:46 PM EDT
Here ya go:

The "outdrs.net" email address is not current.

There's also a post I made on 02/08/2004 in the Team Forum where I spoke to the TX Peace Office/?Mgr of Garner State Park - I'll see if I can find it.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 6:29:04 PM EDT
Well OK - I did cut and paste the original email.  Here's the link to my post in Team.


And what sucks is I didn't really need to hook the scanner back up...

Cut and pasted for those that aren't Team members.

I posted this in General Forum thinking that a person from another state wouldn't read the Texas Hometown Board and may find this info helpful.

Please read the laws and do your own research -I am not, in any context, responsible for your actions.

I semi-hijacked Mike's thread, so am posting some additional info about this now.

Here's is all the info you need to validate the fact that with a Texas CHL, it is legal to carry concealed in a Texas State Park.

First, I called Garner State Park and asked for the Law Enforcement Division. I spoke with Craig VanBaarle, Texas State Park Peace Officer and Manager of Garner State Park. Date/time of call: 8Feb04 1205. Ph# 830.232.6132.

He stated that you are allowed to carry a concealed weapon, with a Texas CHL, in Texas State Parks. I referenced a letter signed by Andrew Sansom, Executive Director, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, dated 8Jul98. Officer VanBaarle stated this letter supercedes the State Park rules. You can find a copy of this letter here: www.packing.org/gs/texas_parks_letter.gif

Note: I asked Officer VanBaarle for his permission to post his name on this site/forum, which he gave.

I sent an email to TXDPS asking a few questions. Some questions were personal - I won't post that email here.

Here is the reply I received today:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Zielinski, Brad" [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:21 AM
Subject: Texas CHL

Mr. Smith,

Thank you for your inquiry about Texas CHL law. In reference to your question, the information contained the the TXP&W executive order is correct. With the exception listed in that order for special events, you may carry in Texas State Parks.

I hope that answers your question. The Department appreciates your concern in complying with CHL law.


Brad Zielinski
Attorney for TXDPS

The "special events" he is referring to is in the letter signed Edward Sansom, Exec Dir, TPWD, as linked to above.

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