Yahoo Games had a good Article about the Star Wars games through the years. I remember playing the
Star Wars coin op game. Here's the list of games in the article.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars (Coin-Op)
Super Star Wars trilogy
Star Wars: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Battlefront
Lego Star Wars
Clone Wars Adventures
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron - Fantastic game, my roommate had a Nintendo gamecube and we wore it out playing this.
Star Wars Galaxies - great Idea for a game, with that said the graphics were terrible and I couldnt play it because of the MASSIVE lag issues
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic- Both of them were good but could have been so much better if they had gone more in depth like a Final Fantasy game.
Star Wars: Battlefront- both battlefronts were interesting for what they were, a quick little first person shooter
Lego Star Wars- horrible, couldnt get more than 10 minutes into it
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed- great game, finally a game were it wasnt awkward to use force powers in active combat. needed to be longer was my only complaint.
Star Wars: The Old Republic- The trailer looked awesome. I really want to play this game, I just dont have a PC right now. My laptop is a piece of junk, and to even attempt online gaming with it would be folly.
The Force Unleashed 2 is coming out next month, I'm gonna get it for my 360.