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Posted: 1/5/2003 5:31:22 AM EDT
Mild Rant:

I think the service yanking was handled poorly! I would have gladly paid for the service had there been sufficient time to mail a check out and get the account activated before some sort of cutoff date.

But to just yank them creates a real ass ache.  The money is no problem, but the lag time in getting the stuff turned back on is ANNOYING!

My paypal account is all Fhuked up, so that is not an option.  Plus those fucks made enough money from me on the TEAM Shirts.

Ideally I would like to pay by credit card, online, with 24 hour activation.

I suppose this is a redundant thread but I don't know due to no search abilty.

Thank you and good day.

Link Posted: 1/5/2003 5:44:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 6:05:19 AM EDT
Want some cheese with that whine?

Juan told us some things were going to be cut back for non-paying members in December.  Nearly a week of warning seems sufficient to me.

Also, toaster payed for my membership sometime Tuesday evening and I had my title doohickey and full functionality by the wee hours of Wednesday morning when I logged on.  It happened pretty quickly.  

If you can't pay online because PayPal is screwed up you will only have to wait a couple days for the cash to get to Juan before you are upgraded; that's the USPS's fault, not Juan's.  A few days of no seach function ain't going to kill you.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 6:09:53 AM EDT
... I would have gladly paid for the service had there been sufficient time to mail a check out ...
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[red]Registered: Feb 2001[/red]
Posts: 2479 of 2480

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you've had plenty of time.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 6:52:26 AM EDT
Mild Rant:

I think the service yanking was handled poorly! I would have gladly paid for the service had there been sufficient time to mail a check out and get the account activated before some sort of cutoff date.

But to just yank them creates a real ass ache.  The money is no problem, but the lag time in getting the stuff turned back on is ANNOYING!

My paypal account is all Fhuked up, so that is not an option.  Plus those fucks made enough money from me on the TEAM Shirts.

Ideally I would like to pay by credit card, online, with 24 hour activation.

I suppose this is a redundant thread but I don't know due to no search abilty.

Thank you and good day.

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FYI: This is a multi-use message. Simply modify a few of the words and it could describe legislators enacting anti-gun laws.

Link Posted: 1/5/2003 6:54:57 AM EDT

Here is a 21 Whah salute. A great deal of things in life are not handled very well.

>>Plus those fucks made enough money from me on >>the TEAM Shirts.

Good way to get everyone to see your point and to sympathize with your position!

So have you sent in your 20 bucks yet?

Link Posted: 1/5/2003 6:58:11 AM EDT
My paypal account is all Fhuked up, so that is not an option. Plus those fucks made enough money from me on the TEAM Shirts

WOW [>(][>(][>(][shock][shock][shock]
edited because of...... oh well HUH! ps I didnt say it  he did[;)][;)]
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:14:35 AM EDT
Plus those fucks made enough money from me on the TEAM Shirts
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Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:24:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:26:56 AM EDT
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LOL love that...

RE: the downtime...maybe a few days off from this site would do you some good!  Calm you down a little.  AR15.com will be here, and prolonging your search for "14.5 vs 16 barrels" won't stop your world from turning over on itself.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:27:39 AM EDT
AWWWWWWWWWWW!  Boofuckinghoo!
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:29:07 AM EDT
Wow, I've been here a while gleaning every scrap of knowledge I can from these pages. Having some lively discussions with good people, having a few disagreements, but generally a great time.

I feel like the FREE service is a blessing, and I won't be calling the providers "fuck's".

In fact as soon as I can get straightened out $$ wise, I'll be joining.

Thanks to the board mod's and the people who work hard behind the scenes to keep this great site open and running so well.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:32:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:34:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 7:44:25 AM EDT
You can't please everybody all the time,..........you know the rest.[b] But no search function seems [shock], [b] most every other site I frequent HAS A SEARCH, its prudent IMO.[/b]  IM for non paying folks and WAY TO MUCH diversity in the NEW MILLION FORUMS (one for everyone) seems ..........well, a bit to much.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 8:08:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 8:43:48 AM EDT
FWIW, I paid yesterday afternoon and I was searching by 6pm yesterday. Less than 12 hours to activate....not to friggin shabby in my book.

Link Posted: 1/5/2003 9:21:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 9:31:50 AM EDT
Guys, I think when he said "fucks" he mean pay pal.  I really don't keep up with all the insider stuff around here, so I don't know what the story is with shirts, or even that there were shirts, but if shirts were once offered, and you could use paypal to pay for them, I'm guessing that is who he's talking about.
I agree with the poster above that the site may be growing outward instead of upward.  I'm not sure that the whole "hometown" area was really needed, but I do post there since its available.  I don't really know anything about internet techno-crap, but could the number of boards be reduced in order to maintain the search function?
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 9:36:19 AM EDT
Funny I interpreted it to mean that he was referring to Paypal as "those fucks."  

My M.O. will be in the mail tomorrow.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 9:39:22 AM EDT
Want some cheese with that whine?

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Well, for a year and a half, I was out of work and was barely able to pay my bills.  Now that I am working again and was about to pay up, comments like this, others ones on this thread, and others in the past, fuck it.  I wouldn't pay now because of some of these fuckers.  I think removing the search function sucks, but I will live with it because of the attitudes of some jerks.

Besides, I contributed some money to this site before paid memberships existed, but no record could be found, so fuck me, I suppose.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 9:41:56 AM EDT

GB has answered in one of the many threads that the many forums do not contribute to the load. Search does. With the multiple threads going on about the same topic you probably missed it. The search bogs down the disks and the processor on the site. Extra forums just sit there until accessed by a user.

Link Posted: 1/5/2003 9:45:06 AM EDT
FWIW, I paid yesterday afternoon and I was searching by 6pm yesterday. Less than 12 hours to activate....not to friggin shabby in my book.

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12 hours? took me about 4. [size=3]Goatboy and the rest of the staff;[/size=3] Thank you for letting me snarf your services for free for so long. Thanks for working so hard to find a way to keep the site the jammin place it is. [size=3]markm;[/size=3]keep in mind that you're bitching about something that you get for free. These guys have been busting their butts for years, and have received far more bitches than thanks for doing it. Cut 'em some slack.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 9:49:42 AM EDT
Please guys, the anger is pretty unnecessary.  There are a lot of things in life we can't control.  ARFCOM is one of them.  This is still a great place, one of the best.  Chalk it up to "sometimes things don't go your way" and move on.  Stay or go.  Send money or don't.  If no search function is all you have to bitch about in your life, you are pretty damn lucky!

This is no flame, just trying to help in my own way.

Edited cuz it didn't sound right.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:05:18 AM EDT
A Hearty thanks to goatboy and all the others who make this site go! thanks Juan- Gene
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:14:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:15:37 AM EDT
Another two cents from a non-paid member here.

The search function and other amenities would be nice, but as it has been pointed out, the availability of a search function would not save bandwidth. People are going to ask the same questions over and over regardless of the fact that there are two hundred posts archived [b]and[/b] a faq to cover the particular question.

And where would the board be if they didn't? The AR-15 section of the board would look like the handguns board. Very little posting going on.

As for the insinuation that the owners of the board are perhaps trying to make a profit, I have to ask what is wrong with that? They are providing a service that entertains, informs, educates, and furthers the interests of those to whom the RKBA is of paramount importance.

I for one have been unwilling to fork over $60.00 for a yearly membership, but $20.00 seems like a fairly meager commitment when you look at it as going toward keeping this site up and running. I will be sending that amount along before the month is over. If the Avila's buy a steak dinner with it, it will still be money better spent than my NRA dues. [:(!]

This is a fantastic site, although I will agree that there are a lot of new forums that seem redundant or unnecessary. I used to spend most of my time on TFL. That site is now dormant, not because of money, but because it became a major time drain on the owner, if I understand correctly. It is a major loss for all of us that the site is closed, whether you ever went there or not.

I would hate to see the same thing happen here. There are a few other sites around that cater to the black gun crowd, but we are not there, are we?

There is a reason for that.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:18:15 AM EDT
Greedy bastards
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:24:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:32:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 10:41:38 AM EDT
F it!  I bought the membership this week.  Fast turnaround too.  Thank you for making a $20 membership available and for your efforts on keeping AR15.com alive.

After four years, I have learned just about everything I know about ARs from ar15.com.  I have also used the site for buying and selling AR items.  IMO, well worth the fee.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 11:00:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 11:13:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 12:29:46 PM EDT
I'm glad this debate is going on... helps seperate the wheat from the chaff.  In this case, the complainers from the true contributers... and I'm not referring to financial contributions because you are right, the vast majority contribute in other ways.
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I really don't see a problem with people complaining, I'd rather refer to it as voicing their opinions.  If people didn't complain, most often things wouldn't get changed.  Reminds me of a recent incident in my life:
My Xmas bonus sucked.  I complained loudly.  Coworkers got pissy about me complaining.  Management came through with extra $1k checks for several employees.  I didn't see one of my pussy coworkers turn down the extra check, or cut me in for a slice either, but if I hadn't complained, they wouldn't have gotten the extra check.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 12:33:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 12:48:31 PM EDT
I will play my 02 cents worth, even has a nonpaying member I still love this site I feel that paying member's do contribute to help with the upkeep on the site. I can live without the spellcheck, the search, the other forums i cannot get into. does not bother me one bit.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 12:57:49 PM EDT
I'm glad this debate is going on... helps seperate the wheat from the chaff.  In this case, the complainers from the true contributers... and I'm not referring to financial contributions because you are right, the vast majority contribute in other ways.
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I really don't see a problem with people complaining, I'd rather refer to it as voicing their opinions.  If people didn't complain, most often things wouldn't get changed.  Reminds me of a recent incident in my life:
My Xmas bonus sucked.  I complained loudly.  Coworkers got pissy about me complaining.  Management came through with extra $1k checks for several employees.  I didn't see one of my pussy coworkers turn down the extra check, or cut me in for a slice either, but if I hadn't complained, they wouldn't have gotten the extra check.
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A better analogy for this situation might be my coming over to your house for dinner, and complaining about the food.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 1:07:15 PM EDT
I have a tough time believing that every member who posts here can't come up with 6 cents a day to help support the site.  

Link Posted: 1/5/2003 1:23:33 PM EDT

Now that you've vented, Mark, register.  

Funny this should come up now, I've been on AR15 for over a year now, and just Friday I said to myself "Self, why the hell haven't you coughed up the measly 20 bucks to keep this ship afloat?"

So I did.  
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 1:48:12 PM EDT
FWIW, I paid yesterday afternoon and I was searching by 6pm yesterday. Less than 12 hours to activate....not to friggin shabby in my book.

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12 hours? took me about 4.  
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I knew they liked you better than me [nana]
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 1:53:25 PM EDT
go to assaultweb.net and search all you want, no charge.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:03:16 PM EDT
Greedy bastards

Nothing beats jerking off and unleashing your load, as you fire bullets into one of Gods lesser creatures, for example a stag or even an Afghan!!
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That's pretty Bizzare!  
Not your reply... but your Sig line!  [%|]
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:04:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:08:25 PM EDT

Not sure what the deal is with the shirts... please explain if possible. I'd like to know what we "fucks" made off shirts? [=D]
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[b]WHOA!  When I said "those fucks" I am refering to PAYPAL! Not the other members of this site![/b]
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:16:51 PM EDT
As usual the entire point of my thread was missed.

It's not the money. I just wish we could have known it was coming.  I would have sent my dough in well before the deadline.

As stated my paypal account is not working, I tried to set up a new one but that didn't work either cuz my info is tied to the old account.

The last member I personally talked waited Two and a half weeks to get his stuff activated.  He too had to mail a check.  I guess I am assuming it will take as long or longer now that there is a lot of people signing up.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:22:10 PM EDT
I'm not sure that the whole "hometown" area was really needed, but I do post there since its available.  I don't really know anything about internet techno-crap, but could the number of boards be reduced in order to maintain the search function?
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The "hometown" forums are great.  That is where you can find people in your state, and plan get-togethers.  Much better than having it all in one forum.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:32:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:38:01 PM EDT
As usual the entire point of my thread was missed.

It's not the money. I just wish we could have known it was coming.  I would have sent my dough in well before the deadline.

As stated my paypal account is not working, I tried to set up a new one but that didn't work either cuz my info is tied to the old account.

The last member I personally talked waited Two and a half weeks to get his stuff activated.  He too had to mail a check.  I guess I am assuming it will take as long or longer now that there is a lot of people signing up.
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Mark, since we both live in AZ, i think ill "help a brother out". my paypal account works, and ill be happy to paypal the money to GB, and you can send a check to me.
and i dont know how you missed it, but the "word" has been out for a few months about the coming changes. please IM me and we will work out getting your membership activated.
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:38:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:43:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2003 2:47:38 PM EDT
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