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Posted: 4/20/2007 3:18:53 AM EDT
He was in his office during the lockdown.

He says the shock and fear are pretty much over for the Students and Faculty.   Right now, they are grieving...and want to put much of it behind them.    

It is hard to do that when the whole campus is covered by Reporters and Media vans....he thinks it would help if most of them left.    

Is there really anything enough to report from VT now to justify them rubbing salt into the wounds with more and more questions?
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 3:25:20 AM EDT
They are just there to try to sensationalize it even more, anything for a bump in ratings. I hate to say it but they don't really give a damn about VT or those who are suffering.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 3:31:22 AM EDT

They are just there to try to sensationalize it even more, anything for a bump in ratings. I hate to say it but they don't really give a damn about VT or those who are suffering.

Yep. It is NOT about VA tech anymore, it is about an agenda and an excuse to promote it.

Link Posted: 4/20/2007 3:33:33 AM EDT
I basically quit watching these types of stories on the news after the who what and when of the story is known, basically around 24 hours or so afterwards. I don't listen to the psyco babble and I especially won't dignify all the details about the cowards who do these things and what they were angry about.
Perhaps if the media or america wouldn't spend so much time dwelling on the killers life or motives there would be less inclination for people with this state or mind to do these types of things.
While this is tragic, I can only think about it so much, insensitive or not, while this many are dying weekly in iraq and you can see their faces as well. Time to move on america, help the hokies if requested, otherwise let them be.

Link Posted: 4/20/2007 3:57:33 AM EDT
media = the vultures of society
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 4:06:08 AM EDT
It irks me to see the media walking through the dorms in any fashion. I agree about them leaving, it would only help them heal.
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