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Posted: 5/21/2010 6:12:29 PM EDT
I live 2 miles from a cemetary!  You don't think buried a corpes would push up out of the grave do you?  I have a major highway and a bridge they have to cross first to get me but....DAMN.....That is REALLY close you know?
Link Posted: 5/21/2010 6:19:46 PM EDT
Dibs on guns and ammo.
Link Posted: 5/21/2010 6:30:28 PM EDT
I can see the first head stone outside my front door at 350' probably 300+ graves going back 150 years...
Link Posted: 5/21/2010 8:10:42 PM EDT
I can see the first head stone outside my front door at 350' probably 300+ graves going back 150 years...

same for me. i have a very large cemetery about 150 yards from my bedroom window. my scoped rifles are zeroed for 200 for this reason.

i feel bad for the poor old bastard that lives directly next to it, only separated by a 4 foot chain link fence. then there are multiple other homes all around it.
Link Posted: 5/21/2010 9:18:30 PM EDT
deceased corpses already commited to the ground can only be renaimated in those shitty "return of the living dead" propaganda films...

b.t.w., those peices of shit were produced and released by our enemies, the U.R.A.Z.S.(pronounced "you're-asses") or Undead Rights Activists and Zombie Sympathisers, as part of their campaign of disinformation in an effort to thwart the varing clans / guilds / companies / bands and squads of zombie hunters. IIRC they did also manage to get someone on the inside and slipped a scene or two into one of the "resident evil" documentaries as well...

the already deceased can not be reanimated... additionally trioxin-245 is not a reanimation agent but rather a highly dangerous halluciniganic drug(basically a potent mixture of ecstasy and l.s.d.disolved into a tincture and added to a zima with a jolly rancher)those whack-job, socialist, hippie, zombie-hugging, homos from U.R.A.Z.S. like to drink and get all hopped up on before they bone each other up their gay poopshoots...


Link Posted: 5/21/2010 9:48:45 PM EDT
well even if this guy up there** is wrong. i would think it would take a while for one get out of the grave, and only with older ones i doubt something could get out of a new grave.
but even if they dont come back when it happens, i wouldnt suggest goint to hang out in a grave yard.
Link Posted: 5/22/2010 10:55:28 AM EDT
During the zombie apocalypse, a graveyard will be the absolute safest place you can go.

A hospital, on the other hand, will be the absolute worst possible place.
Link Posted: 5/22/2010 11:34:45 AM EDT
^^ Agreed.

Regardless of what happens, whether it is shamblers or ragers (ragers being the more likely candidate IMHO)
the cemetary should stay quiet......unless someone buries a shambler.  Esay fix tho.
From what you tell us tho, you live close to a cemetary which would seem logical you live on the outskirts or rural area...?
If thats the case, I'd say you are 100% good
Link Posted: 5/22/2010 2:11:02 PM EDT
Cemetary might be nice depending on the headstones, the flat ones will be best, big ones can hide crawlers.
Link Posted: 5/22/2010 6:38:34 PM EDT
Dibs on guns and ammo.

First post is good as always
If they ever really do I think the world is pretty much screwed
You'll just be highter on the list
Link Posted: 5/22/2010 7:07:48 PM EDT


Hospitals are going to be ground zero.

Where do they bring a bite victim?  

That's right.  To the ER....next thing you know it's Doc Bitey and his sidekick Nurse Chewyourdamnfaceoff.

Link Posted: 5/23/2010 9:13:39 AM EDT
I would imagine decomposition would ensure that anyone deceased for more than a couple weeks was incapable of zombification, or just completely useless if they were zombified.  Also, we must take embalming into consideration.  An embalmed corpse isn't going to do much good as a zombie.

Finally, if a traditionally-buried corpse were to reanimate, I would think it would have a hell of a time getting out of the coffin, concrete capsule, and six feet of soil.
Link Posted: 5/23/2010 9:22:19 AM EDT
deceased corpses already commited to the ground can only be renaimated in those shitty "return of the living dead" propaganda films...

b.t.w., those peices of shit were produced and released by our enemies, the U.R.A.Z.S.(pronounced "you're-asses") or Undead Rights Activists and Zombie Sympathisers, as part of their campaign of disinformation in an effort to thwart the varing clans / guilds / companies / bands and squads of zombie hunters. IIRC they did also manage to get someone on the inside and slipped a scene or two into one of the "resident evil" documentaries as well...

the already deceased can not be reanimated... additionally trioxin-245 is not a reanimation agent but rather a highly dangerous halluciniganic drug(basically a potent mixture of ecstasy and l.s.d.disolved into a tincture and added to a zima with a jolly rancher)those whack-job, socialist, hippie, zombie-hugging, homos from U.R.A.Z.S. like to drink and get all hopped up on before they bone each other up their gay poopshoots...


That kicked ass.But seriously, I agree that hospitals are way more of a concern than the local boneyard.
Link Posted: 5/23/2010 8:13:44 PM EDT
it's a virus. viruses don't infect dead things under 6 ft of dirt. and if it was new enough to still have the muscle tissue to move it's probablly locked in a fancy airtight coffin

edit to add: I'm more scared of the 100's of chemical plants surounding my current neighborhood, luckily I hope to be moving to a little more rural area soon, but i still work in said plants
Link Posted: 5/23/2010 10:55:24 PM EDT
During the zombie apocalypse, a graveyard will be the absolute safest place you can go.

A hospital, on the other hand, will be the absolute worst possible place.

Police stations, too, depending on the severity of the bite. Blood gushers straight to the ER....slow burning superficial wounds would make a police report.

Link Posted: 5/24/2010 5:02:03 PM EDT
^^Yep, first time I hear of 'civil unrest' and biting used in the same sentance by HQ, I'm getting the hell outta here
Link Posted: 5/24/2010 6:09:03 PM EDT
If they can't break down a door alone or break out a window, how do you expect the undead to get out of a concrete or steel vault? And the lids on caskets have a seal.
Link Posted: 5/24/2010 7:23:27 PM EDT
If they can't break down a door alone or break out a window, how do you expect the undead to get out of a concrete or steel vault? And the lids on caskets have a seal.

Who says they can't?  Those little buggers are mighty sneaky.....Look at the one running the country, that lying bastard made it all the way to president without anyone catching on!!!  
Link Posted: 5/25/2010 6:22:36 PM EDT
Why wouldn't it happen?  It did in Michael Jackson's "Thriller"...
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 5:42:19 AM EDT
Why wouldn't it happen?  It did in Michael Jackson's "Thriller"...

  But seriusly....It happened in resident evil remember?
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 9:41:35 AM EDT
I doubt anything would be able to get out of the ground once burried, well atleast anything burried under current burial practices.

Anything burried within the last decade or so were first put into a locked and sealed coffin, then the coffin was put inside of a concrete "vault" which has a 6" thick concrete lid. The reasoning behind the vault is the cemetaries would always have to go back and add dirt on top of graves as time progressed and the coffin/body rotted out. Then if you figure they were burried to a depth of 6' thats a minimum of 4 cubic yards of dirt ontop of them at about 2000lbs per yard, give or take a little depending on the moisture content of the ground.
Link Posted: 5/26/2010 3:06:19 PM EDT
Hope you like bein a Z shit the only thing worse would be if a hospital was next door and a police station those would be the 2 worst things to have next door
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 2:59:00 PM EDT
major highway = gridlock

second those zombies hit it they've recruited everyone trapped in traffic; which sounds like a force multiplier to me.

you're fucked, time to move
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 3:06:32 PM EDT
You think that is bad?  I live about 10 miles from Arlington National Cemetery!
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 4:39:28 PM EDT
I dont think for the most part youd have to worry this isnt jason and the argonauts, most of the people in thos e graveyards are bones. so hospital is where its at.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 6:08:41 PM EDT
I don’t know about around you but around heer all corpses are buried in concrete tombs and topped with a concrete slab then covered with six feet of dirt.

So I would say no.

Link Posted: 7/19/2010 7:14:42 PM EDT
I live near Arlington Cemetery.  If they all came back as Zs they could be a pretty formidable Z fighting force.

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