deceased corpses already commited to the ground can only be renaimated in those shitty "return of the living dead" propaganda films...
b.t.w., those peices of shit were produced and released by our enemies, the U.R.A.Z.S.(pronounced "you're-asses") or Undead Rights Activists and Zombie Sympathisers, as part of their campaign of disinformation in an effort to thwart the varing clans / guilds / companies / bands and squads of zombie hunters. IIRC they did also manage to get someone on the inside and slipped a scene or two into one of the "resident evil" documentaries as well...
the already deceased can not be reanimated... additionally trioxin-245 is not a reanimation agent but rather a highly dangerous halluciniganic drug(basically a potent mixture of ecstasy and l.s.d.disolved into a tincture and added to a zima with a jolly rancher)those whack-job, socialist, hippie, zombie-hugging, homos from U.R.A.Z.S. like to drink and get all hopped up on before they bone each other up their gay poopshoots...