Went out last night and showed the rookies how to work the road. I wrote a ticket for an
87 in a 25. True Story
Got home around 0230 or so and had a rifle in my hand, and a Glock 27 in the other. Opened the screen door to my house and I hear some leaves moving from behind the house. I sling the rifle, and draw my Glock 22C. Here comes 2 dogs. 1 being a yellow lab with maybe a bit of Pit in him, and a black mut type dog.
I am in the country so random dogs are usually no big deal, but the yellow lab decided to start growling, and circling me. I bladed at 45, no shit. I caught myself smirking while thinking about all the shit ARFcom would talk if I shot this dog, along with the whole blading shit. Anyways he ended up heading back towards the woods and I didn't cap him. Maybe another day when I feel more threatened.
I know