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Posted: 8/13/2007 5:59:41 PM EDT
Ok guys.  

I am probably going to piss some people off but I feel the need to give a lecture.  There was a thread about a police officer that died from a negligent discharge and some innapropriate comments were made.


I think it is disgraceful that so many made such distasteful remarks about this officer.  I want to say right up front that a negligent discharge and not following the rules of firearms safet IS STUPID.  It is irresponsible.  It is an ignorant lack of respecting firearms.

That doesn't make the comments in that thread appropriate.  The way I understand it, there are a few causes for that type of reaction.  

Number 1 we are all sick and tired of libtard bitching about firearms and firearms accidents.  We all know that you are more likely to drown then die in a gun accident.  We all know that all gun accidents can be avoided if firearms are used properly.  We all know that any tools used improperly, irresponsibly, stupidly, or outside the bounds of safety guidelines (such as automobiles, power tools, knives, an axe, etc.) can and will result in injury.  There is no reason for the hysteria and bias against guns that makes people see them any differently.  That is probably one reason why some gun owners react that way when they hear about a firearm accident, because we know that these types of circumstances only fuel the hysteria.  

Another reason in this case probably has to do with the fact that some libtards and even some LEO's spout the mantra that only cops should have guns.  I think how this would cause the reaction that occured in that thread is self-explanatory.

I get pissed off at some of the asshole laws that we are living under today.  I get pissed at the minority of LEO's who abuse their power or fuck up and no-knock some old lady's house.  I get pissed at a minority of LEO's, and anybody in general, who does not believe in freedom.

None of these things warrant the celebration over an unknown public servent's death, nor does it warrant the type of disgusting insults that I saw in that thread.  I think that a lot of those who posted the reactions they did would feel differently and react differently if they actually thought this through.  Just because you are behind the internet doesn't mean making statements about a tragedy like that isn't an asshole thing to do.

Yes I am glad that the officer was hit and nobody else was.  Yes I know that what happened could have been avoided had the officer not been malfunctioning and doing something stupid.  No that doesn't mean I am going to start posting insults and making jokes about it.

I personally have a bit of perspective on this.  I was disfigured for life last year and lost my eye because I was fucking stupid.  I used to teach firearms safety.  I used to practice all the rules of handling a firearm safely religiously, except one.  I thought I was too damn good and above the whole rule about not handling firearms when alcohol is involved.  I was wrong.  

1.  What was said in that thread was wrong, and I think some retractions would be appropriate.

2.  Bad laws or the occasional dickhead LEO doesn't mean we should celebrate a tragedy that takes the life of someone who, for all we know, was a damn fine police officer.

3.  You guys that think it is ok to handle firearms while drinking are wrong.  I did so for years and never had a problem.  During that time I developed an issue with excessive drinking and I also came into possession of firearms that I was not as familiar with.  My drinking got out of control (think blackouts) and at some point during a night which I have absolutely no recollection of, I managed to send a 7.62 through the side of my head.  You would think at some point during my slow escalation of drinking, and the fact that I had firearms in the house I hadn't trained with, that I would have pulled my head out of my ass and kept the safe shut when drinking.  I didn't and I almost died.

I'm not trying to tell a sob story here.  I don't feel sorry for myself.  I was a fucking idiot.  I am glad and thankful everyday that I wake up.  I thank God everyday that it was me who was injured and not somebody else.  And despite the shame, I tell the story to every gun-person who asks about it to help them appreciate the importance of firearms safety.  I was the type that NEVER pointed a firearm at anyone unless I meant to.  Finger never went into the trigger gaurd unless I was training or shooting and the muzzle was in a safe direction.  Guns were always treated as loaded.  Etc.  But intoxication obviously affects your behavior, awareness, and judgement.

There are plenty of men who will handle firearms their entire life while drinking and never have a problem.  There are also men who you all probably see on a daily basis in the gun store who spend their lives muzzle sweeping people who might never have an accident either.  It doesn't matter.  There is a reason why those ARE THE RULES of firearms safety.

So, now that I am done humiliating myself, I just want you all to know that I think the insults were out of line.  A person who respects and treats firearms the way that they should understands and respects them enough to realize that shit can happen fast, and it can happen permanent, and while a negligent discharge can only be the result of blatant fucking up and improper handling, that sure as hell doesn't mean we should say those kinds of things about somebody we don't even know.

I no longer drink and I no longer allow firearms out of the safe when there is drinking in my house.  I apologize to all the gun-owners who are going to read this for fueling the hysterical stupidity and ignorance about firearms by fucking up.  Based on my experience though, I can tell you that I don't think the remarks made in that thread were appropriate.

I'm spending the evening with my wife so I won't be back to defend myself in this thread.  Insult and flame me all you want, because my negligent discharge was due to my stupidity and irresponsible behavior.  But I am asking that some of you guys redeem arfcom and apologize for the remarks you made in that thread about that officer.

-----rant off----
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:07:51 PM EDT

Since the dead guy isn't offended, I see no reason for any apologies.

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:08:12 PM EDT
The negligent discharge was stupid.  That is a true statement and I'm not saying you should apologize for that.

I'm talking about the shit like "Good Shoot" that was posted in that thread.  WTF.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:09:20 PM EDT

The negligent discharge was stupid.  That is a true statement and I'm not saying you should apologize for that.

I'm talking about the shit like "Good Shoot" that was posted in that thread.  WTF.

Welcome to arfcom GD, leave your thin skin at the door.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:09:25 PM EDT

The negligent discharge was stupid.  That is a true statement and I'm not saying you should apologize for that.

I'm talking about the shit like "Good Shoot" that was posted in that thread.  WTF.

I think he was trying to say that if he was going to be negligent, at least he shot himself and not someone else.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:10:32 PM EDT


The negligent discharge was stupid.  That is a true statement and I'm not saying you should apologize for that.

I'm talking about the shit like "Good Shoot" that was posted in that thread.  WTF.

Welcome to arfcom GD, leave your thin skin at the door.

That'll leave him with no skin!  He'd be royally fooked!
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:11:29 PM EDT
Ya know its not only this. I shake my head in sorrow sometimes about what some people joke about on here. When that little girl got her feet cut off at the amusement park, some cracked jokes. When the kid had his intestines sucked out from the pool pump, some cracked jokes. When a kid died because a sword he had displayed on his wall fell and pierced his torso, some joked around about the Darwin award. I dont care if its GD or not, there should be a set standard of decency on here. People complain about how liberals are ruining our country, and I agree, but I also think the calousness of the people will ruin us just the same.  

ETA, sorry for hijacking the original post
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:11:50 PM EDT


The negligent discharge was stupid.  That is a true statement and I'm not saying you should apologize for that.

I'm talking about the shit like "Good Shoot" that was posted in that thread.  WTF.

Welcome to arfcom GD, leave your thin skin at the door.

I'm not asking for a ban or a lock of someone's account.  I just think some people should man up on their own behalf and not say stupid shit like "Good Shoot" when a police officer dies in a negligent accident.

....oh well I guess not.  Maybe some people will read my post at least and give a second thought to why they think they can follow some of the rules of firearms safety and not all of them (drinking).
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:12:35 PM EDT
This thread will end up locked also because the same people that advocated the "good shoot" line will come here and say it again.  There is a crowd of anti-LE folks here on arfcom that are always on every LE thread stirring the pot.  I'm sure that they had some experience in their past that made them feel that way, but most likely they deserved the attention.  If you gain the attention of the police, you likely deserve it.  

May the officer rest in peace.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:12:35 PM EDT

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:14:10 PM EDT



The negligent discharge was stupid.  That is a true statement and I'm not saying you should apologize for that.

I'm talking about the shit like "Good Shoot" that was posted in that thread.  WTF.

Welcome to arfcom GD, leave your thin skin at the door.

I'm not asking for a ban or a lock of someone's account.  I just think some people should man up on their own behalf and not say stupid shit like "Good Shoot" when a police officer dies in a negligent accident.

....oh well I guess not.  Maybe some people will read my post at least and give a second thought to why they think they can follow some of the rules of firearms safety and not all of them (drinking).

If it had been a non leo, it would have been a darwin award, gene pool cleansing, etc. Good shoot is often used in any leo thread wether they shot a BG, dog or themselves.

He just happened to be a cop and for some reason many folks think they shoul;d know more about weapons and safety, go figure.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:16:12 PM EDT

This thread will end up locked also because the same people that advocated the "good shoot" line will come here and say it again.  There is a crowd of anti-LE folks here on arfcom that are always on every LE thread stirring the pot.  I'm sure that they had some experience in their past that made them feel that way, but most likely they deserved the attention.  If you gain the attention of the police, you likely deserve it.  

May the officer rest in peace.

This is his clarification for the "good shoot"comment

That's the only reason I said "Good Shoot". The irresponsible individual (worded so as not to seem disrespectful) may well have harmed somebody else. Where's the justice in that?

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:17:16 PM EDT

He just happened to be a cop and for some reason many folks think they shoul;d know more about weapons and safety, go figure.

They should since it's their job(i'm assuming you are comparing them to an average person).  Granted anyone that owns a firearm should know the basic rules like the back of their hand and use them.  A cop actively trains with firearms.  The average person, at best, breaks out the 30-30 once or twice a year to site it in for hunting.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:21:06 PM EDT
Cop or no Cop it was a tragedy, Anybody who thinks otherwise is a complete IDIOT...Just because a person is a Cop does not make them a firearm expert...If you are a secretary does not make you a computer expert. I have been a LEO for 10 years and know for sure most of you know more about firearms than i do but that does not make me a complete moron. Some of you guy's( all kidding aside )need to grow up...This guy even though a Cop was a kid and was killed before he even got to experience life....WE ARE ALL PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU. And as i have said in the past i am sorry some of you guy's have had bad experiences with Law Enforcement, I can assure you we are not all like that and the majority of the LEO's that post on this board are great guy's and have your same interests in mind. Flame Away
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:22:13 PM EDT
If everybody apologized for all the ignorant shit that gets posted in GD y'all would be looking at all of page 1 and part of page 2 nothing but "mea culpas" and "hail marys"

I say if it is a CoC violation (and I didn't read the thread so it/they may have been) it will be handled, otherwise it is opinion and everybody has them, even the assholes.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:23:15 PM EDT

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Every time I see that I laugh.

Because it's true.

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:25:16 PM EDT
All I say is people should think before they open their mouths.  LEOs, citizens, and f*cktard liberals included.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:31:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:33:31 PM EDT

Somewhere, Lee Paige is feeling a little lonely, now that hes the only other person in the world, that he knows of, professional enough to handle a firearm.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:38:13 PM EDT

So, now that I am done humiliating myself,...

You didn't, man.

My best wishes to you.

...I just want you all to know that I think the insults were out of line.

I most certainly agree - to the point some of the posts lately have embarrassed me, considering this is a public Board.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:38:31 PM EDT

This thread will end up locked also because the same people that advocated the "good shoot" line will come here and say it again.  There is a crowd of anti-LE folks here on arfcom that are always on every LE thread stirring the pot.  I'm sure that they had some experience in their past that made them feel that way, but most likely they deserved the attention.  If you gain the attention of the police, you likely deserve it.  

May the officer rest in peace.

Bullshit about the attention point.  Guess what, in my screwed up state, OWING GUNS gets the attention of the police, but hey, I guess we deserve that attention according to you.

"May the officer rest in peace"?  He may very well have been an outstanding person and I really feel for his family (in fact, I know someone who did the exact same thing as he did at a party) but would you be saying that if this was some trashman who blew his head off?  How about some random salesperson?  Or does him being a cop somehow make him more important?

That being said, I'd never joke about him stupidly killing himself just like I wouldn't joke about that rich chick who crashed her car and was decapitated.  A whole lot of people thought that one was joke worthy.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:41:23 PM EDT
"If you gain the attention of the police, you likely deserve it. "

boy could I ramble on about that comment.  But since my township cops make $11 hr I guess we get what we pay for.  

I am just glad this fine officer didn't take somebody else out with his....  what bad shot??
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:45:36 PM EDT
Had anyone here done that or any non LE type it would have been the same except we are tired of hearing about all the training they supposedly have and doing this stuff, and everyone buying their BS about how it magically went off, yet when a non LE does it everyone jumps on them especially the MSM

This thread will end up locked also because the same people that advocated the "good shoot" line will come here and say it again. There is a crowd of anti-LE folks here on arfcom that are always on every LE thread stirring the pot. I'm sure that they had some experience in their past that made them feel that way, but most likely they deserved the attention. If you gain the attention of the police, you likely deserve it.

May the officer rest in peace.

Yeah Im sure it has NOTHING to do with No knocks going bad or being wrong or people being harrased for having guns or cops looking for thing to cite you when they find out they are wrong(like the NH video) or the fact thats everyone assumes because they have a badge they can do no wrong or or or
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:50:16 PM EDT
Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:52:53 PM EDT



The negligent discharge was stupid.  That is a true statement and I'm not saying you should apologize for that.

I'm talking about the shit like "Good Shoot" that was posted in that thread.  WTF.

Welcome to arfcom GD, leave your thin skin at the door.

I'm not asking for a ban or a lock of someone's account.  I just think some people should man up on their own behalf and not say stupid shit like "Good Shoot" when a police officer dies in a negligent accident.

....oh well I guess not.  Maybe some people will read my post at least and give a second thought to why they think they can follow some of the rules of firearms safety and not all of them (drinking).

I argee with you that we as a gruoup should not take joy in the mans death. Its terrible that he died.

I would disargee with you that it is the minority of LEOs who abuse ones rights and doesnt not believe in freedom. It is the majority although there are many different degrees of JBT behavior and abuse.

That said it doesn't make it right to gloat in this. For all we know, he could have been a freedom loving patriot like most of you claim to be.

May he rest in peace
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:53:22 PM EDT

Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....

And I doubt it would be locked either. Seems certain mods here dont like ANYTHING negative being said about LE, had it been Joe sixpack it would still be an active thread regardless of the comments
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:54:12 PM EDT
Hell will have frozen over, if any apology is posted.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:55:05 PM EDT


This thread will end up locked also because the same people that advocated the "good shoot" line will come here and say it again.  There is a crowd of anti-LE folks here on arfcom that are always on every LE thread stirring the pot.  I'm sure that they had some experience in their past that made them feel that way, but most likely they deserved the attention.  If you gain the attention of the police, you likely deserve it.  

May the officer rest in peace.

Bullshit about the attention point.  Guess what, in my screwed up state, OWING GUNS gets the attention of the police, but hey, I guess we deserve that attention according to you.

"May the officer rest in peace"?  He may very well have been an outstanding person and I really feel for his family (in fact, I know someone who did the exact same thing as he did at a party) but would you be saying that if this was some trashman who blew his head off?  How about some random salesperson?  Or does him being a cop somehow make him more important?

That being said, I'd never joke about him stupidly killing himself just like I wouldn't joke about that rich chick who crashed her car and was decapitated.  A whole lot of people thought that one was joke worthy.

Yes I would say the same about resting in peace regardless of his walk of life.

Being a cop doesn't make him better of any of us.

I argee with you, that getting attention from the cops is not always your fault or something you deserve. Theres a lot of asshole cops out there, whether he was one or not is not the point though. No good reason to gloat in his death.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:57:37 PM EDT


Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....

And I doubt it would be locked either. Seems certain mods here dont like ANYTHING negative being said about LE, had it been Joe sixpack it would still be an active thread regardless of the comments

It's because we took a couple of mods and taught them the secret 'us v them' handshake.  I'll take your and raise it .
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:00:32 PM EDT



Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....

And I doubt it would be locked either. Seems certain mods here dont like ANYTHING negative being said about LE, had it been Joe sixpack it would still be an active thread regardless of the comments

It's because we took a couple of mods and taught them the secret 'us v them' handshake.  I'll take your and raise it .

I get threats from when I say something that is within the CoC that someone doesnt like
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:03:40 PM EDT




Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....

And I doubt it would be locked either. Seems certain mods here dont like ANYTHING negative being said about LE, had it been Joe sixpack it would still be an active thread regardless of the comments

It's because we took a couple of mods and taught them the secret 'us v them' handshake.  I'll take your and raise it .

I get threats from when I say something that is within the CoC that someone doesnt like

I guess that it depends on who interprets what is within the CoC.  Maybe it's because you aren't conforming to the rules.  After all if you are a nonconformist maybe your perception is off.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:03:54 PM EDT
You just have to realize many enjoy dancing in the blood of an LEO.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:05:27 PM EDT

You just have to realize many enjoy dancing in the blood of an LEO.

When they are in their mom's basement posting anonymously on the intraweb......
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:07:24 PM EDT





Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....

And I doubt it would be locked either. Seems certain mods here dont like ANYTHING negative being said about LE, had it been Joe sixpack it would still be an active thread regardless of the comments

It's because we took a couple of mods and taught them the secret 'us v them' handshake.  I'll take your and raise it .

I get threats from when I say something that is within the CoC that someone doesnt like

I guess that it depends on who interprets what is within the CoC.  Maybe it's because you aren't conforming to the rules.  After all if you are a nonconformist maybe your perception is off.

If I violated the CoC I wouldnt be here, thats the rules. i am, so it has all been within the CoC yet I still get IMs when someone isnt happy with my point. i did got locked for merely +1 oneing someone once though
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:07:46 PM EDT

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

What the guy did for a living is irrelevant. It IS tragic, in that a moments' stupidity cost him, his family, and his friends, the rest of his life. I'm not calling the guy a dumbass, or anything at all like that. He simply (due to some level of intoxication, I imagine) didn't think.

Overconfidence + underestimating the possible consequence = bad outcome a lot of the time.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:08:06 PM EDT
You just have to realize many enjoy dancing in the blood of an LEO.

wow  hows that for saying "sorry"  
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:08:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:12:10 PM EDT






Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....

And I doubt it would be locked either. Seems certain mods here dont like ANYTHING negative being said about LE, had it been Joe sixpack it would still be an active thread regardless of the comments

It's because we took a couple of mods and taught them the secret 'us v them' handshake.  I'll take your and raise it .

I get threats from when I say something that is within the CoC that someone doesnt like

I guess that it depends on who interprets what is within the CoC.  Maybe it's because you aren't conforming to the rules.  After all if you are a nonconformist maybe your perception is off.

If I violated the CoC I wouldnt be here, thats the rules. i am, so it has all been within the CoC yet I still get IMs when someone isnt happy with my point. i did got locked for merely +1 oneing someone once though

It could be a vast conspiracy against those who choose to think outside of the box on ARFCOM, who knows?  Comunist, right wing, CIA, ATF, FBI, Al Queda, DU, Thin Blue Line, I just don't know because there are so many.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:12:54 PM EDT
I don't believe I said anything that could be remotely considered to be offensive. It was a foolish thing to do and unfortunately the man paid for it with his life. Sad. And hopefully a lesson to others.

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:13:58 PM EDT
Who cares?
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:14:36 PM EDT







Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....

And I doubt it would be locked either. Seems certain mods here dont like ANYTHING negative being said about LE, had it been Joe sixpack it would still be an active thread regardless of the comments

It's because we took a couple of mods and taught them the secret 'us v them' handshake.  I'll take your and raise it .

I get threats from when I say something that is within the CoC that someone doesnt like

I guess that it depends on who interprets what is within the CoC.  Maybe it's because you aren't conforming to the rules.  After all if you are a nonconformist maybe your perception is off.

If I violated the CoC I wouldnt be here, thats the rules. i am, so it has all been within the CoC yet I still get IMs when someone isnt happy with my point. i did got locked for merely +1 oneing someone once though

It could be a vast conspiracy against those who choose to think outside of the box on ARFCOM, who knows?  Comunist, right wing, CIA, ATF, FBI, Al Queda, DU, Thin Blue Line, I just don't know because there are so many.

If thats what you think thats your business, I just know from ACTUAL experience what happend to ME
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:14:42 PM EDT

You just have to realize many enjoy dancing in the blood of an LEO.

You have to realize some LEOs seemed to enjoy dancing in the blood of a 92 y/o lady back in November.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:15:44 PM EDT
You just have to realize many enjoy dancing in the blood of an LEO.

When they are in their mom's basement posting anonymously on the intraweb......

no not true......... the  local cops where I live are well informed  I  know they are egotistical power hungry men with little wee wees.   They realize I am not impressed or intimated by there b.s.  
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:18:59 PM EDT








Come on!  You know that any compassion in GD is absolutely forbidden and of a LEO...that's two strikes before anything is even posted.  For a group of people that drone on about how LEOs create an 'us v. them' mentality they sure don't look in the mirror very often.  If a group of LEOs started a thread about how someone shot themselves accidentally and died and then went on to say the things that were said in that thread about the dead person, I can imagine the responses....

And I doubt it would be locked either. Seems certain mods here dont like ANYTHING negative being said about LE, had it been Joe sixpack it would still be an active thread regardless of the comments

It's because we took a couple of mods and taught them the secret 'us v them' handshake.  I'll take your and raise it .

I get threats from when I say something that is within the CoC that someone doesnt like

I guess that it depends on who interprets what is within the CoC.  Maybe it's because you aren't conforming to the rules.  After all if you are a nonconformist maybe your perception is off.

If I violated the CoC I wouldnt be here, thats the rules. i am, so it has all been within the CoC yet I still get IMs when someone isnt happy with my point. i did got locked for merely +1 oneing someone once though

It could be a vast conspiracy against those who choose to think outside of the box on ARFCOM, who knows?  Comunist, right wing, CIA, ATF, FBI, Al Queda, DU, Thin Blue Line, I just don't know because there are so many.

If thats what you think thats your business, I just know from ACTUAL experience thats the case

You have to look deeper.  Obviously someone is the puppeteer pulling the strings of the mods to make them work against you.  From your initial response you suggest that there is some unwritten, even secret, alliance between the mods/staff and LEOs and your posts are scrutinized more strongly than others, so a conspiracy must exist.  But who? How?
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:20:17 PM EDT
Tough shit.  He was an idiot doing stupid things with a firearm.  I neither celebrate nor mourn his passing; I am simply thankful that the only one who paid for his foolishness was him.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:51:11 PM EDT
sorry you seemed to sensitive for the word "penis"   Plus wee wee seems much more appropriate.  And you make me laugh at the fact you think I would try impress you with anything.  I think you are funnyhatever

o.k  o.k.    that was almost funny.   I tried a bunch of screen names and just gave up.  Pretty clever, you are a wiz kid arnt you. Well this was kind of fun,  but if I wanted to keep entertaining myself with this stuff, I much rather go find one of are brave local cops.  That way at least I can watch them drool on themselves while they try really hard not to do something stupid...................  like shoot themselves.   You know like the clown that started this.

Night Night    
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 7:59:53 PM EDT



sorry you seemed to sensitive for the word "penis"   Plus wee wee seems much more appropriate.  And you make me laugh at the fact you think I would try impress you with anything.  I think you are funny

Whatever floats your boat.  I have to ask because I have been wondering and since you are way beyond any of my "b.s.", your screen name "ninetenn11", were you trying to say nineteen11 like the pistol and just mispelled it or were you trying to show us that you could count nine-ten-11 and put an extra 'n' on ten?

o.k  o.k.    that was almost funny.   I tried a bunch of screen names and just gave up.  Pretty clever, you are a wiz kid arnt you. Well this was kind of fun,  but if I wanted to keep entertaining myself with this stuff, I much rather go find one of are brave local cops.  That way at least I can watch them drool on themselves while they try really hard not to do something stupid...................  like shoot themselves.   You know like the clown that started this.

Night Night    

Somebody is up past their bedtime.  Night Night junior.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 8:01:35 PM EDT


o.k,  o.k.    That was almost funny.   I tried a bunch of screen names and just gave up.  Pretty clever, you are a whiz kid aren't you. Well this was kind of fun,  but if I wanted to keep entertaining myself with this stuff I would much rather go find one of our brave local cops.  That way at least I can watch them drool on themselves while they try really hard not to do something stupid...................  like shoot themselves.   You know like the clown that started this.

Night, Night    

A real product of public education there. I didn't bother to correct most of the punctuation, sentence fragments and spacing. I'm bored but lazy.

Feel free to add further corrections.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 8:27:43 PM EDT
(sound of ships bell ringing)  'thin blue line....arriving.'

relax, txlawdog, you're losing your cool.  eta: you too, EternalVigilance.  you went thru a bad time.  take it easy and don't let (either  both of you two) anyone get your goat.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 8:33:26 PM EDT
The leo haters are just as bad as the apologists.

On this board I've seen LEO's support complete outrageous infringements upon liberty and right and wrong.  I've also seen cop-haters celebrate some random unknown officer's death.

why are there so few people who can take off the damn blinders and try to see things objectively?  What's right is more important then being right.  There is no such thing as us vs. them.  We are all American's.  Our interests are the same.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 8:42:37 PM EDT

The leo haters are just as bad as the apologists.

On this board I've seen LEO's support complete outrageous infringements upon liberty and right and wrong.  I've also seen cop-haters celebrate some random unknown officer's death.

why are there so few people who can take off the damn blinders and try to see things objectively?  What's right is more important then being right.  There is no such thing as us vs. them.  We are all American's.  Our interests are the same.

yeah, unfortunately the subject at hand transcends normal decency and compassion.  IOW, some use it (probably as we all have) to air discontent.
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