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Posted: 12/30/2006 3:31:02 PM EDT
You say sources on the internet are tinfoil sites...
You claim "the media" is nothing but lies, lies, lies...

One person can only be in one place at a time.

How do you find out what happend where you weren't some place, at some time?
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:33:41 PM EDT

You say sources on the internet are tinfoil sites...
You claim "the media" is nothing but lies, lies, lies...

One person can only be in one place at a time.

How do you find out what happend where you weren't some place, at some time?

Get news stories from a wide variety of sources and piece together what is going on.

- BG
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:35:46 PM EDT


You say sources on the internet are tinfoil sites...
You claim "the media" is nothing but lies, lies, lies...

One person can only be in one place at a time.

How do you find out what happend where you weren't some place, at some time?

Get news stories from a wide variety of sources and piece together what is going on.

- BG

That's a great strategy, and I do that myself.

But can you elaborate on what sources you might, personally use?  I cannot find any that are ARFCOM Über Konservative approved.  
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:38:49 PM EDT
I make it up
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:39:55 PM EDT

I make it up

That and a newsletter from the vast conservative conspiracy.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:41:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:43:23 PM EDT
I get a classified memo from Area-51 every morning.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:43:25 PM EDT
God tells me.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:49:57 PM EDT
WWCR (shortwave radio station out of Nashville), and several conservative blogs which cover current events.  Here's one of my favorites: Vox Popoli  Although this one is pretty much a single-issue website, vdare.com is also quite good.  There are quite a few others.

Like every other media outlet, you still have to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:56:08 PM EDT
For news, mostly linked from Drudge, but I'll go all over the internet to look for stuff.  Otherwise I refer to dreaded books (the kind you have to touch and crack open) and this usually means I can't win intraweb arguments.  You should see what happens when I have to refer to books not written in English, haha.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:58:05 PM EDT
What fucking difference does it make?  You will never be satisfied.  For every site you can cite, someone will call the author a crackpot, and every story from conservative sites is suspect to you because they are all "in on the Bushian conspiracy".

Its like high school debate team all over again.  "My evidence card is better than your evidence card, so my argument is superior".

Screw it.  I listen to arguments and look for the author to reveal their true angle.  Its almost too easy with most mainstream media; they are clearly anti-american because the american in charge is a repuplican.  Most everything on DU, KOS, etc, is crap.  Much of what is on ARFCOM is crap (talking politics in GD, not tech forums, obviously), just from the other side, and if it's not crap it is so wrapped in partisan cliches that it fails to be useful as argument outside of a gun board.  Most left news sources and websites quickly reveal their bias, and can be discarded out of hand.  Its also interesting to note who they attack.  Any author that attacks LGF as being "anti-islam" clearly is a ROP wanker, trying to throw noise into the air to draw attention from the lunacy that Charles points out with such aclarity.  Generally, but not always, conservative sites I frequent limit themselves to stating the facts, and drawing conclulsions, and rarely resort to personal attacks or conspiracy arguments.  If I find them indulging in this, I mentally drop them from my "scan".

Everyone has their own private weblist of places they visit everyday, or several times a week.  A good place to start is Instapundit's sidebar.  It hasn't been updated in a while, but Mr. Puppyblender generally tries to keep a even tone to his posts, and a good mix of liberal and conservative links to folks who present arguments, not invective.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:00:39 PM EDT

What fucking difference does it make?  You will never be satisfied.  For every site you can cite, someone will call the author a crackpot, and every story from conservative sites is suspect to you because they are all "in on the Bushian conspiracy".

Its like high school debate team all over again.  "My evidence card is better than your evidence card, so my argument is superior".

Screw it.  I listen to arguments and look for the author to reveal their true angle.  Its almost too easy with most mainstream media; they are clearly anti-american because the american in charge is a repuplican.  Most everything on DU, KOS, etc, is crap.  Much of what is on ARFCOM is crap (talking politics in GD, not tech forums, obviously), just from the other side, and if it's not crap it is so wrapped in partisan cliches that it fails to be useful as argument outside of a gun board.  Most left news sources and websites quickly reveal their bias, and can be discarded out of hand.  Its also interesting to note who they attack.  Any author that attacks LGF as being "anti-islam" clearly is a ROP wanker, trying to throw noise into the air to draw attention from the lunacy that Charles points out with such aclarity.  Generally, but not always, conservative sites I frequent limit themselves to stating the facts, and drawing conclulsions, and rarely resort to personal attacks or conspiracy arguments.  If I find them indulging in this, I mentally drop them from my "scan".

Everyone has their own private weblist of places they visit everyday, or several times a week.  A good place to start is Instapundit's sidebar.  It hasn't been updated in a while, but Mr. Puppyblender generally tries to keep a even tone to his posts, and a good mix of liberal and conservative links to folks who present arguments, not invective.

Yeah, wrong thread.

I am simply asking for information outlets that "you" consider reputable and worth of your attention.  Thank you.  
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:00:52 PM EDT




Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:01:00 PM EDT


Not a bad quick list.  All of these are linked from the last one, and likely from each other, and generally present facts and arguments, with limited screaming (well, Drudge is just the People Magazine of the internet, and Hewitt can get, um, carried away...)
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:04:16 PM EDT



Not a bad quick list.  All of these are linked from the last one, and likely from each other, and generally present facts and arguments, with limited screaming (well, Drudge is just the People Magazine of the internet, and Hewitt can get, um, carried away...)

But they are ALL internet sources.  Internet sources have been debunked by the hive mind.  Surely there are more places to get reputable, accurate information than the internet.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:07:42 PM EDT
What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:09:56 PM EDT



You say sources on the internet are tinfoil sites...
You claim "the media" is nothing but lies, lies, lies...

One person can only be in one place at a time.

How do you find out what happend where you weren't some place, at some time?

Get news stories from a wide variety of sources and piece together what is going on.

- BG

That's a great strategy, and I do that myself.
But can you elaborate on what sources you might, personally use?  I cannot find any that are ARFCOM Über Konservative approved.  

Ok, daily read of the Wall Street Journal (although their immigration stance just pisses me off.   But this is a first line source, can't be argued with.  They have some amazing stories some days.

SurvivalBlog.com always leads to some interesting places.  (some of it is just bizzare though, you have to check)
GlobalGuerrillas.com   Fantastic site by a pentagon consultant.
MSN money, TheStreet.com, CBS marketwatch.com, all for monetary stuff daily.
ClaireWolfe's blog, always has some interesting links.
the local news around here and the local paper.
Mish's global economic analysis.

Lots of different forums, which always lead to stuff.
arfcom, THR, RWVA.org, co-ar15.com
It's not a matter of first sites, it's about being led someplace and that becoming a favorite.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:09:57 PM EDT

What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.

no no man, hes just simply asking for our sources
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:10:36 PM EDT

What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.

Not at all.  After being repeatedly told every point or counterpoint I offer is wrong, I want to know where the most conservative of our friends frequently get their information, so that I may be able to set myself right, and understand the true nature of things.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:11:58 PM EDT

every point or counterpoint I offer is wrong
One of the 1st things you have posted that has made sense in awhile..
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:13:45 PM EDT


What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.

no no man, hes just simply asking for our sources

Yes, I am.  Is it wrong in any way?
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:14:27 PM EDT
Forgot to add: www.hotair.com
The new home of Allah, if you know who he is.

Also, www.realclearpolitics.com
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:15:05 PM EDT

Yeah, wrong thread.

I am simply asking for information outlets that "you" consider reputable and worth of your attention.  Thank you.  

But thanks for quoting my post in its entirety!

Raven's list, as noted, is a good starting point.  

I will usually start with Drudge just to make sure a nuke hasn't popped off somewhere, then move to Instapundit, Strategypage, Defensetech, LGF, Lileks and DaybyDay (for entertainment), Hewitt (maybe), Cox&Forkum (entertainment again), Michelle Malkin, and others.

Used to be Kim du Toit had a good site, but don't visit his new place much anymore.  And sadly, what I considered to be the best site on the internet, hands down, has gone silent due to illness:  USS Clueless by Steven Den Beste.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:22:25 PM EDT

What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.

...from nationwide, the closet liberal.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:22:46 PM EDT


What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.

Not at all.  After being repeatedly told every point or counterpoint I offer is wrong, I want to know where the most conservative of our friends frequently get their information, so that I may be able to set myself right, and understand the true nature of things.

Try to separate, in your broad brush approach, those who will malign you and your sources, from those among us who simply have different OPINIONS from you.  

And while you dismissed my point about high school debate evidence, I stand by my premise:  you can never fully vouch for or dismiss a source quoted via website.  There is simply not enough time to go through a long article point by point and redline specific sentences as lies, half truths, or misdirections.  And if you do, you will find that no one will read it...or respond intelligently.

Unless there is some completely different class of debate that ocurrs on GD in the wee hours of the morning eastern time.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 4:28:43 PM EDT


What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.

...from nationwide, the closet liberal.

You clearly don't know shit.  
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:35:13 PM EDT



What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.

...from nationwide, the closet liberal.

You clearly don't know shit.  

Didn't you declare yourself a liberal not too long ago in the team forum?

Or are we going back to the great revolutionary nationwide again?
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:47:47 PM EDT




What a surprise, another conservative bashing thread.

...from nationwide, the closet liberal.

You clearly don't know shit.  

Didn't you declare yourself a liberal not too long ago in the team forum?

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 6:48:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:00:57 PM EDT
I often get information from the major networks, and major print media. I just use something that no liberal has to cut through all the bullshit, common sense.
Often, the media wants me to think a certain way about a subject, but my BS detector goes on alert and I realize that they are lying about the story and trying to deceive me. They will even show contradictory information in the same story and not understand the implications. Sometimes there will be an angle to a story that I will not get, and the internet and talk radio can enlighten me to different aspects of the situation. Usually, I already understand the situation and can tell when they are lying automatically.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:08:52 PM EDT

God tells me.

me too...bra
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:10:09 PM EDT

I just use something that no liberal has to cut through all the bullshit, common sense.

Please distribute the excess.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:19:25 PM EDT
I can get my news from any valid news source. Even if it's a leftist news source like CNN, I can still get my hands on the raw, basic info. From there, I take the info and put it all together to draw my own conclusions. That is the key. If everyone used this method, it wouldn't matter if news sources were biased one way or another. But that is why biased news media IS a problem, because so many people can't seem to think for themselves so they swallow hook, line and sinker any story they see on tv, hear on radio or read in some paper. And many never even question it. They let the media think for them.

I guess the reality of the situation is that it's not the media that's the the real problem in America (though much of it definately sux). But the real problem is the fairly large segment of our population who is brain dead and unable to think for themselves.

So to answer your question, I get my news from a wide variety of sources. Some sources are liberal media. Some more conservative. And some are realatively unbiased. But I ignore any attemps of the news media to make me "feel" anything in relation to their stories, either one way or another. I just collect the raw data and analyze things for myself. Then I allow my superbly capable conservative brain to decipher reality from the mass of bullshit it's wrapped in.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:38:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 8:14:31 PM EDT
misunderstood the ?
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