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Posted: 4/21/2014 2:59:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2014 4:08:51 PM EDT
Have you ever seen a leftie accept scientific evidence for anything?
Link Posted: 4/21/2014 4:24:10 PM EDT
Big Bang = real
Evolution = real
Genetics = real

Global Warming in and of itself = real
not happening as fast as models predict
no proof it is due to man made causes
no proof it will actually continue since models are wrong
no proof it will eventually be harmful

Link Posted: 4/21/2014 5:39:43 PM EDT
Willful ignorance ... is that the correct term?
Link Posted: 4/22/2014 9:09:08 AM EDT
A visit to GD will destroy all hope for a scientific right wing... Sorry, we're worse.
Link Posted: 4/22/2014 9:58:23 AM EDT
I think the fundamental issue is that people choose to form opinions on topics they don't fully grasp and then assign their bias (willfully or not).  This is not particular to one set of people, and all people are guilty of it to an extent.
Link Posted: 4/22/2014 7:13:03 PM EDT

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Big Bang = real

Evolution = real

Genetics = real

Global Warming in and of itself = real


not happening as fast as models predict

no proof it is due to man made causes

no proof it will actually continue since models are wrong

no proof it will eventually be harmful

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Want good peer reviewed scientific literature that has a lesser likelihood of being the mouthpiece of a lobby or big gas? Nature always comes through.
Link Posted: 5/3/2014 12:22:45 PM EDT
I dont believe religion should be used as an excuse to not be scientific. You can be both.
Link Posted: 5/3/2014 12:30:21 PM EDT
You do know a Catholic Priest Monsignor Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître was the first to propose the theory.

Link Posted: 5/3/2014 12:40:59 PM EDT
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You do know a Catholic Priest Monsignor Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître was the first to propose the theory.

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Didn't he get burned at the stake and excommunicated?
Link Posted: 5/3/2014 4:37:03 PM EDT
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Didn't he get burned at the stake and excommunicated?
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You do know a Catholic Priest Monsignor Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître was the first to propose the theory.

Didn't he get burned at the stake and excommunicated?

No, he died in 1966
Georges Henri

Link Posted: 5/10/2014 9:07:18 PM EDT
"Global Warming in and of itself = real "

Or maybe not in the past 15 to 17 years.

And the big argument is over anthropometric (man caused) warming.

What temperature is the earth supposed to be at?
We know it has varied a very large amount over long periods.
Ice age anyone?
Link Posted: 5/11/2014 4:12:34 AM EDT
The Vatican operates its own Observatory.
Link Posted: 7/10/2014 11:51:16 PM EDT
They're conveniently hesitant to assign biological bases to human behavior. Why do males and females act differently? The neurological differences? The significant hormonal differences? Nope. It's the institutionalized sexism.
Link Posted: 7/11/2014 12:13:51 AM EDT
Jews and Catholics see their Creation stories as allegorical; this whole bible literalism seems like such a backwards idea.
Link Posted: 7/11/2014 12:15:42 AM EDT
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They're conveniently hesitant to assign biological bases to human behavior. Why do males and females act differently? The neurological differences? The significant hormonal differences? Nope. It's the institutionalized sexism.
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"Sex" is a social construct like pants, shitlord.
Link Posted: 7/23/2014 4:13:50 PM EDT
I like this line from one of the "Oh God" movies with George Burns as God.  "There's the known and the unknown, and what you don't know, I know."   The answer is in front of us but it calls for a leap of faith and for those that want black and white answers to everything they will never get it.
Link Posted: 8/12/2014 5:49:51 PM EDT
Willful ignorance ... is that the correct term?
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It may also be a study that failed to measure the data used as a conclusion by those who support it.

Rather than quizzing scientific knowledge, the survey asked people to rate their confidence in several statements about science and medicine.
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This is a dangerous game. My confidence in global warming is zero because of all the bullshit I've seen that tries to support it. Global warming will make create deserts. Global warming will create too much rain. Global warming will make the winters warmer. Global warming will make the winters colder. We have thermal measurements going back to 1860 (which are completely worthless until the middle 1950s.)

The big bang is a very strong theory, but it has a serious problem in inflation. The age of the Earth is an inference. The data support it, but no one has found a direct test to prove it.

I wonder what the survey actually asked and how they measured the answers. They didn't provide a link, so I don't know.

Those of you who hypothesize that I'm too lazy to do a web search for the original survey may express a high degree of confidence in your theory.
Link Posted: 8/13/2014 1:09:12 PM EDT
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It may also be a study that failed to measure the data used as a conclusion by those who support it.

This is a dangerous game. My confidence in global warming is zero because of all the bullshit I've seen that tries to support it. Global warming will make create deserts. Global warming will create too much rain. Global warming will make the winters warmer. Global warming will make the winters colder. We have thermal measurements going back to 1860 (which are completely worthless until the middle 1950s.)

The big bang is a very strong theory, but it has a serious problem in inflation. The age of the Earth is an inference. The data support it, but no one has found a direct test to prove it.

I wonder what the survey actually asked and how they measured the answers. They didn't provide a link, so I don't know.

Those of you who hypothesize that I'm too lazy to do a web search for the original survey may express a high degree of confidence in your theory.
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Willful ignorance ... is that the correct term?


It may also be a study that failed to measure the data used as a conclusion by those who support it.

Rather than quizzing scientific knowledge, the survey asked people to rate their confidence in several statements about science and medicine.

This is a dangerous game. My confidence in global warming is zero because of all the bullshit I've seen that tries to support it. Global warming will make create deserts. Global warming will create too much rain. Global warming will make the winters warmer. Global warming will make the winters colder. We have thermal measurements going back to 1860 (which are completely worthless until the middle 1950s.)

The big bang is a very strong theory, but it has a serious problem in inflation. The age of the Earth is an inference. The data support it, but no one has found a direct test to prove it.

I wonder what the survey actually asked and how they measured the answers. They didn't provide a link, so I don't know.

Those of you who hypothesize that I'm too lazy to do a web search for the original survey may express a high degree of confidence in your theory.

My confidence is seriously diminished when the science is trying sell me something or ban something or affect the way I live.

Big Bang and Evolution are not trying to pick my pocket other than some grants for academics that study such things. So I am far less skeptical when somebody tells me that all this shit exploded out of no shit.

"Science" that supports global warming, GMO's and pharmaceuticals or any other thing that will make its proponents rich needs a lot deeper investigation in my opinion.

Link Posted: 8/14/2014 4:04:19 PM EDT

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My confidence is seriously diminished when the science is trying sell me something or ban something or affect the way I live.

Big Bang and Evolution are not trying to pick my pocket other than some grants for academics that study such things. So I am far less skeptical when somebody tells me that all this shit exploded out of no shit.

"Science" that supports global warming, GMO's and pharmaceuticals or any other thing that will make its proponents rich needs a lot deeper investigation in my opinion.

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Willful ignorance ... is that the correct term?


It may also be a study that failed to measure the data used as a conclusion by those who support it.

Rather than quizzing scientific knowledge, the survey asked people to rate their confidence in several statements about science and medicine.

This is a dangerous game. My confidence in global warming is zero because of all the bullshit I've seen that tries to support it. Global warming will make create deserts. Global warming will create too much rain. Global warming will make the winters warmer. Global warming will make the winters colder. We have thermal measurements going back to 1860 (which are completely worthless until the middle 1950s.)

The big bang is a very strong theory, but it has a serious problem in inflation. The age of the Earth is an inference. The data support it, but no one has found a direct test to prove it.

I wonder what the survey actually asked and how they measured the answers. They didn't provide a link, so I don't know.

Those of you who hypothesize that I'm too lazy to do a web search for the original survey may express a high degree of confidence in your theory.

My confidence is seriously diminished when the science is trying sell me something or ban something or affect the way I live.

Big Bang and Evolution are not trying to pick my pocket other than some grants for academics that study such things. So I am far less skeptical when somebody tells me that all this shit exploded out of no shit.

"Science" that supports global warming, GMO's and pharmaceuticals or any other thing that will make its proponents rich needs a lot deeper investigation in my opinion.

Do you have less issue when religion tries to sell or ban something?
Link Posted: 8/14/2014 4:06:50 PM EDT
Also as far as anthropogenic climate change goes, you realize most of the research supporting the theory is coming from academics funded by NSF/DoE/etc, whereas the groups refuting the research gets much of their funding from the likes of Shell, Excelon, etc.? The differences in conflict of interest couldn't be greater...
Link Posted: 8/21/2014 3:26:11 PM EDT
its simple really. The need for religion drops with education. Most people believe in god because of the "Gap God" syndrome. if they can't explain it or havent found an explanation of it, then it must be god. Neil DeGrasse Tyson wrote a book on it "Perimeter of ignorance" and yes even our beloved Issac Newton fell pray to this beleif.
Link Posted: 8/21/2014 8:19:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2014 9:11:07 PM EDT

Most Americans (earthlings) are incredibly ignorant of current fact. Some more so than others.

I love it when a fact kills someone that is a true believer. It is savory, a delicacy beyond imagination.

Especially those whom believe they are special.
Link Posted: 8/26/2014 11:41:54 AM EDT
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That's punny
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its simple really. The need for religion drops with education. Most people believe in god because of the "Gap God" syndrome. if they can't explain it or havent found an explanation of it, then it must be god. Neil DeGrasse Tyson wrote a book on it "Perimeter of ignorance" and yes even our beloved Issac Newton fell pray to this beleif.

That's punny

Link Posted: 8/26/2014 11:45:14 AM EDT
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Have you ever seen a leftie accept scientific evidence for anything?
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Have you tried to convince a member of the Religious Right (tm) of scientific findings?

There are plenty of people on both sides of the fence that refuse to believe anything unless it comes from whatever source that they want to believe in.  You can bring data up till you are blue in the face, all they will do is ignore the evidence and continue thinking what they think.  Gun control advocates are especially bad.  They don't really care what the stats say, they hate guns sooo much that they will ignore that their desired policies will in the end result in more crime.
Link Posted: 8/26/2014 11:52:42 AM EDT
The problem is that many religions do not, or will not, accept the fact that science is discovering God.

They cling to primitive superstitions, when the beauty of God's wonder is being shown in all its scientifically examined truths.
Link Posted: 8/26/2014 11:59:01 AM EDT
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The problem is that many religions do not, or will not, accept the fact that science is discovering God.

They cling to primitive superstitions, when the beauty of God's wonder is being shown in all its scientifically examined truths.
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Link Posted: 10/26/2014 8:47:26 AM EDT

I used to be a baptist deacon, then I read the bible.  I am an atheist now.  Funny how that works.

Science is spiritual but is, in no way, religious.  For sure the bible is not the answer.  It is a horrid book that has a god who encourages genocide, infacide, rape, incest just to start.  

I vote libertarian now.  I don't support the left and the entitlement nation is posits.  I don't support the lunacy of the right.  

BTW, after actually reading the bible, I went back to school.  I got a degree in science and now pursue life always looking for the truth and feel evidence must support claims.

As Sagan wrote "extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence"

The bible? Well all the evidence points to it being a totally man made fabrication.  

There is absolutely no "god".  Get over it.

Look up "Cognitive Dissonance".  

Live a humble, loving and caring life.
Link Posted: 11/5/2014 9:34:11 PM EDT
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And the big argument is over anthropometric (man caused) warming.
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I think you meant to say anthrpogenic, not anthropometric.
Link Posted: 11/5/2014 9:37:19 PM EDT
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The problem is that many religions do not, or will not, accept the fact that science is discovering God.

They cling to primitive superstitions, when the beauty of God's wonder is being shown in all its scientifically examined truths.
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Well said.
Link Posted: 11/5/2014 9:42:14 PM EDT
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Live a humble, loving and caring life.
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I've found the New Testament to be a user's manual on how to do this, what to do and what not to do.  It is fundamentally different than the Old Testament, which is the "stuff" you referred to.

I can't say that about the Koran.  It's got too much of that "stuff" in it.
Link Posted: 11/5/2014 9:43:07 PM EDT
I don't believe in atheism.

I don't believe in science.
Link Posted: 11/5/2014 10:57:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/5/2014 11:02:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/5/2014 11:13:15 PM EDT

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How convenient, because if it wasn't you'd have to kill those who worked on the sabbath, kill homosexuals, and you know, a whole bunch of other stuff.
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Live a humble, loving and caring life.

I've found the New Testament to be a user's manual on how to do this, what to do and what not to do.  It is fundamentally different than the Old Testament, which is the "stuff" you referred to.

How convenient, because if it wasn't you'd have to kill those who worked on the sabbath, kill homosexuals, and you know, a whole bunch of other stuff.

Let's not make this into a bible bashing thread... not exactly the point of this forum.
Link Posted: 11/5/2014 11:36:24 PM EDT
It has nothing to do with science or religion when you're talking about left and right. It's dogma.

Each side believes their own. To say the right doesn't believe in science and the left does is flat wrong.  The left believes far more cockamamie theories than religion and the right is far more analytical and pragmatic. Hell, the left flat out knowingly lies to push their agenda.

Take global warming. It's has nothing to do with saving the planet. It has everything to do with control and taxing the rich. They doctor the numbers so they can push their carbon tax. They do it on purpose and lie about it.
Link Posted: 11/6/2014 12:32:07 PM EDT

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It has nothing to do with science or religion when you're talking about left and right. It's dogma.

Each side believes their own. To say the right doesn't believe in science and the left does is flat wrong.  The left believes far more cockamamie theories than religion and the right is far more analytical and pragmatic. Hell, the left flat out knowingly lies to push their agenda.

Take global warming. It's has nothing to do with saving the planet. It has everything to do with control and taxing the rich. They doctor the numbers so they can push their carbon tax. They do it on purpose and lie about it.
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cockamamie theories EXAMPLE #1: "Take global warming. It's has nothing to do with saving the planet..."
Link Posted: 11/7/2014 4:32:47 AM EDT
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So when you cut your arm off by accident, you'll just stay at home and tend to it yourself?

Do you have something on your drivers license to tell paramedics not to operate on you to save your life because you don't believe in the science and practice that they learned to save lives with?

Also you're using a computer that is fundamentally operating on the theory (that's right, the theory) of Electromagnetism.  Might want to pull the plug, it's just a theory.
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I don't believe in atheism.

I don't believe in science.

So when you cut your arm off by accident, you'll just stay at home and tend to it yourself?

Do you have something on your drivers license to tell paramedics not to operate on you to save your life because you don't believe in the science and practice that they learned to save lives with?

Also you're using a computer that is fundamentally operating on the theory (that's right, the theory) of Electromagnetism.  Might want to pull the plug, it's just a theory.

How convenient, because if it wasn't you'd have to kill those who worked on the sabbath, kill homosexuals, and you know, a whole bunch of other stuff.

Your comments are absurd and not worthy of further discussion by me.  Take care.
Link Posted: 11/7/2014 5:10:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/7/2014 7:20:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 1:03:58 PM EDT
I don't think either left or right is any more or less scientific than the other. What it boils down to is people believing what they want to believe, and that attitude pervades science a lot more than most would like to admit. Thomas Kuhn pointed out that all objective scientific evidence has to be subjectively analyzed by the human mind to come to a logical conclusion. That would be why there are scientists that say global warming is man-caused and scientists that say it isn't man-caused. All objective conclusions are ultimately founded upon subjective conditioning or worldview. There is plenty of verifiable and observable science out there that gets accepted or rejected by people for any number of reasons, but then there are areas that are only partially verifiable or observable that have worldview implications. People will choose whichever conclusion fits their existing worldview.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 9:25:53 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/26/2014 9:32:58 PM EDT
Weather report: Global Warming followed by Global Cooling.

Film at 11
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 8:39:02 AM EDT
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I don't believe in atheism.

I don't believe in science.
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The cool thing is, you don't have to believe in science.  There is no "belief" in it.  You test and trust your findings in science.  

An idiot on a computer does not believe in science.  WOW.  

If you get cancer, are you gonna stay home and pray about it or go to the doctor?  Medical treatment is SCIENCE folks.  
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 11:43:33 PM EDT
We're done here.
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