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Posted: 11/25/2014 4:21:14 PM EDT
they should have went outside today first!This morning the town guys went by and shut their water off and anothers for non payment.Plumber rolls up,grabs the shutoff notice and knocks on the door.I happened to be outside,look on their face was .I got a good chuckle .Two familes live there and they all seem make good money,don't get it???It takes a few months of not paying to get the water turned off at least.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:33:11 PM EDT
An in-law did this.  They even got the notice of non-payment.  Since he sent the check, he thought he could argue with them.  They shut off the water very quickly and he had to pay late charges and start up fees.  

Same fucking in-law didn't pay his car registration for a year.  When CHP caught him and saw his cunty attitude, CHP hooked his vehicle and made him walk several miles up the freeway to a payphone.

Dumbass definitely had the means to pay.  He just didn't know how to keep his internal cuntiness in check.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:37:40 PM EDT
I've had the gas shut off. Took like a week to get it back on. Apparently, my auto-pay didn't go through Talk about cold showers.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:37:58 PM EDT
We get that sometimes.  I'm kinda surprised how often.  If my water suddenly wasn't there at all, I'd be calling the water company first.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:39:44 PM EDT
Lady beside is constantly getting all her shit shut off!Single,makes GREAT money and works a shitload of hours.Spends it all on lottery tickets .
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:39:54 PM EDT

Well water ftmfw
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:41:43 PM EDT
I hope the plumber still hit them for the service call.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:42:26 PM EDT
...and they paid the plumber his $98.50 service fee....
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:43:48 PM EDT
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I hope the plumber still hit them for the service call.
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That's what I was thinking.These fuckers only come outside to smoke,or go somewhere.They work odd hours,must have slept most of the day.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:45:09 PM EDT

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Well water ftmfw
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Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:48:00 PM EDT
My neighbors got their power turned off a couple weeks ago. Just happened to be while they were gone on a vacation and had left me their garage door opener to feed their cats....
I felt pretty bad that the cats were stuck for a couple days with no food but had water, just thought it was super fucked up that they could go on vacation when their bills were behind.

I'd actually heard them complaining a couple months earlier about the late fee on their bill.
Neighbor didn't think it was fair that they had to pay a ten percent late fee just because they paid in full but were always a month late.
   I asked him why they didn't just get it current since they were paying the bill in full monthly anyways but basically costing themselves an extra months worth of utilities in the course of a year due to the late fees.
  They make plenty of money to do all sorts of stupid shit but bill paying isn't a priority. Makes my head spin.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:49:36 PM EDT
Damn phone
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:50:39 PM EDT

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Well water ftmfw
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Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:50:44 PM EDT
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Well water ftmfw

How much are pumps going for these days?
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:52:20 PM EDT
Same people that call the police when their car gets repo.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:53:05 PM EDT
When I first moved into my house I had trouble getting the water turned on because every county/city water place I called disavowed servicing my place even though I live right next door to the water plant. The plant manager came out and took a water sample to see if it had fluoride because he was sure I was on a well. Turns out I'm on city water. But they don't have an address for the property just a lot number. All good and get the service turned on.

I know they don't bill every month. It was quarterly or something like that. Come home on a Friday night after work and my water is off. Great the city offices are closed for the weekend. Call the water plant and beg them to turn my water on promising I'll sort it out Monday. My shutoff was inside of their plant. Thats how close I am to them.

Call the city Monday. They say its impossible I didn't get a shutoff notice. They send a bill. Then another bill. Then they put a notice on the house. Well when I ask where they sent the bill they give me a lot number. Well no shit thats not a mailing address. They never bothered to enter my billing info into their system. And since the shutoff valve was inside the water plant property (and they only had a lot number) they never bothered to put a notice on my door.

After much arguing I got them to waive all their stupid fees. But apparently it's my fault they sent the bill to the service address instead of the billing address (that is also the actual service address).
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:56:12 PM EDT
they should have went outside today first!This morning the town guys went by and shut their water off and anothers for non payment.Plumber rolls up,grabs the shutoff notice and knocks on the door.I happened to be outside,look on their face was .I got a good chuckle .Two familes live there and they all seem make good money,don't get it???It takes a few months of not paying to get the water turned off at least.
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Credit card expires, account number changes, there are many reasons why your auto payments might not go through and someone might miss it.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:57:08 PM EDT
This is why I love on-line banking.
As soon as I receive a bill, I log in and pay it, less than 30 seconds, Paid In Full.
Prior to I-Net days, I would miss a payment due to not having stamps, or checks, or forgetting, OR waiting till I had enough bills to justify sitting down and writing checks, which I hated doing.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 4:59:54 PM EDT
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This is why I love on-line banking.
As soon as I receive a bill, I log in and pay it, less than 30 seconds, Paid In Full.
Prior to I-Net days, I would miss a payment due to not having stamps, or checks, or forgetting, OR waiting till I had enough bills to justify sitting down and writing checks, which I hated doing.
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I don't pay the day I receive the bill.  But I do pay far enough ahead of time that if something went wrong with the payment I could still pay it before the due date.  That's been a policy of mine since I turned 18 and started getting bills and it's kept me out of trouble.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:04:16 PM EDT
Part of my job consists of SNP's [shut off, non payment]. After a few years of BS excuses you just turn them off and leave before they have a clue to avoid confrontation. Most used phrase, "what about my babies?" I don't enjoy it but it's part of the job and none of them honestly can say they don't know they are behind because they get numerous letters and it's not like my employer likes to pay someone to go out there, turn them off and then go back and turn them back on.

Once they go to electronic meters [elec side] customers are going to be pissed off because all it's going to take is a few keystrokes on the computer to kill the power, they won't like the lack of delay between a turn off order created and the actual physical turn off which is usually a week or more later due to work load.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:15:54 PM EDT
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How much are pumps going for these days?
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Well water ftmfw

How much are pumps going for these days?

About 1K$ plus time for pulling and replacing, lowering to increase head water above pump.  I have pulled mine by hand and two other people(plastic pipe) but I was younger and stronger.  For the most part I AM the plumber, electrician, washing machine/dryer/oven-stove/ furniture/window/house remodeler/ auto mechanic etc.  However I don't make dresses or ladies shoes

    As far as having your utilities shut off, in this area it's illegal in the winter  I think
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:18:43 PM EDT
Should have went ... ?  
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:22:28 PM EDT
I bet their cell phone and cable bill are paid up.

People and priorities.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:28:12 PM EDT
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I bet their cell phone and cable bill are paid up.

People and priorities.
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Sure thing,one of the guys that lives there was on his smartphone with the bill in his hand I assume going to pay it.As for being quick,the guy hanging the notices today was leaving them on the door knob then sprinting away as the truck was parked a few houses down
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:29:35 PM EDT
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This is why I love on-line banking.
As soon as I receive a bill, I log in and pay it, less than 30 seconds, Paid In Full.
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Since the internet has become so "payer friendly", the last ten years or so, I find that I typically only write one check a year.  That one check is for property taxes as the county that I live in is still stuck in about 1969.


Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:29:57 PM EDT
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An in-law did this.  They even got the notice of non-payment.  Since he sent the check, he thought he could argue with them.  They shut off the water very quickly and he had to pay late charges and start up fees.  

Same fucking in-law didn't pay his car registration for a year.  When CHP caught him and saw his cunty attitude, CHP hooked his vehicle and made him walk several miles up the freeway to a payphone.

Dumbass definitely had the means to pay.  He just didn't know how to keep his internal cuntiness in check.
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Hell, even I know that I shouldn't be an asshole all the time.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:34:59 PM EDT

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We get that sometimes.  I'm kinda surprised how often.  If my water suddenly wasn't there at all, I'd be calling the water company first.
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I'd be walking out to well shack to see if my heat lamp which keeps the pressure tank from freezing up burned out.

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:40:53 PM EDT
they should have went outside today first!This morning the town guys went by and shut their water off and anothers for non payment.Plumber rolls up,grabs the shutoff notice and knocks on the door.I happened to be outside,look on their face was .I got a good chuckle .Two familes live there and they all seem make good money,don't get it???It takes a few months of not paying to get the water turned off at least.
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Easiest 100$ the plumber's ever made
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:51:18 PM EDT

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Easiest 100$ the plumber's ever made
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they should have went outside today first!This morning the town guys went by and shut their water off and anothers for non payment.Plumber rolls up,grabs the shutoff notice and knocks on the door.I happened to be outside,look on their face was .I got a good chuckle .Two familes live there and they all seem make good money,don't get it???It takes a few months of not paying to get the water turned off at least.

Easiest 100$ the plumber's ever made

Everyone I know that's in plumbing/ electric hates shit like that, especially if they are good enough to have a full workload.  It's "easy money" but it's taking them away from real work that needs to get done, and get them onto the next job.

The plumbers I've met who would look at that like easy money...   typically don't have a lot else going on.

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:57:44 PM EDT
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Everyone I know that's in plumbing/ electric hates shit like that, especially if they are good enough to have a full workload.  It's "easy money" but it's taking them away from real work that needs to get done, and get them onto the next job.

The plumbers I've met who would look at that like easy money...   typically don't have a lot else going on.
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they should have went outside today first!This morning the town guys went by and shut their water off and anothers for non payment.Plumber rolls up,grabs the shutoff notice and knocks on the door.I happened to be outside,look on their face was .I got a good chuckle .Two familes live there and they all seem make good money,don't get it???It takes a few months of not paying to get the water turned off at least.

Easiest 100$ the plumber's ever made

Everyone I know that's in plumbing/ electric hates shit like that, especially if they are good enough to have a full workload.  It's "easy money" but it's taking them away from real work that needs to get done, and get them onto the next job.

The plumbers I've met who would look at that like easy money...   typically don't have a lot else going on.

Meh, you're quickly on your way out after dropping them the bill.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 6:11:00 PM EDT
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Meh, you're quickly on your way out after dropping them the bill.
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they should have went outside today first!This morning the town guys went by and shut their water off and anothers for non payment.Plumber rolls up,grabs the shutoff notice and knocks on the door.I happened to be outside,look on their face was .I got a good chuckle .Two familes live there and they all seem make good money,don't get it???It takes a few months of not paying to get the water turned off at least.

Easiest 100$ the plumber's ever made

Everyone I know that's in plumbing/ electric hates shit like that, especially if they are good enough to have a full workload.  It's "easy money" but it's taking them away from real work that needs to get done, and get them onto the next job.

The plumbers I've met who would look at that like easy money...   typically don't have a lot else going on.

Meh, you're quickly on your way out after dropping them the bill.

They can't be bothered to pay for their water, what the hell makes you think they are going to pay the plumber?
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 6:15:52 PM EDT
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They can't be bothered to pay for their water, what the hell makes you think they are going to pay the plumber?
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they should have went outside today first!This morning the town guys went by and shut their water off and anothers for non payment.Plumber rolls up,grabs the shutoff notice and knocks on the door.I happened to be outside,look on their face was .I got a good chuckle .Two familes live there and they all seem make good money,don't get it???It takes a few months of not paying to get the water turned off at least.

Easiest 100$ the plumber's ever made

Everyone I know that's in plumbing/ electric hates shit like that, especially if they are good enough to have a full workload.  It's "easy money" but it's taking them away from real work that needs to get done, and get them onto the next job.

The plumbers I've met who would look at that like easy money...   typically don't have a lot else going on.

Meh, you're quickly on your way out after dropping them the bill.

They can't be bothered to pay for their water, what the hell makes you think they are going to pay the plumber?

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 6:30:19 PM EDT

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For what work and contract signed?  

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 6:32:19 PM EDT
That's why you park a car on top of the water meter if you are running late on the water bill payment.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 6:33:48 PM EDT
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Since the internet has become so "payer friendly", the last ten years or so, I find that I typically only write one check a year.  That one check is for property taxes as the county that I live in is still stuck in about 1969.


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This is why I love on-line banking.
As soon as I receive a bill, I log in and pay it, less than 30 seconds, Paid In Full.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Since the internet has become so "payer friendly", the last ten years or so, I find that I typically only write one check a year.  That one check is for property taxes as the county that I live in is still stuck in about 1969.


We must live in the same county. $24.00 service fee to pay online, WTF?
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 6:38:57 PM EDT
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I'd be walking out to well shack to see if my heat lamp which keeps the pressure tank from freezing up burned out.
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We get that sometimes.  I'm kinda surprised how often.  If my water suddenly wasn't there at all, I'd be calling the water company first.
I'd be walking out to well shack to see if my heat lamp which keeps the pressure tank from freezing up burned out.

Funny you mention this :
What happens when you build a pumphouse with r28 in the roof r19 in the walls have 2500 Watts of electric heat and a propane water heater in the same room

surely you would not say freeze
OH WHEN YOU KIDS LEAVE THE FUCKING DOOR OPEN AND ITS -2 Actual Temp and 35mph wind you say freeze .....

so far just had to replace a few valves , some pipe , hopefully the pressure tank will survive won't know until later
but hey  I have a spare so at least I have cold water to the house now

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 6:39:42 PM EDT
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That's why you park a car on top of the water meter if you are running late on the water bill payment.
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or fill the curb key with pea gravel

DO NOT do this just a funny
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 6:44:06 PM EDT
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Same people that call the police when their car gets repo.
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I lived in fear for a bit with a college roommate. She wasn't paying her Jeep payments (and was usually a bit behind to me on rent) and my Avatar was in the Carport. Different year and color, but not -that- far off.

I was afraid they'd come and take the wrong one, or that she wouldn't be home (which was often; she worked nights) and mine would be the only one there.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 7:11:50 PM EDT
they should have went outside today first!This morning the town guys went by and shut their water off and anothers for non payment.Plumber rolls up,grabs the shutoff notice and knocks on the door.I happened to be outside,look on their face was .I got a good chuckle .Two familes live there and they all seem make good money,don't get it???It takes a few months of not paying to get the water turned off at least.
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When we lived in Portland, it didn't take a few months . . just one missed payment and then one 5 day shutoff notice.  10 years ago I came home to a shutoff notice on my door the day before our wedding - with a big blowout reception scheduled in the backyard that weekend.  Never got the original quarterly bill, but was surprised that the shutoff notice had a shutoff date less than a month after the original bill's due date.  Had to actually go into the water department to pay the bill to make sure we had working toilets at our reception.  

I think at some point there must have been some junior MBA analyst at the utility that said something along the lines of "hey, I just figured out that if we cut the shutoff date from 90 days to 30 days we can cut our working capital requirements by 8%!"  Probably got a $5k holiday bonus for his contribution, too.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 10:10:33 PM EDT
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Since the internet has become so "payer friendly", the last ten years or so, I find that I typically only write one check a year.  That one check is for property taxes as the county that I live in is still stuck in about 1969.


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This is why I love on-line banking.
As soon as I receive a bill, I log in and pay it, less than 30 seconds, Paid In Full.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Since the internet has become so "payer friendly", the last ten years or so, I find that I typically only write one check a year.  That one check is for property taxes as the county that I live in is still stuck in about 1969.


I don't think I've written a check for 15 years, don't even have any.
Cash, or, debit card and online bill paying with no service charge.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 10:15:54 PM EDT
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Well water ftmfw
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Yeah baby  ..... drill drill drill!

Have not had a water bill in so long, I forget there even was such a thing.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 10:35:01 PM EDT
My well wins also.

My electric company charges $15.00 to pay on line.
They don't take cards at the office.
I paid in cash once and it took forever to convince them I paid the bill. I had to pay the amount they said I "owed" and when we sorted it out they credited my account.
That is the only check I write.

BTW the electric company has been sued because it is a cooperative and they weren't repaying dividends. Cost the board their jobs and I think 18 million in fines and dividend repayments. Bunch of shysters.

I have a running creek behind my house, I'm trying to figure out a way to make my own hydro electric dam and fire the electric company.
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