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Posted: 10/13/2005 4:19:30 AM EDT
I don't think much of it, she says there is this girl that wants to be a boy and dresses in boy clothes.  I think "tomboy".  She then tells me that the girl doesn't want to be called a "her", but rather a "he".  And then.........she says "she said she wants to have surgery when she gets older to make her into a boy".  My daughter kept alternating between calling her a "she" and a "he".  She was obviously confused.

Am I nuts in thinking this is odd?  I didn't even know there WAS any surgery until MUCH later in life.  Maybe I was/am naive.  Where are this girls parents in this?  It stunned me...
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 4:23:49 AM EDT
Me thinks someone doesn’t get enough attention at home.  I also would bet that this little girl will be a bull-dike later in life too.
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 4:24:45 AM EDT
Seems like childhood gets shorter every generation...............................

They all want to be grown up until its time to pay the piper.
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 4:28:47 AM EDT
This is what you get when you let teachers read crap like Billy has Two Mommies to kindergarteners.
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 4:29:53 AM EDT

This is what you get when you let teachers read crap like Billy has Two Mommies to kindergarteners.

WTF? Do they seriously do this in schools now?
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 4:47:02 AM EDT
That's sad and scary.  

Did my kids when they were 5 know about gender changing surgery.  No.

We can thank the FU media for this.  And others of course - PFLAG, etc.

It's a damn good thing my kids are in their 20s.  If they were in elementary school and a teacher or school board promoted 'sensitivuty training,' I'd spend every damn dime I had to put them in jail.  

Damn that pisses me off!  That kid asks for a gender change, and she's not even fully established in her current gender.  I did a ton of reading about this when that school in Maryland (IIRC) sent the kids to a PFLAG lecture and they had the kids discussing fisting, etc. I posted the articles here a while back.  

And +1 on what BenDover said.
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 12:56:22 PM EDT
Penis envy...
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:02:06 PM EDT
Meanwhile, my 6 and 8 year are homeschooled and will start a segement on firearms in 2 weeks.
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:04:42 PM EDT

Meanwhile, my 6 and 8 year are homeschooled and will start a segement on firearms in 2 weeks.


Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:06:25 PM EDT
Before the electro-shock nubs are put to her temples and before her family has the local priest try and exorcise her - maybe take a little chill time and wait to see if it's just a phase.  Hmm?
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:06:53 PM EDT


This is what you get when you let teachers read crap like Billy has Two Mommies to kindergarteners.

WTF? Do they seriously do this in schools now?

We had an extensive discussion about this recently...

Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:08:29 PM EDT


This is what you get when you let teachers read crap like Billy has Two Mommies to kindergarteners.

WTF? Do they seriously do this in schools now?


It's called Heather has Two Mommies and I believe it is required education in California public schools.
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:09:46 PM EDT
I knew someone like this in high school.  "Her" name was Alicia, but everyone called "her" Al.  At anyrate, "she" dressed in guy stuff, but real ghetto.  She also hung out with the ghetto, pothead types.  
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:15:06 PM EDT

This is what you get when you let teachers read crap like Billy has Two Mommies to kindergarteners.

That reminds me...  My wife buys a ton of books for our 2 year old.  One day I was looking through one of the books and noticed the illustrations.  In one, 2 women were together looking at a baby.  I thought it was a little odd, but figured they were just friends or something.  I mention to my wife that I thought maybe they were supposed to be a couple.  Her response - "No way, they're just friends".  So, I flip a few pages over...  yep, one page showed several "families" in public pushing strollers.  Not one "normal" couple.  All were either same sex or bi-racial (not that I have a problem with the latter).  This IS a TODDLER book for crying out loud.  I got rid of it and will be looking at all her books a little closer in the future!

Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:16:12 PM EDT
5th grade? I'd say wait it out...

My wife tells me that when she found out what puberty was (and the attendant, ah, "Paying of the monthly bill", for girls) she told her mom she wanted to be a boy for a long time...
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