I have a golden retriever, and he is truly the best dog on the face of the earth. He has been a faithful friend to me, my wife and my four kids.
He will be fifteen next month.
The bad:
The last few months, he has really gone downhill. He has trouble getting up now. We have to pick up his hind quarters if he is laying on the hardwood floors ( which is what we have throughout our downstairs) The only time he can get up is if he is on one of the oriental rugs or on his bed. We tried the little boots on his paws for more traction, but it didn't help. After he is up he can walk around the house ok, but will fall sometimes. My wife stays at home and is able to pick his rear end up. This last week, has started barking when he is in a room alone and wants to get up. He also has starting peeing on accident once a day or so.
The good:
He never appears to be in any pain. He loves being petted and is as friendly as ever. He will lay his head in your lap for hours if you sit in the floor with him while watching TV. I guess you could say his mind is still great and active, but his old body is just wore out.
Now,we don't mind looking after him, but when is it time to call it quits? He is on no sort of medicine, but he certainly isn't getting any younger or healthier.
It would be so much easier to know putting him down is the right thing if he was terminally ill and in pain, but he's not.
Thanks in advance for advice and how you have dealt with the same thing.
D@mn, if he didn't just come up to me and lick my hand while typing this.