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Posted: 5/3/2004 9:32:56 PM EDT
Since being in the schools put on by other agencies and justice acadamies I'm requesting your input on this topic.  First I'll give you some info.  Our dept. has purchased 2 Remington 700P's in 308.  Both of the 2 officers that were assigned the weapons attended a sniper school last week.  I know I'm going to be asked to put on some type of shooting session/in-service school for them.  Do you have any material that I could obtain from you whch would aid me?  
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 11:10:56 AM EDT
Low budget ideas.....

balloons on string, depending on the length of the string/size of balloon, you can make a very challenging targe, especially with a slight wind. Couple that with unconventional shooting postions  and it makes for a good shoot.

You can set lit road flares out and instruct them to "put them out".

I don't know how large your dept is, but you might want to include high angle (elevation) shots in your program. This area is often neglected at smaller agencies during in-service training.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 12:51:04 AM EDT
1).  Approach an area tactically without being seen to set up a "hide".
2).  High angle shots from up high to down low.  Have the shooter compensate the distance for the angle of the shot.
3).  Estimate distance to an unknown target.
4).  Inventory their "shooters bag" for the appropriate equipment.
  Are they set up for long periouds without relief?  do they have hydration, food, knee and elbow pads, sunscreen, face paint aside from the obvious stuff.
5).  Give them a scenario that is an impossible situation, or is unsafe to make the shot even though they are given the "green light" for the target.  See if they try to make the shot ( an ego deflator every time).
6).  Make them run, climb, jump and then give them a set time to set up and shoot a target under stress and exertion.
7).  Provide their ammo and place a dummy round to see how they react to an inert round.  Don't tell them they have a squib though.
8).  If the snipers are to work in tandem, have them make simultaneous shots through thick glass and score a hit without deflection.  Hopefully they are assigned their own guns so thay can keep their same zero.  Have them shoot each others "zero" so they will know how to adjust if one of the guns fails.
9).  Observance course where they are radioed the description of the "target".  See if they write down the information or try to retain it in their head.  Then have role players dressed in similar attire and have the sniper pick out the target.
Law enforcement sniping is a whole nother animal compared to military sniping.
Most importantly, let them have their choice of ammo, and provide them with plenty of the same ammo for practice, practice, practice.  It took me a year to convince my SWAT commander that the inexpensive 147 grain ammo I was given to practice with would shoot much differently than the 169 HP's I would be using in a true situation.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 3:50:02 AM EDT
Have your shooters focus on their target for long periods of time before giving a green light.

Golf balls at 100 yards work good too.

All will be close-range work so mil-dots and the like are useless on a LEO rig. IIRC, there are NO documented LEO shots past 97 yards. (Lon Horiuchi does'nt count)
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:07:42 AM EDT

Have your shooters focus on their target for long periods of time before giving a green light.

Golf balls at 100 yards work good too.

All will be close-range work so mil-dots and the like are useless on a LEO rig. IIRC, there are NO documented LEO shots past 97 yards. (Lon Horiuchi does'nt count)

That is a dangerous mind set. Some day they may be required to go way past 100 yards.
There is a couple PDs that use our range facilities for training. One of them sends their SWAT guys down once a month to use our 500 yard range. When these guys train they don't just shoot at 100 yards infact rarely execpt for their cold bore shot do they shoot from less than 200 yards.

When you train for the minimum you train to fail. It's that simple. In all honesty LE snipers need to be BETTER than military snipers in some aspects of the craft.
BUZZARD464 head over to snipercoutry and check out some of the stuff they have on LE sniping. There is a lot of good info on the site in regards to LE sniping. Also hit the precision rifle board here.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 2:54:26 PM EDT
Email me
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 1:38:32 AM EDT


Have your shooters focus on their target for long periods of time before giving a green light.

Golf balls at 100 yards work good too.

All will be close-range work so mil-dots and the like are useless on a LEO rig. IIRC, there are NO documented LEO shots past 97 yards. (Lon Horiuchi does'nt count)

That is a dangerous mind set. Some day they may be required to go way past 100 yards.
There is a couple PDs that use our range facilities for training. One of them sends their SWAT guys down once a month to use our 500 yard range. When these guys train they don't just shoot at 100 yards infact rarely execpt for their cold bore shot do they shoot from less than 200 yards.

When you train for the minimum you train to fail. It's that simple. In all honesty LE snipers need to be BETTER than military snipers in some aspects of the craft.
BUZZARD464 head over to snipercoutry and check out some of the stuff they have on LE sniping. There is a lot of good info on the site in regards to LE sniping. Also hit the precision rifle board here.

Equally dangerous is ignoring known popular engagement distances.
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