Where did he come from? All these thoughts came at light speed while I simultaneously came off the back of the 4 wheeler while still holding the baby.
Now anyone who has ever ridden an older 4 wheeler before knows your left foot is UNDER the clutch when changing gears so while my body is coming off the back of the 4 wheeler my foot is staying under the clutch. It finally gives but not before my knee pops. Some how I land without falling, still holding my daughter and the 4 wheeler is still moving. It finally coasts to a stop and I limp up to take a look. There is a black snake sticking out about a foot in front of my 4 wheeler. He came out of the engine compartment, up my fender, under the front rack and was holding his head a good 12" in front of the 4 wheeler. I run in the house and put the baby in her crib, slightly relieved knowing it is only a black snake, and run back to the 4 wheeler grabbing a hoe on the way.
If I didn't live in town, I swear I would have shot the snake, 4 wheeler and all. Instead I brought down the hoe head with all my might, breaking the snake's back and chipping the paint on my 4 wheeler rack. On the ground I chopped him several more times just to make me feel better. The black snake was 71" long and had as big a girth as I have ever seen.
I then ran in the house, stripped the baby, and checked her head to toe for horseshoe impressions. I assume she wasn't' bitten because I didn't find any, but I don't know why she started crying.
About this time my wife comes home and telling her about my ordeal was the worst part of it. I don't think she wants me riding the baby anytime soon. I don't know if I want to ride anytime soon. It's a good laugh now, but at the time my adrenaline was pumped. Oh by the way, Dr. thinks I tore my ACL when I fell off the 4 wheeler. I have been walking with a limp and pain ever since.
I still can't believe that snake stayed in that 4 wheeler while my Father was bouncing on it and while I was cleaning it off. I guess he finally came out of the engine compartment when it got hot. I usually don't fear snakes, but I don't want one sneaking up on me either! As my Grandpa said, a snake usually won't hurt you, but they will sure make you hurt yourself! I still can't believe that snake stayed in that 4 wheeler while my Father was bouncing on it and while I was cleaning it off. Oh well, not exactly a Grizzly Bear but it did scare the #@%* out of me!