Quote History Quoted:I pocket carry mine in a Barsony holster I got off Amazon
Works great!
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Great gun, price is awesome!
I was JUST looking at the P938 (actually, the Blackwood) thirty minutes before this was posted...and whaddya know! I couldn't pass this up, so I just bought one.
I want to see if it'll work okay for pocket carry in a Bear Creek leather pocket holster in blue jeans sized pockets. Probably never going to replace my LCP in the Desantis Nemesis holster, but I'm willing to see how it works out.
I pocket carry mine in a Barsony holster I got off Amazon
Works great!
That looks prefect!
I originally kept mine in a Nemesis, but the soft side allowed the mag release button to accidentally depress. That's bad.
Also, I pulled the gun out one day and found the safety has been lowered. That's worse.
I like how the Barsony covers the safety and looks stiff enough to prevent accidental mag release. I ended up with a similar holster by modifying another brand, but I'd definitely rock the Barsony if the one I have now didn't work so well.