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Too bad they pick and choose their causes to represent. Now if you wanted to join because you are a member of NAMBLA and you believe it is okay for male adults to have sex with young boys, then the ACLU is the club for you.
NAMBLA - Didn't realize there was so many Daily show fans here, funny I never would have guessed that.
The ACLU is a very liberal organization. They are NOT 2nd friendly.
NRA and GOA for 2nd Amd issues and the ACLU for the rest. |
I know about NAMBLA.
What's the Daily Show? How does the ACLU count to 10? 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! |
They are the most evil of the extreme left psychos. But, we can't, or won't, beat them so you might as well join them. Civil liberties my FN ass!
That is just stupid. As a classical liberal (aka a libertarian), I am happy about the ACLUs stance on 90% of the BOR...I'm a member of the NRA and GOA for the 2nd. The NAMBLA issue is fucking stupid. Either the BOR covers everyone or it covers no one. These guys are sick MFers, but unless they break the law, they are covered under the BOR. |
Unfortunatly, the 2nd Amendment is NOT one of the American Civil Liberties they support.
Proving the ACLU has NO redeeming qualities at all. |
I can't think of more than a couple of times that I have ever agreed with the radical leftist that call themselves the ACLU.
NAMBLA is the product of a comedian named Ron Stewart, who is a leftist jackass that has a fake news show on Comedy Network. Every third word he says NAMBLA, and of course he thinks its funny everytime, I think it is incredibly old. NAMBLA could be alot of things, like North American Man Boy Lovers Association. He always has a new description of what NAMBLA is. He has been doing it for over a year, he needs a new act. |
Here’s the thing…
The Patriot Act very well might infringe on the Constitution in some ways. But there are plenty of Liberal programs the ACLU wants to mandate that completely shred the Constitution. Think about what an invasion of privacy the IRS is. Is the ACLU fighting to shut them down? Are they fighting to protect property rights from environmental laws? Are they working to protect people’s income from unconstitutional redistribution schemes? Are they trying to end the government monopoly on education? Is the ACLU fighting to allow everyone the right to freely express their religious views, or are they fighting to make atheism the official religion of the US? Nope, they are usually fighting against personal freedom and for granting more power to the government. For the most part, the only freedoms they support at all are the irresponsible freedoms. |
The ACLU effectively sidestep the 2nd amendement, and don't take any position on it (and don't really want to talk about it).
Other than that huge act of cowardice however, they often do very important stuff with respect to the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendements that is (in my opinion), really valuable. |
No it’s not. It’s a real group and they really filed suit (and won) with the help of the ACLU when a library tried to stop them from having meetings. This was long before the Daily Show. South Park made a NAMBLA joke where the North American Marlin Brando Look Alikes were being confused with the pedophile group. Maybe that’s where the Daily Show gets its humor, I don’t watch it enough to know. But NAMBLA is a real group, and thanks to our friends in the ACLU they can use public spaces to plot their crimes. ETA NAMBLA |
what could possibly be a larger expression of being liberal than supporting the 2nd Amendment. To me, their reluctance to support the 2nd has nothing to do with their interpretation (too many states make it even plainer for the hard of hearing), they're just expressing their preference for control by ideologues like themselves. They prefer violence by government I guess or essentially lack the courage to consider protecting themselves or their own. |
Maybe he's drunk or stoned out of his mind. |
The site is being subverted by hippies. Ignore them and they'll go away. |
Interestingly, I agree with the ACLU more often than not. Still, when I do disagree with them I *REALLY* disagree with them to the point of getting pretty angry. Tough call.
Their position on the 2A sucks, but it really isn't much of a position. They avoid dealing with it altogether, for the most part. Sort of like how the NRA sidesteps the NFA issue. The NRA isn't FOR keeping them banned, but their not exacly against it, either (not publicly, anyway). When it comes to my rights under the 2nd, I'm more worried about bad/biased reporting, Sarah Brady and the VPC than I am the ACLU. They really are right on the money MOST of the time. Certainly not always, though. |
Fuck the ACLU. They don't see the 1A as Freedom of Religion, they see it as Freedom FROM Religion.
I'm with the ACLU on free speech, separation of church and state, privacy, etc. I'm with the ACLU on pretty much all issues except two. First, they support affirmative action which I view as discrimination. Last, while they are officially neutral on gun control their position is that the 2nd ammendment is not a individual but a collective right to militias.
That last issue doesn't make any sense to me. According to them everywhere it says the "people" in the Bill of Rights it refers to individual rights. All except the 2nd which makes no sense. Then they also say that the National Guard is the militia which also make no sense. If the militia is supposed to be a counter to the federal govt's standing army then the National Guard can't be militia as it's controlled by the federal govt. The mere fact that National Guard soldiers are in Iraq says volumes on that point. |
What is the ACLU's position on gun control? The national ACLU is neutral on the issue of gun control. We believe the Second Amendment does not confer an unlimited right upon individuals to own guns or other weapons, nor does it prohibit reasonable regulation of gun ownership, such as licensing and registration. For more information, please read our statement on gun control. The ACLU should 'buy a vowel'. With an "E", they would have A CLUE. |
That's not very Christian of you. |
If you really corner a high ACLU official, they KNOW that it doesn't make sense, but they don't want to deal with it. (I have spoken to officials in the ACLU who have agreed that the 2nd does guarantee a personal right). Part of the problem is that a lot of the people that devote their lives to fighting for the 1st, 4th, 5th, etc amendements DO tend to be liberal, and so it would be very hard to get those people to fight for individual gun rights - even if technically it makes logical sense, because those people are personally opposed to it. So it's a choice of political expediency for the organization, that allows them to be very effective in fighting FOR all the other amendements, but at the hypocritical cost of ignoring the 2nd. (I guess it is fortunate that there are groups like the NRA and the GOA that focus exclusively on the 2nd). |
The way I see it, is that as long as the 2nd Amendment is in place, the others aren't as much in jeopardy... |
The ACLU was founded by Marxists to defend them from prosecution right after WW!, I seem to recall.
Although some supporters are well meaning: I beieve they do not like capitalism, Christianity, Mom or apple pie. They like Larry Flint and Nazi marchers in communities with a lot of Holocaust survivors. One theory I read was that one of the original goals was to build a large powerful government and then paralyze it with litigation so that their vast lawyer army could control the country through the Judicial system. The right of self-defense and the means to excercise that right doesn't fit with goal of total economic and social control. You want to know where the commies disappeared to in this country your search is over. Regards, Mild Bill |
Completely not true. |
Are you nuckin futs?????
Stay the hell away from that commie ran organization! |
+1. No kidding. It's one thing to disagree with them on some of their positions, but some of you guys are spewing rhetoric at a level that would make Sarah Brady proud. |
I agree. Whether you agree with the ACLU has a lot to do with your stance on civil liberties other than just the 2A. If you don't really give a crap what the cops do to catch their man or what Big Brother does to catch Mohammad Jihadist then you probably don't like the ACLU. Christians also don't like them more often than not because they fight against majority religious establishment in public places and/or with public money. The big problem with the ACLU as I see it is that they have adopted a lot of the far left agenda items and will often ignore the 'right thing' for the sake of extreme political correctness. |
You can't be serious. Communists hated Nazis. They are on the two opposite extremes of the political spectrum. Communists are ultra-liberal and Nazis are ultra-conservative. Also Communists would view a person like Larry Flint as subversive. |
That's a common misconception. The nazi party was based on socialism....the National Socialist German Worker's Party or Nazi party....... |
Geez, I guess I was niave enough to think such an organisation couldn't exist. I always assumed it was a joke. I remember it on South Park too now that you mention it, I never thought it was real though. |
Economically far-left and socially far-right. Communists are far-left on both. |
ACLU also defends the KKK's right to march. I think we can agree that the left generally despises the KKK. It's about free speech. |
I am stunned at what I've read. Are we talking about the American Civil Liberties Union? Cute name but those people are 100% anti-American liberals. I can't believe anyone who owns a weapon for personal defense would say one word in defense of those Dem activists.
Defending the KKK is a red herring. Do they sue and collect huge settlements for the KKK like they do for anti-American groups? Don't think so. |
You would have to look with a microscope to find the difference between Fascist and Communist, the Nazi’s and Soviet's were two sides of the same coin. |
I gotta tell you guys: The fact that the ACLU is hated by default by so many with little explanation or articulable reason is enough to make me consider that they might deserve a second look. Hell, at least a fair look. I do this with everything. Once something becomes "common sense" or is accompanied by "everybody knows that..." I start to get suspicious. So should you.
If it was ever put to a simple vote, "assault weapons" would be banned in this country. You know it and I know it. Poll after poll after poll clearly show that a majority of citizens NATIONWIDE (gotta total them all up) want them banned. The reason is, people believe certain things without the benefit of critical thinking. We all sit here smugly - proud of our God like powers in reason and logic. And then we turn right around and abandon all of that when we form opinions on non-gun related matters. We get lazy. I have a sneaking suspicion that we're doing the same thing when we think of the ACLU. We write them off as God-less commies and leave it at that. Some of the "arguments" I hear supporting this position aren't arguments at all - it's just empty unsubstantiated rhetoric. To use any of it in a serious debate with an ACLU supporter would make us look foolish. When they do it to us regarding guns, we demand that they use reason. When we do it to them regarding their organization, we write them off as left wing wackos. We're no better, sometimes. Again, I get the sneaking suspicion they're not as bad as most folks make them out to be. Have you guys ever seen their video on dealing with the police? Talk about pro-freedom and anti-communist. It's over the top freedom loving "less government intrusion" stuff. I'm telling you, they're not ALL bad. Hell, I disagree with them enough on certain issues to remain a non-member, but damn. It's okay to agree with them sometimes, you know? |
I guess what I said isn't really true though, since communism and socialism are just about economics. Unfortunately most of the people who've implemented them were in fact fascists and far-right socially. |
Yeah it kind of reminds me of Rodent's thread on France. |
But...but..but...I'll get liberal cooties. Great post. |
+1 The NRA/GOA do a fine job protecting the 2nd amendment, but the other 9 are no less important and find their best defenders in the ACLU. |
So when they defend NAMBLA's right to free speech, it shows they are degenerate pedphiles and communists. But when they defend the KKK's right to free speech, it's a red herring? Isn't the simpler explanation that they will defend the right of free speech of anyone, no matter how disgusting and reprehensible? I suppose the many times the ACLU have gone to court on behalf of Christian groups is also just a red herring, right? |
So they are either hypocrites or Marxists with an agenda. Either way, it is hardly an organization for a traditionalist American to support. |
They don't believe in the 2nd ammendment. Occasionally, they are right on a matter....much of the time, they are not. I believe DKProf is a member of the ACLU, something I am trying very hard to forgive him for.... ETA ^ = Joke |
They are absolutely hypocrites when it comes to the 2nd amendement, but to think that the ACLU is marxists with an agenda is completely wrong (and a little paranoid). I honestly do not see anything wrong with supporting the NRA and GOA for the second, and the ACLU for the rest. Granted, the organization DOES lean politically to the left (sometimes too left, I agree), but they honestly do good work on many of the other amendements in the BOR. People often get so worked up over a few cases that get blown WAY out of proportion, and fail to see the much larger number of cases that are actually pretty important. Also, a lot of people get hung up on the specifics of a particular case, and do not realize that the important part is the precendet and the general effects of their cases. If people can stop freaking out about the fact that it was NAMBLA they defended in the famous 1st amendement case, they would realize that the precedent of that case is actually GOOD for sites like |
Occasionally, they are actually right on an issue. And I don't mind having them around to keep an eye on things like the Patriot Act, which lots of legislators never read before voting for it. ETA -- And they have been known to defend the free exercise rights of Christians on occasion. People tend to lump the ACLU in with anti-religion crusader groups like People for the Seperation of Church and State, but that isn't always a fair description. The ACLU isn't typically rabidly looney on establishment cases like some completely anti-religious groups. I have seen individual members who ARE rabidly looney, but the organization as a whole tends to be more sane about the matter. Nevertheless, my personal opinion is that their net effect is not a positive one on American society or jurisprudence. |
Some of the founders of the ACLU were certainly marxists, and when you read the communist goals (like using the legal system to redefine American society into a socialist one) it is a darn scary. The ACLU made some internal reforms to correct some of that, but does force folks to think that you can't get apples from a hemlock tree. |
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