You can never pay too much for F/A firearms, you can only buy them too soon.
Full autos are constantly going up in value. I paid a little over $1000 for my
SWD M-11/9 in early 2003. It is worth more than that now.\
Check out and there NFA For Sale section to see current asking prices.
YOu will also see alot of SOLD PENDING FUNDS.
In another 3-4 years M-11's will be selling for $5000...
Check out the latest Small Arms Review to see who is winning the most in subgun shoots.
The price also depends on how many accessories the firearm comes with and make sure
you KNOW for a fact what the firearm comes with.
When I bought mine it was pictured with a side-cocking upper w/rail and the original
upper. It only shipped with the side-cocking upper. When questioned he said the picture
was old and he didnt have the original upper anymore.
He had deleted the ad so there was no way I could prove anything. MAKE SURE YOU