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Posted: 3/13/2001 10:32:27 AM EDT
Why are barrels shorter than 16" on a rifle considered so dangerous the goverment made them class 3?  But you can buy a TC contender with a short barrel? These laws make no sense. What was there logic?
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:17:51 AM EDT
You should know by now that gun laws have nothing to do with logic!  It's the gun grabbing politicians trying to take away our 2nd Amendment rights one chunk at a time.   [:(!]
The chunks don't have to make sense as long as they get the job done.  
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 2:01:52 PM EDT
Because those barrels are for pistols not a rifle configuration.
Congress has determined (the only smart thing they have ever done)that only honest target/hunters buy the Thompson/Center Contenders and that there has not been any proof that gang members use that single shot gun.  So they made the call that posession of the THAT SPECIFIC reciever, stock, pistol grip, long and short barrels IS NOT posession or conspiracy to build a unregistered SBR, stating that its up the the descression of the owner to know the difference and to keep it legal.

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 3:44:54 PM EDT
I know these laws are stupid, but why does the government think a 10'' barrel on a rifle makes it so dangerous than one with 16" that it needs to be restricted.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 4:20:21 PM EDT
well just think. what if everyone who has a 16" had a 14.5inch. can you say fall of western socitiy?
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 4:52:26 PM EDT
Don't worry Coax.

The government's just concerned about [b]your[/b] accuracy.
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