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Posted: 4/20/2017 10:00:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:02:30 PM EDT
The problems is the Left makes science a political issue.

Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:06:03 PM EDT
In summary: Americans don't buy into the push for anthropogenic global warming because they're stupid.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:08:48 PM EDT
Real scientists don't belittle peers who question their claims, nor star in fear mongering political hit pieces.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:10:33 PM EDT
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Real scientists don't belittle peers who question their claims, nor star in fear mongering political hit pieces.
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Yep.  The most unscientific thing I hear from his ilk is " the science is settled."
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:11:47 PM EDT
For such an intelligent man who is so passionate about the fundamentals of science, it is incredible how he throws his weight behind "truth".

He is either intellectually dishonest or worse.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:12:21 PM EDT
Ignorant right wingers!

Science isn't about hard evidence or questions.

Science is about ad hominem and baseless claims!

Thau hast sinned against thine climate. So shall ye tithe unto thine anointed priests of Climatology. Speaketh no blasphemy in question of thine priests.

... That's science, ignorant republicans.

Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:16:18 PM EDT
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For such an intelligent man who is so passionate about the fundamentals of science, it is incredible how he throws his weight behind "truth".

He is either intellectually dishonest or worse.
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He is bought and paid for, pure and simple.

A mouthpiece who traded integrity for a Porche.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:21:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:23:33 PM EDT
I fucking hate NDT. Go fucking jump off of a bridge you condescending prick. 
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:27:18 PM EDT
Science should not be a political tool.  It should be above that.  Unfortunately it is not.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:27:27 PM EDT
He easily wins the "Mr. Smarmy" award.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:38:59 PM EDT
I read a story on reddit the other day by a guy (self proclaimed leftist that is also a space enthusiast) that got pissed because he bought two tickets for he and his gf at $45/ea to see NDT in person and he was pissed because it had almost nothing to do with discovery or space but was also mostly unknown guest "climate science" professors with highly politicized views on the whole reason he came. He too was very disappointed.

If Neil is any kind of scientist at all, (and I question that) he's a sellout scientist.  He certainly isn't the only one though.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:41:24 PM EDT
He's in his position for one reason.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:45:29 PM EDT
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In summary: Americans don't buy into the push for anthropogenic global warming because they're stupid.
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You should go read the dowsing thread.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:46:45 PM EDT
Science, like everything else, has become about money - getting your program/project funded, keeping it funded, growing the funding, stretching the duration, adding scope to the work.  

Then, parlay your results into the need for,... wait for it,... more money.

After all, science doesn't finally answer questions, it allows you to ask ever more detailed, more insightful questions.

What people really want to know is, "Why".  What science answers is, "How".  

Most people are mistaken into thinking these two things are one and the same.  They are not.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:46:58 PM EDT
Black Science Man traded in his ethics for celebrity status. Bought and paid for.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 11:19:45 PM EDT
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Real scientists don't belittle peers who question their claims, nor star in fear mongering political hit pieces.
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NGT is an attention whore of the most public degree.  He (and friends) downgraded Pluto from a planet to a "dwarf planet" without consulting a planetologist, and in violation of the rules that they, themselves, made to define a planet.

The concept of science and NGT do not belong in the same paragraph.

What a maroon!  What an ignoranimous!
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 11:20:44 PM EDT

What do we think?
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I think his snarky bullshit about open borders disqualifies him from any sort of serious topic.
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