Technology will never replace a push stick and being somewhat aware of where your fingers are in relation to the blade. Sometimes too many safety features make the operation unsafe, because they interfere with the work, and they give a false sense of security. Skill and situational awareness for the win!
BTW: Still have all 10.
Just wait, what? You mean you can take an inanimate object (AKA a scrap piece of wood) and use it to push the wood through the saw so when your push stick nicks the blade you do not lose any fingers? Wow, you better patent this common sense revolutionary item, i mean wow, what a concept.
And this folks is whats wrong with society, why in the blue fuck can you not take a random scrap piece of wood and use it as a push stick? Why in the fuck do i need to buy this high dollar device when a scrap piece of wood will work just fine.
Fucking people.