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Posted: 3/3/2001 9:21:37 AM EDT
Man that is one pretty gun. Oh , I wish they would behave.
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 9:45:14 AM EDT
Rich stop that!:D

I've been lusting for two 629,s since the "agreement"; The two and a half inch Carry Limited and the 12" Extreme. ('Course, I'm also lusting for a 945.) But I have not nor will I buy any new Smiths unless and until they can the agreement.
I agree.....I wish they would behave.:(
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 9:48:51 AM EDT
Never.  I'd die before buying an S&W.

I walk past their display and chastise anyone that is looking at their guns.  The S&W guy gets all mad and I usually tell him to shut up.

We should all have a 0% tollerance mentality and exert PEER PRESSURE on those who support these maggots.
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 9:52:08 AM EDT
Smith and Wesson will get none of my money.......
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 9:57:29 AM EDT
Yes, that's real nice but,
I would rather buy a Taurus Raging Bull.
S&W will not see a penny of my $$.

Thanks for the link tho.
Edited because I forgot to add the link.


Link Posted: 3/3/2001 9:58:38 AM EDT
Big Boat Guy; I agree and stand by your boycott.
I have a pre agreement 629 classic dx and cant help but hold and shoot it often. It is a work of beauty. Other than Freedom Arms, S&W are making the best wheel guns out there. As is shown on above link. Did you even go to the link? While your there you can link the email and give them a peice again.
Non fluted cylinder
very nice sculpturing on barrel
Birdsong T green
I`d put wood on the grips but all in all, that is a work of art.
Thats just my opinion, of course I could be wrong.  
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 10:42:32 AM EDT
 As we speak the sneak thieves at S&W are making more backdoor agreements to help the anti's take away your rights.
 I do not give a crap about their product, it is my rights they are subverting.  Buy from S&W and you will insure that the gun nazis will collect S&W firearms from you in a few years.
 As Sun Tzu said about 2000 years ago, "The friend of my enemy is my Enemy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 10:49:01 AM EDT
S&W the Jane Fonda of the firearms industry !
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 10:54:31 AM EDT
I have a M-29 original flavor. It is a wonderfully made reliable wheel gun. As accuarte as the shooter.

Now that 629 is really sharp looking.

Link Posted: 3/3/2001 11:16:10 AM EDT

Now that 629 is really sharp looking.

View Quote

Got it.
Dont buy it, just look at the purty pistol.
Sorta like looking thru HKPRO. com`s cool stuff I`ll never own.
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 11:57:56 AM EDT
I won't buy Smith either, and don't particularly like Brazilizan guns. So I went and bought a Ruger 454 Casull. Goddamn wrist breaker, I love it!
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 1:35:51 PM EDT
I even ditched my S&W handcuffs. I got a Taurus M85UL stanless-POS! First time I shot it, it locked up with standard velocity ammo on the 4th round! Kept on doing it. Sent it back and called Taurus. So far a kind of runaround. I told them I want a new one back, so I can sell the POS and get me a Smith. Yeah, I know it's breaking the boycott. But my 642 never ever burped. My backup is like a reserve chute, if it don't work when I need it, I'm tagged and bagged. So self preservation wins out over a political agreement. Yes, I am not happy. I am a bit disgusted with it. But what is the alternative?
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 1:55:59 PM EDT
Stg44, there are plenty of great guns out there.  Sig, Glock, Paraordnance, Ruger, for example.  Yeah, I mentioned Ruger.  For the money you can't beat them.  I have Sigs and Rugers, nary a burp with any of them.  Buy anything but a Smith.  I am surprised that they have hung in as long as they have.  I am surprised that any pro-gun person would buy anything from them.
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 2:10:55 PM EDT
How about the new Dan Wesson revolvers as an alternative?
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 2:18:04 PM EDT
I think S&W makes the best revolvers and always has (well, except for old Colt Pythons or Diamondbacks), but I don't think I would buy a new one. I would probably try a Taurus. That's just the way I am. S&W screwed us. Screw them.
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 3:26:38 PM EDT
too bad they didn`t think twice before screwing themselves. i have a few smiths, didn`t really care too much for anything else. all changed now! i`d say we`re all of the same opinion!!!
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 3:29:12 PM EDT
yeah, looks good, but **** them!!
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 5:18:05 PM EDT
As far as I am concerned the are OUT OF BUSINESS
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 6:10:18 PM EDT
F*ck $&$  Enough said. [X] SamC
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 6:20:36 PM EDT
I have a 41magnum made in 1960 and presented
to my Father, they actualy gave it to my Mother
as the Officer Corps can not take gifts from
their subordinates, which I prize above all
outhers. I will not buy anything new or used
from Smith&Wesson because its the only way I
can protest their actions. I hate it because I
know that we are hurting the fine upstanding
American craftsmen that work for Smith&Wesson
and their famlies and the retirees that are
depending on S&W for their pensions. To bad
we can't find a way to hurt the people that are resposible. There is a lot of collateral damage
and unintended consequences with this one.
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 6:49:58 PM EDT
It's too bad
gun owners lose
S+W employees lose
the big winner the ANTI crowd.
They will pick them off one at a time and we'll be helping with our boycott.
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 7:01:32 PM EDT
One more example of corporate wombats selling out their employees. The American workers of S&W will lose their jobs to the Brazilian workers of Taurus.
Note: Brazil banned private ownership of firearms this year.
Note2: Taurus bought the Brazilian branch of S&W, the previous owners took the money and ran.
Link Posted: 3/3/2001 7:10:29 PM EDT
Interesting that it is the 629 you like.  I bought one NIB a couple of weeks ago from a friend that had, had it for 10-11 years, 6"bbl.  I bought leupold rings and bases, but have yet to get the scope.  Maybe at Tulsa in April.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 12:26:01 PM EDT
S&W will never get one dollar from me.

Link Posted: 3/4/2001 2:45:09 PM EDT
Well hopefully Ruger will buy them out from Tompkins and we can put an end to all this Clinton backdoor anti-gun shit.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 4:44:36 PM EDT
I'll never buy another Smith, they're traitors.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 5:03:32 PM EDT
Not one penny... I traded all five including two 6" 686s for Kimbers and H&Ks.  S&W is not allowed in my house. [B)]
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 7:04:29 PM EDT
Weird story about the Taurus. I'm even more suprised you are getting any kind of "run around" call Bob Morrison personally and tell him your experience. He's a great guy and will take good care of you.

I hope Taurus USA buys out S-W, or the Employees get off their asses and pool some of that inflated income they've been making as Unionized labor and make a down payment on it, perhaps the stock will go even further down the dumper and make them a good price. Then they can take the whole "shootin' match" to a more gun friendly state and set up shop.

Part of S-Ws problems are mis-managment at the higher levels. Taurus offered to GIVE their patented locking internal mechanism design to S-W to use for free. S-W declined. Stupid assholes.

Ruger buying S-W, that would truly suck. Mr "no honest man needs more than 10 rounds in his gun." deserves no business at all and has shown a proclivity to sell-out, even without legislative pressure. Old fucking broke-dick!

Link Posted: 3/5/2001 12:01:31 AM EDT
Well hopefully Ruger will buy them out from Tompkins and we can put an end to all this Clinton backdoor anti-gun shit.
View Quote

That really works! Let the same company who helped ban hi-caps run the gutter-slut of the industry! Then we'd really be fvcked!!!

Link Posted: 3/5/2001 5:33:13 AM EDT
Well not saying I agree with everything that Bill Ruger has done and am upset about the 10 rd thing but his first inclination is as a Businessman and I believe he was just trying to exploit a situation to make the market more favorable to him as well as forstall/cutoff more stringent legislation. No matter all that has been said, taken into context, Bill Ruger has done more to promote firearms ownership and rights than hurt it. Not making excuses for him just that he was a true sportsman and gun owner and (kinda) has a strong pro-Second Amendment position. Besides his son has taken over and he has stepped down and the Rugers beat the hell out of an international conglomerate such as Tompkins with this new world mentality. And Ruger surely beats the hell out of Colt (if you want to talk about true sellouts). For all of you knocking S&W with these never again statements, where do you think your Kimber frames come from. Besides there's alot of skilled labor ( read working man) who had no say in the doings of a company's decision making or company policies. We don't need to see S & W fall, just to come back into the fold. Wish this was possible with Colt also but believe they are truly gone. Both are American Icons, both made awful mistakes. But all in all we wouldn't be where we are today (as far as our ability to own excellent modern firearms) without  them (from a historical perspective). BTW I own one pre-agreement S&W (6904) but have a desire to own more (686, 625, 629, 617) but not until they make amends and come back to the ranks of the pro-gun fold. I will not support those that work against us but that was an International Conglomerate owner decision. When they come back to our side of the fence then I will become a consumer of their products again.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 8:24:17 AM EDT
before the deal with slick i wanted to get a model 41, a 22. looked really nice. now there is no way i'm spending a dime of my hard earned money.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 8:26:01 AM EDT
before the deal with slick i wanted to get a model 41, a 22. looked really nice. now there is no way i'm spending a dime of my hard earned money.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 8:28:14 AM EDT
The President of S&W in October referred to us as "Those types that drive pickups and have gun racks in them," when belittling the gun owners that were boycotting S&W.

F that guy, f his company, f u if you buy his products.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 8:33:52 AM EDT
Are 629 Powerports any good?
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 11:11:19 AM EDT
Sounds like a little bitterness by the ex-CEO before being replaced for being such an idiot a-hole and 'biting the hand that feeds'. Oct was before all this talk of selling off by Tompkins because they are getting their asses kicked in the marketplace for being idiots. The fact is that Clinton engaged in unlawful practices of trying to undermine a certain segment of US commerce by engaging in threats, inuendo, active manipulation of DOJ and HUD to coerce and force compliance thru backdoor edicts and actively conspiring with others to attain what he couldn't get thru regular means in congress (threating to bankrupt businesses thru the use of Gov't lawyers). Still a bad business decision by Tompkins (caved into the illegal BS threats of our Presidentially manipulated Federal Government) none the less, and they are paying for it now as they should but I don't see the benefit of destroying a US Gunmaker for the mistakes of the previous owners if they should change hands to a more progun business (there is talk of Remington buying S&W too). BTW Bill Ruger was pushing for a mag capacity limit of 15 rds so it wouldn't affect any of his products. Fienstien and HCI are to thank for the 10 rd limit.
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