Well not saying I agree with everything that Bill Ruger has done and am upset about the 10 rd thing but his first inclination is as a Businessman and I believe he was just trying to exploit a situation to make the market more favorable to him as well as forstall/cutoff more stringent legislation. No matter all that has been said, taken into context, Bill Ruger has done more to promote firearms ownership and rights than hurt it. Not making excuses for him just that he was a true sportsman and gun owner and (kinda) has a strong pro-Second Amendment position. Besides his son has taken over and he has stepped down and the Rugers beat the hell out of an international conglomerate such as Tompkins with this new world mentality. And Ruger surely beats the hell out of Colt (if you want to talk about true sellouts). For all of you knocking S&W with these never again statements, where do you think your Kimber frames come from. Besides there's alot of skilled labor ( read working man) who had no say in the doings of a company's decision making or company policies. We don't need to see S & W fall, just to come back into the fold. Wish this was possible with Colt also but believe they are truly gone. Both are American Icons, both made awful mistakes. But all in all we wouldn't be where we are today (as far as our ability to own excellent modern firearms) without them (from a historical perspective). BTW I own one pre-agreement S&W (6904) but have a desire to own more (686, 625, 629, 617) but not until they make amends and come back to the ranks of the pro-gun fold. I will not support those that work against us but that was an International Conglomerate owner decision. When they come back to our side of the fence then I will become a consumer of their products again.