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Posted: 10/15/2008 5:53:08 AM EDT
I was just told by a dealer that Ruger won't sell their LCP alone anymore to distributors,  They have made up packages of guns that include LCPs to sell.  So now if a gunshop is going to have LCPs to sell they must also have a bunch of other products in Ruger's line.  Even if they don't sell.
What is the gun shop supposed to do?  Make the consumer buy a gun he doesn't want so he can buy an LCP?  That's what Ruger is doing to distributors and the distributor is passing the pain along to the gun shop.
I guess the gun shops should just pass along the program to the consumer.  You want an LCP?  OK, what caliber M77 do you want with that?
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 5:54:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 5:57:00 AM EDT
Ruger has always done some odd things like that.  Some of their best-liked products were special orders from the larger distributors, and then Ruger never makes them again.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 5:57:19 AM EDT
I too would like to hear more from someone in the know.  Gun dealers are known to be the most trustworthy on getting the facts straight.

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 5:58:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:01:27 AM EDT
Wow...Ruger must have some real fucking geniuses in their marketing department.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:02:56 AM EDT
Stick with Kel Tec then.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:03:14 AM EDT
I work in a gun shop and two distributors just rolled this out on us.

15 gun package of which only four are LCPs.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:03:18 AM EDT
Zanders became a Ruger distributor on October 1st of this year. There is no such restrictions from them to purchase Ruger LCP's. Zanders is 100% wholesale and does not sell to the public.

It sounds like BS to me.

Ruger needs to ramp up production on the LCP and their other guns will sell after that demand is filled.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:04:03 AM EDT
This is SOP for FN.  
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:05:11 AM EDT

Stick with Kel Tec then.

Yep... the LCP is just a copy of the P3-AT anyway.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:05:19 AM EDT
LCP.s are still hard to get, and when my dealer gets them, they are already sold.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:05:36 AM EDT
Back in the 70's, during the 44 mag/Dirty Harry fad, Smith did the samething.  

Supply and demand can be a bitch.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:05:44 AM EDT


I too would like to hear more from someone in the know.  Gun dealers are known to be the most trustworthy on getting the facts straight.

This was a distributor....a wholesaler, the guys that the FFL's buy guns from.

Distributors are also not beyond making up stories to sell more stuff.

I am going to ask my dealer friend about this.  He sells them when he can get them.  He sells a hell of a lot more Keltecs than Rugers since they are more available.

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:06:06 AM EDT
My local dealer told me that they could only have 1 LCP at a time and when they sold it they could get another.

This could just be the distributor pulling this stunt.

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:08:04 AM EDT

This is SOP for FN.  

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:08:14 AM EDT



I too would like to hear more from someone in the know.  Gun dealers are known to be the most trustworthy on getting the facts straight.

This was a distributor....a wholesaler, the guys that the FFL's buy guns from.

Distributors are also not beyond making up stories to sell more stuff.

I am going to ask my dealer friend about this.  He sells them when he can get them.  He sells a hell of a lot more Keltecs than Rugers since they are more available.

Some of that might be the $150.00 or so that the Kel-Tec is less than the LCP?

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:08:58 AM EDT

My local dealer told me that they could only have 1 LCP at a time and when they sold it they could get another.

This could just be the distributor pulling this stunt.


Two distributors with the same BS story?  Not likely.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:10:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:10:19 AM EDT




I too would like to hear more from someone in the know.  Gun dealers are known to be the most trustworthy on getting the facts straight.

This was a distributor....a wholesaler, the guys that the FFL's buy guns from.

Distributors are also not beyond making up stories to sell more stuff.

I am going to ask my dealer friend about this.  He sells them when he can get them.  He sells a hell of a lot more Keltecs than Rugers since they are more available.

Some of that might be the $150.00 or so that the Kel-Tec is less than the LCP?


Nah, he would sell just as many LCPs if he could get them.  The price isn't the issue, availability is.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:10:38 AM EDT

The same thing was said about the GSG 5
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:11:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:15:22 AM EDT

When the Sig skeeter was just out, my friend that owned a shop was told he could order so many Mosquitos per X number of other Sig firearms.

They have a hot pistol that is easy to sell.  Trying to use that to gain additional sales is smart.

Poor business would be rewarding shops that only want to cherry pick popular products.  Ruger is rewarding stocking dealers.  When the demand drops for the LCP, they will do away with this policy.

Who does Ruger want to keep happy?
Bob's Tacticool Gun Emporium who thinks dead ol Bill is the debil, but wants to sell the LCP for now because they can make a quick buck.
Guns-r-Us, a full stocking dealer of Ruger shotguns, rifles, revolvers, and pistols and has been for 15 years.

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:21:16 AM EDT
Manufacturers do stuff like this now and then. It's not necessarily carried over to the FFL.

Try to become a Glock Stocking Dealer sometime. You have to buy a bunch up front, send them pictures of your shop, then replace the sold Glocks within 15 days of selling them...etc. etc.

Or a Benelli/Beretta dealer. Benelli wants to come visit your store before sending shotguns to you. They sell direct.

It is one more reason I've switched from a retail type 1 FFL to a MFG
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:22:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:22:34 AM EDT


This is SOP for FN.  


Sig and Browning, too.  
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:23:13 AM EDT

Zanders became a Ruger distributor on October 1st of this year. There is no such restrictions from them to purchase Ruger LCP's. Zanders is 100% wholesale and does not sell to the public.

It sounds like BS to me.

Ruger needs to ramp up production on the LCP and their other guns will sell after that demand is filled.

It's not BS , Jerry's and Davidsons just told me I have to take 3k worth of BS that does now sell to get 4 LCP's
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:43:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:48:24 AM EDT


I too would like to hear more from someone in the know.  Gun dealers are known to be the most trustworthy on getting the facts straight.

This was a distributor....a wholesaler, the guys that the FFL's buy guns from.

Distributors are also not beyond making up stories to sell more stuff.

Yep I had the closest store owner tell me something would never be made, when I asked him if he could get one and what the price would be.   He told me they would never be made.  I asked if he was sure, and he called his  "Distributor" who told him they were a figment of my imagination and I would probably like a xxx instead at twice the price.  And then the owner said he would have to charge me at least another $100 to order it.  I said "you are going to charge me something like that just to order something you don't normally keep in stock and just heard in front of me your distributor could send over in the next shipment?" "Well yeah I have to make money some way."  
Not off me you won't.  I had one of the xxx I asked about in my hot little hands yesterday at one of his competitors for $150 yesterday and across town last week at $160.  I'll take my business over there."  The next and last time I went in there I got about $250 in reloading and cleaning stuff for about $45 at his going out of business sale.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:49:56 AM EDT

doesn't say that it's "mandatory", but it could be assumed that the "packages" are probably getting preference over "special orders".
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:50:39 AM EDT
Sounds like something Ruger would do.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:53:12 AM EDT
I'm in the business and deal with some of the larger distributors. I was told Ruger was running a program, but it was presented to me as a way for the Dealer to get a free LCP. IOW, buy into this multi gun program and receive a free LCP. The problem for me is there are several "dogs" you must buy.

I'll report more tomorrow.

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:56:53 AM EDT


Stick with Kel Tec then.

Yep... the LCP is just a copy of the P3-AT anyway.

You have never held an LCP, have you? If you have , you wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:56:57 AM EDT
It's true, my local store had to purchase a package that included GP100's, semi-autos and .22's in order to get 4 LCP's.

It's the last LCP's that store will ever carry according to the owner.  
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 6:57:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:00:21 AM EDT



Who does Ruger want to keep happy?
Bob's Tacticool Gun Emporium who thinks dead ol Bill is the debil, but wants to sell the LCP for now because they can make a quick buck.
Guns-r-Us, a full stocking dealer of Ruger shotguns, rifles, revolvers, and pistols and has been for 15 years.

In my opinion, that's the wrong way to look at it. The LCP could be Ruger's path into stores it's never been in before, and to customers it hasn't had before. Choking off anyone who doesn't want to buy a bunch of non-LCP guns is going to lose them potential marketshare to Kel-Tec and other alternatives to the LCP that are going to hit the market VERY soon.

I agree with you and I'll add this. I deal with these "promotions" all the time. I know what sells in my store and in my market. Taking guns that don;t sell just ties up cash and is not a good business decision. The LCP market is not the same as the 300 Win Mag market.

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:00:48 AM EDT

It's true, my local store had to purchase a package that included GP100's, semi-autos and .22's in order to get 4 LCP's.

It's the last LCP's that store will ever carry according to the owner.  

This sounds like a big potential anti-trust problem for Ruger.

The claim is called "tying" but its really hard to get it to stick in a manuf-dealer context.  

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:01:42 AM EDT
Screw ruger
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:05:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:06:00 AM EDT
Definitely interested in what the "dogs" are in Ruger's line at this point.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:06:36 AM EDT



Stick with Kel Tec then.

Yep... the LCP is just a copy of the P3-AT anyway.

You have never held an LCP, have you? If you have , you wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement.

I have compared both side by side.  Ruger took the Keltec and refined it.  It has more of a sculptured look and feel to it.  They are extremely close in design.  

I think they changed it enough to not have to worry about lawsuits and to make it look more attractive as Keltecs look a little on the crude side.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:09:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:11:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:11:44 AM EDT



Stick with Kel Tec then.

Yep... the LCP is just a copy of the P3-AT anyway.

You have never held an LCP, have you? If you have , you wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement.

+1 No shops in my area have any LCP stock at all they sell as fast as they come in a one shop has a waiting list of 40+. I have a good friend that managed to get one right when they first came out and I have handled it side by side with the Kel-Tec. Suffice to say there are some differences.

If I could find one to buy I would buy one today.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:11:50 AM EDT

If this story is true it will mean two things:

1. Ruger LCP's are going to go up in price
2. There are going to be a whole lot of cheap 10/22's hitting the market soon.

Oh I don't think the packages will include 10/22's.  Maybe a couple, but not as the bulk of the package.  I'd bet it'll be the less popular centerfire autos.  They don't have problems moving rimfires

I'd hazard a guess that Ruger is having absolutely no problems moving every LCP they can produce and then some.  It's the only way this sort of thing makes sense.  It may slow demand a little, but likely not down to the point where they'll have a surplus on these things anytime soon.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:12:57 AM EDT


It's true, my local store had to purchase a package that included GP100's, semi-autos and .22's in order to get 4 LCP's.

It's the last LCP's that store will ever carry according to the owner.  

This sounds like a big potential anti-trust problem for Ruger.

The claim is called "tying" but its really hard to get it to stick in a manuf-dealer context.  

I don't know trust law, but I do know the only Rugers the store will carry from now on are only going to be used trade-ins.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:15:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:17:28 AM EDT
Whoop-dee-doo. Like GP100s or SP101s or Mk.IIIs or 10/22s are that hard to sell...
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:18:01 AM EDT
When FN does it, it's called the cost of doing business if you want to sell FNs.

When Ruger does it, it's illegal, immoral, and probably ACORN's fault.

Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:19:04 AM EDT
Wow, that little thing is about 1/3 the weight of a G26, must be tiny.
Link Posted: 10/15/2008 7:20:15 AM EDT

Screw ruger

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