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Posted: 1/20/2013 10:28:18 AM EDT
Hypothetically speaking lets say someone came to visit you in your home and during their road trip they thought they lost a firearm.  After their visit runs its course and they return home your significant other finds the firearm in question tucked away in a box of stuff they left for you.  Knowing that the firearm was not intended to be a gift how might you go about returning it?  I don't think you could just turn around and mail it back, that seems no bueno.

My assumption is that I would just send it to a local FFL and let them deal with it.  The owner would pass the NICS check.

Now, here are the problems.

First, what if the person who forgot the firearm regularly engaged in illegal activities that you don't condone?  Knowing that you're aware the 4473 would be filled out incorrectly at the FFL could you be considered an accessory to a crime?

Second, they forgot a damn gun!  Do I even want to send it back knowing how irresponsible they are?

Third, the gun was in terrible condition when discovered.  I have since cleaned it but would never ever allow anyone I cared about to shoot it due to its condition.  It's age makes it more of a paper weight than anything else.

What do y'all think you would do if you found yourself in such a situation?  I know that I would never, ever want to do anything that might run afoul of the law.

Link Posted: 1/20/2013 11:33:31 AM EDT
Hypothetically speaking lets say someone came to visit you in your home and during their road trip they thought they lost a firearm.  After their visit runs its course and they return home your significant other finds the firearm in question tucked away in a box of stuff they left for you.  Knowing that the firearm was not intended to be a gift how might you go about returning it?  I don't think you could just turn around and mail it back, that seems no bueno.

My assumption is that I would just send it to a local FFL and let them deal with it.  The owner would pass the NICS check.

Now, here are the problems.

First, what if the person who forgot the firearm regularly engaged in illegal activities that you don't condone?  Knowing that you're aware the 4473 would be filled out incorrectly at the FFL could you be considered an accessory to a crime?

Second, they forgot a damn gun!  Do I even want to send it back knowing how irresponsible they are?

Third, the gun was in terrible condition when discovered.  I have since cleaned it but would never ever allow anyone I cared about to shoot it due to its condition.  It's age makes it more of a paper weight than anything else.

What do y'all think you would do if you found yourself in such a situation?  I know that I would never, ever want to do anything that might run afoul of the law.

Call them, tell them they left it and can come back and get it whenever they want.

I don't think you could just turn around and mail it back, that seems no bueno.
Directly to them in another state, no that would be unlawful.

First, what if the person who forgot the firearm regularly engaged in illegal activities that you don't condone?
Why would you allow said person in your home in the first place?

Knowing that you're aware the 4473 would be filled out incorrectly at the FFL could you be considered an accessory to a crime?
Not your concern at all.

Link Posted: 1/20/2013 11:53:43 AM EDT

First, what if the person who forgot the firearm regularly engaged in illegal activities that you don't condone?
Why would you allow said person in your home in the first place?


If they assume its lost, I'd keep it out of their hands.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 12:22:45 PM EDT
Thread title is wrong - You're dealing with a 'found' firearm.

Link Posted: 1/20/2013 12:24:16 PM EDT
Thread title is wrong - You're dealing with a 'found' firearm.


Found it? Turn it into PD as found property? 30-90 days without claiming, it becomes yours?
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 12:33:45 PM EDT
Thanks for the info.  

Even if I could clear my conscience and keep this hypothetical firearm, it's a POS worth less than the effort it takes to make a post here.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 6:50:48 PM EDT
This strikes me as more of a moral question.

The first part is easy Found something? Return it to the owner.

But you added the rest....

They're engaging in "illegal activities." You don't say what they are. But sending the gun bag give you a reason to pause.

And you say the 4473 would be filled out "incorrectly." I think you mean falsely? And knowing the questions on a 4473, it sounds as if (to me) an educated guess would be that they'd be answering dishonestly about drugs(usage/dealing).

So do you feel OK sending the POS gun back to a POS druggie? Are you OK knowing that if something does go bad with the gun you enabled the situation? Can you live with that?

Were it me, I'd have no issue taking a cutting torch to it.

Do they even know they left it there? If they can't even safeguard a gun that just makes it easier in my mind to do away with it.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 8:33:54 PM EDT
No, I don't feel good about sending the gun back. If there weren't an issue I wouldn't have posted here. Having said that I am more concerned with their judgement than I am their threat to society. The owner isn't dangerous so much as they are foolish...As demonstrated by their misplacing the gun.

My take certain substances is that they are essentially harmless when compared to things like booze. Never partaken myself but what someone does in the privacy of their own home is none of my business.  I'm concerned because when they get busted with guns in the house too mandatory sentences come into play and that will result in a prison funeral.
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