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Posted: 5/4/2004 7:04:04 PM EDT
Next time you are talking to some idiot that tells you they'll vote for John Kerry:

Idiot: "I am voting for John Kerry!"

You, with widening eyes, and a look of horror and disbelief on your face: "You mean, John Kerry, the Viet Nam war veteran?"

Idiot: "That's the one, John Kerry."

You: "The same John Kerry that testified under oath before Congress that he participated in WAR CRIMES and ATTROCITIES?  Didn't you know that he said in sworn testimony that he knowingly took part in operations where innocent Vietnamese civilians were tortured, maimed, and brutally victimized?  DO YOU THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE A WAR CRIMINAL FOR PRESIDENT?"

Idiot: "No, he's not a war criminal.  He didn't mean it that way."

You: "Oh, I see.  What you're saying is that he LIED UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS.  Do you think its a good idea to vote for such a liar for president."

Idiot: "No, I didn't say that."

You: "Well, either John Kerry told the truth, in which case he's a WAR CRIMINAL, or he LIED UNDER OATH.  One or the other must be true.  And either way, you're voting for a WAR CRIMINAL or a LIAR for President."
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:07:44 PM EDT
Shhhh....don't confuse liberals with the facts...they get very upset and begin calling you names!  
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:08:50 PM EDT
Logic? Are you trying to convince a liberal with logic and facts??? Pfffffffff....
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:13:20 PM EDT
Certainly this wouldn't sway a true Bush-hater.  But it might sway a fence-sitter.  This election is important enough that we need to get every fence-sitter we can.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:18:23 PM EDT
I hate to flaunt my ignorance, but are we sure this is accurate? I know he said he "knew of" war crimes, slaughter of noncombatants, et c. but is it certain he said he participated in that activity? I'd hate to get caught with my pants down making an accusation like that.

Also, isn;t the response just going to be "He was twenty - whatever then and under pressure from superiors. He's 60 now and will be the CinC. He has learned yaddayaddayadda"?
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:21:26 PM EDT
To vote for a man is a self confessed war criminal is beyond being unconscionable; rather, it is repugnant and is no different from endorsing the actions of Hitler, Stalin or Mao.  
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:24:33 PM EDT
You can't pull that kind of crap out on a liberal

They will frantically start looking all over the place for the "Report Disrupter" button.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:30:02 PM EDT
C'mon now this is silly.  Do you think that G.W. Bush is sooo perfect that someone can't come up with a similar scenaro for him.

Redneck:  I'm voting for Bush

Stuffy headed intellectual thinker:  You mean the same Bush that lied to the public about Weapons of mass destruction and snorted cocaine all through the seventies while Kerry was at war?

Redneck:  Yes, that's the one

S.H.I.T.:  Do you also mean the one that cut taxes for the wealthy, while cutting funding for all of the programs that your poor family was using and diguised it as a "tax break"

Redneck:  What do you mean?  I got a check in the mail from G.W. Bush.

S.H.I.T.:  Well let me ask you something,  Did the check cover the cost of the increase in your local taxes and the loss of after school programs that were cut as a result of this "tax cut"?  And do you think that it is right that Warren Buffet is paying a lower percentage of his income to taxes than his secretary is?

Redneck:  Well no I guess it doesn't cover the costs.  And, what do you mean the second richest man in the world pays a lower taxes than his secretary???

S.H.I.T.:  By cutting the dividend tax, someone who earn's 100% of their income from dividends, like the majority of the wealthiest people in this country do, Bush has given them a lower tax rate than the working poor.   Either Bush is too stupid to know that he actually gave the working class a tax increase or he lied to you.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:34:06 PM EDT

If you read halfway down, he says "we" did this and "we" did that.  He knowingly used this language (which was total BULLSHIT) to inflate his own credibility to the assclown liberal Democrats that were eating it up.  He played to the gallery.  He loved every minute of it.

And all through it, he danced so close to saying "I did these things" that it is splitting hairs to argue.

He WANTED the crowd to believe that HE WAS THERE when these things "really happened."  He "saw these crimes over and over again," and his poor wounded conscience made him leave poor Viet Nam to the Viet Cong, so that he could return to Massachusetts and run for Congress.


You see, he got the glory for saying this pack of lies, but HE NEVER ONCE HAD THE BALLS TO DO IT IN A COURT OF LAW.  Which proves that the whole business wasn't about "war crimes," it was about self-aggrandizement.  It was about John Kerry's political career.

He is beneath contempt.  May he burn in Hell.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:37:13 PM EDT

C'mon now this is silly.  Do you think that G.W. Bush is sooo perfect that someone can't come up with a similar scenaro for him.

Redneck:  I'm voting for Bush

Stuffy headed intellectual thinker:  You mean the same Bush that lied to the public about Weapons of mass destruction and snorted cocaine all through the seventies while Kerry was at war?

Redneck:  Yes, that's the one

S.H.I.T.:  Do you also mean the one that cut taxes for the wealthy, while cutting funding for all of the programs that your poor family was using and diguised it as a "tax break"

Redneck:  What do you mean?  I got a check in the mail from G.W. Bush.

S.H.I.T.:  Well let me ask you something,  Did the check cover the cost of the increase in your local taxes and the loss of after school programs that were cut as a result of this "tax cut"?  And do you think that it is right that Warren Buffet is paying a lower percentage of his income to taxes than his secretary is?

Redneck:  Well no I guess it doesn't cover the costs.  And, what do you mean the second richest man in the world pays a lower taxes than his secretary???

S.H.I.T.:  By cutting the dividend tax, someone who earn's 100% of their income from dividends, like the majority of the wealthiest people in this country do, Bush has given them a lower tax rate than the working poor.   Either Bush is too stupid to know that he actually gave the working class a tax increase or he lied to you.

And you, KUpolo can burn in Hell too.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:40:38 PM EDT


case he's a WAR CRIMINAL, or he LIED UNDER OATH.  One or the other must be true.  And either way, you're voting for a WAR CRIMINAL or a LIAR for President."

That is just to simple.

BTW, Kerry is a "war hero" after spending 4 months in VN and getting 3 flesh wounds.  He will remind you of this every chance he gets.  My father has one purple heart from a gun shot wound after spending two years in VN, but he rarely talks about it.  Instead he praises the other guys he was with.

BTW, my dad is 75 and a life long democrat, he changed his party affiliation this year.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:46:30 PM EDT

Carbine_man, you are also forgetting one simple fact in your argument;  Libs don't care if he lies under oath.

Remember ol' slick willy? Lied under oath repeatedly, obstructed justice and Lord knows what else.  The libs still lick the crap from his ass.  

So your scenario won't work. Their response to that is "so, he lied under oath. Big deal"

Some people are just toooooo damn stupid to argue with. I used to mix it up with liberals quite a bit.  The more you prove them wrong, the shriller and more indignant they get until you just give up.  Next time you have the urge to engage a real tree climbing lib, just smash your head into the wall a few times. It'll do you about the same amount of good.

I have a adopted a new tactic when debating liberals.  My new canned response is "F*** you, we're the ones with the guns"  And then just wander off.  It doesn't matter what they are shrieking about, it works the same no matter the subject.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:47:31 PM EDT


This useless message has been replaced with the following picture


Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:54:40 PM EDT

Carbine_man, you are also forgetting one simple fact in your argument;  Libs don't care if he lies under oath.

Remember ol' slick willy? Lied under oath repeatedly, obstructed justice and Lord knows what else.  The libs still lick the crap from his ass.  

So your scenario won't work. Their response to that is "so, he lied under oath. Big deal"

Some people are just toooooo damn stupid to argue with. I used to mix it up with liberals quite a bit.  The more you prove them wrong, the shriller and more indignant they get until you just give up.  Next time you have the urge to engage a real tree climbing lib, just smash your head into the wall a few times. It'll do you about the same amount of good.-<SNIP!>-

This is too depressing to think about.  I'm going to bed.  Goodnight.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:16:21 PM EDT

And you, KUpolo can burn in Hell too.

Fair and balanced my man.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:22:39 PM EDT

C'mon now this is silly.  Do you think that G.W. Bush is sooo perfect that someone can't come up with a similar scenaro for him.

Redneck:  I'm voting for Bush

Stuffy headed intellectual thinker:  You mean the same Bush that lied to the public about Weapons of mass destruction and snorted cocaine all through the seventies while Kerry was at war?

Redneck:  Yes, that's the one

S.H.I.T.:  Do you also mean the one that cut taxes for the wealthy, while cutting funding for all of the programs that your poor family was using and diguised it as a "tax break"

Redneck:  What do you mean?  I got a check in the mail from G.W. Bush.

S.H.I.T.:  Well let me ask you something,  Did the check cover the cost of the increase in your local taxes and the loss of after school programs that were cut as a result of this "tax cut"?  And do you think that it is right that Warren Buffet is paying a lower percentage of his income to taxes than his secretary is?

Redneck:  Well no I guess it doesn't cover the costs.  And, what do you mean the second richest man in the world pays a lower taxes than his secretary???

S.H.I.T.:  By cutting the dividend tax, someone who earn's 100% of their income from dividends, like the majority of the wealthiest people in this country do, Bush has given them a lower tax rate than the working poor.   Either Bush is too stupid to know that he actually gave the working class a tax increase or he lied to you.

The difference is I think Bush just sucks less that Kerry... Kerry supporters want to suck his cock.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:25:54 PM EDT

The difference is I think Bush just sucks less that Kerry... Kerry supporters want to suck his cock.

I can understand someone having the "Bush sucks less argument", but the "Kerry supporters want to suck his cock" thing, I really don't get.

what are you trying to imply?  If you are implying that his followers are mindless sheep, I would beg to differ.  Bush has the most homogeneous support group of any candidate I have ever seen.  if anyone want to suck their leader's cock.........
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