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Posted: 12/19/2010 6:20:20 AM EDT
I was looking in the threads and found one talking about student loans and it brought back a memory of talking to a lady here at work.

She goes to the local community collage here in town. She does almost all of her classes on-line, she has been going to collage for years now. The day we talked about her school I ask her how she was paying for it and her response was by using student loans.

Now we had a long talk about this and her repaying the loans. She informed me that she had no intention of paying any of the loans back and that she was going to school to just get the loans in the first place. She says that she takes the minimum amount of classes for her to be able to get $5,000.00 a semester in loans.

She is also on Hope and the Pell grant which covers the cost of school. She uses the student loan to pay her house note, her car payment and anything else she wants. She says that she is going to stay in school and just keep getting the money. She said if she does stop going she will just keep deferring the loan payments.

She also informed me that she is going to enroll her boyfriend in school also and start getting loans for him and she will just do the work herself on-line.
She is on all kinds of government assistance and has learned how to play the system.

What is sad I went to school and paid my own way and work every week and she lives in a nicer house and driver’s nicer cars than I do. We are paying for it and that makes me sick.
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 6:22:17 AM EDT
Sounds like fraud to me.
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 6:24:41 AM EDT
That is disgusting, and does sound exactly like fraud.  
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 6:29:55 AM EDT
Record the conversation and forward it to the appropriate folks. Please ..for my grandkids.
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 6:36:53 AM EDT
It speaks alot about where she wants to go in life.  Little does she know, she will never be able to have nice things till she gets the loan paid for.  She'll either pay it back eventually or die living off the gov teat.  AFAIK, they don't forgive them loans, ever and they will seize assets to get their money, if she ever has any.
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 6:43:51 AM EDT
I wish they would take everything she has, When she was telling me her plans I was at a lost of what to say.

The more I think about the more pissed off I get.

What is so bad she does not see anything wrong with what she is doing. She was saying that everyone she knows is doing it.
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 6:46:06 AM EDT
She is going to get a surprise one day.

Count on it.
Link Posted: 12/19/2010 6:52:53 AM EDT
What is work?  Because Pell grants are reimbursed every year you work in "service."
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