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Posted: 2/26/2001 7:02:04 AM EDT
I don't like Bible Bangers anymore than the next guy, but it seems that in todays society, we might truly need these people more than ever.  Look how far modern liberals have been able to make our country stray from its original values.

Liberals have been able to strip religious symbols out of just about everything we see and do from day to day.  Religion once was the foundation of everything we hold dear... Art, literature, law, family, community, education etc., etc... Today we have problems that are spiraling out of control, and I think a lot of it has to do with the destruction of traditional Jewish and Christian values that once was a part of daily life.  I don't know... just a thought I've had for some time that I thought I'd share... What do you all think?
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 7:13:59 AM EDT
Scipio -

Couldn't ahve said it better myself, but [b] being [/b] one of those "religious zealots," my opinion is kinda a biased one for this discussion.

It has always been my contention that it has been the Christian faith that provided the freedoms we traditionally have enjoyed in this country.

As evidence, I offer you the commentary of the Founding Fathers (read 'em fer yerself) and the comparative freedoms of other "non-Christian" nations.

Then make up your own mind.

If (and I'll concede thats a BIG "if" ) I'm right, doesn't it seem sorta ungrateful for some (apparently NOT you) to enjoy the freedoms others have provided, while criticising what it was that brought about that freedom???? Ungrateful, and ultimately self-destructive???

I [b] REALLY [/b] don't want to offend you, just to probe your thinking here.
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 7:18:32 AM EDT
Christian values are the pillars of our way of life. They shaped our laws(until recently), and deal directly with civilized, respectful ways to interact with each other. They are the direct opposite of liberal theology. The abuses of the past, both governmental and individual, have damaged our society but this doesn't change the fundamental truths of Scripture. Are we better or worse as a nation since we have all but abandoned them? I vote MUCH worse!
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 7:32:43 AM EDT
This is gonna get me SERIOSULY flamed, but....

...let's look at other countries and their religious / political histories....

Great Britain....Anglicanism....state-sposored religion....firearms bans.

Germany...Lutheranism turned into Catholicism....rise of Hitler

France .....Catholicism.....paassive acceptance of the Third Reich

India .....Buddsism / Hinduism....poverty and lack of education

Soviet Union.....atheism......financial and political collapse.

Libya....Mohammedanism.....Mohamar Khadafi.

China .....Shintoism / Buddhism etc etc etc.....Communist regime.

America....Chritianity....lots of problems, but also the greatest education, prosperity, capacity for compassion on the poor and needy, willingness to help the worlds oppressed (Kuwait, WWII, etc) technology, freedoms etc etc etc


No Christian Nation has EVER gone directly into political and moral collapse. First, Christianity has been done away with, IN EVERY CASE.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." - The Book of Psalms

I CERTAINLY don't want state sponsored Christianity (state sponsored ANYTHING gets screwed up) , and don't want anyone to take my word for it. Search these things out for yourself, and see what conslusion you come to.

Link Posted: 2/26/2001 7:36:28 AM EDT
No flames from me. I couldn't agree more.
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 8:18:51 AM EDT
Religious pluralism and democratic fascism (using the traditional political science definition) is what we have today.  This cannot last.  The nature of humanity will not allow it.  It will slide into something worse.

Economic liberty stems from political liberty and political liberty is the effect of religious liberty.  Pluralism promises religious liberty but historically it has shown to not work out.  I also agree with those who argue that a state sponsored religion (Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church, Islam, etc.) is bad for religious and political liberty.  Read some European history and that becomes obvious very soon.  

Link Posted: 2/26/2001 9:02:23 AM EDT
Christians are NOT called on to convert anyone.
We are only told to confess our faith to those who ASK the reason for our joy.
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