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Posted: 7/4/2015 2:10:08 AM EDT
Kind of an after taste like white wine, but also a cider taste.  Like white wine, by the second bottle it's not so bad.   Wouldn't turn it down for free, however I doubt I'd buy it again.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 2:17:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 2:20:14 AM EDT
Kinda felt the same myself
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 2:24:06 AM EDT
Redds wicked, the 8% shit, will get you through a gnarly dinner service like nothing else.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 3:43:12 AM EDT

I buy the stuff on purpose.

Thats what's so great about America.

We can choose all kindsa stuff we like, and nobody has to agree with us.

Link Posted: 7/4/2015 4:48:36 AM EDT
I thought the one I tried was overly sweet like a apple themed Smirnoff Ice. But hey different tastes and all. I'll stick to beer though or mixed drinks.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 4:53:24 AM EDT
Its the Miller light of ciders. Magners is what you seek.
Link Posted: 7/4/2015 4:55:12 AM EDT
Strongbow is better.

If it's going to taste like apple, go cider or go home.  Or go appletini and don't forget to take out your tampon before you have sex with your boyfriend.
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