Hey guys,
Not exactly sure which forum this fits under, but here goes.
I'm joining the military and had a couple quick questions.
With the paperwork, when I turn in my college trascript, is it the one that I personally turn in, or does the army request the official transcript from the university? Reason I ask, I had a pretty horrible freshman year, and ended up retaking some classes. On the un-official transcript, those failed classes that were re-taken don't show up; however, on the actual university transcript there's a couple big fat ugly F's.
That looks very bad, especially when I am asking to go in as an officer.
Which brings me to my next point, has anyone been through the interview where they determine if you are fit to be an officer? What kind of questions should I be ready for?
Thanks a lot!
Mods if feel you need to move this, please do.