If you can still get a solid cheekweld, i highly recommend spending $160 on a quality pair of peltor earmuffs. I hear much BETTER with them on then off and they really do a terrific job of muffling loud gunshots. They are comfortable and durable and work great.
The only downside, or really the only caution that i have to advise you of, is that they are so comfortable and the audio in them is so good, that if you shoot outdoors in the heat and humidity for 5-8 hrs at a time, you will neglect to take them off while you're reloading, taking a water break, bullshitting, ect. I would leave them on for 6-8 hrs at a time in the heat and while the rest of my body was sweating, apparently my head and earholes were sweating too. If you ears are trapped in the muffs for a long time the humidity will build up and you can get an ear infection.
I got a minor one that was fixed with 2 days worth of ear drops and cleaning out the inside of the foam pads.
so yeah, basically wearing peltors is better than your real ears and you have to make sure that you take them off for 10 minutes every 2 hrs or your earholes will try to grow gills...