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Posted: 1/27/2009 5:34:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:08:53 AM EDT
Had a string of these a couple years ago in my neighborhood. My neighbor across the street was a victom. She answered the door after her husband left to a woman. Once the door was open two guys rushed her from either side of the door out of site.
My wife does not answer the door at all, and I have my hand on my pistol if I do.
The crew was caught last fall after more than 10 robberies.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:10:38 AM EDT
This type of thing will only increase as the economic times get more desperate. It was a factor in my recent aquisition of a dog.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:11:25 AM EDT
"Cooperate with the robbers"

Nope, ain't gonna happen.  
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:34:57 AM EDT
This type of thing will only increase as the economic times get more desperate. It was a factor in my recent aquisition of a dog.

and, judging by your avatar, a fine dog he is

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:35:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:37:31 AM EDT
I love how the cops tell you to arm yourself.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:39:40 AM EDT
I would think that home invasions would have homeowners on alert, not the police.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:41:45 AM EDT
Had a string of these a couple years ago in my neighborhood. My neighbor across the street was a victom. She answered the door after her husband left to a woman. Once the door was open two guys rushed her from either side of the door out of site.
My wife does not answer the door at all, and I have my hand on my pistol if I do.
The crew was caught last fall after more than 10 robberies.

That is a popular ruse that has been used not infrequently here: use a female accomplice to get the tenants to open the door, then the thugs bum-rush the door to gain entry.

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:04:37 AM EDT

If someone does break into your home, stay calm, Tannim said. Fire at the Cardiac Triangle with double-taps until the threat stops.  Reload as needed.

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:11:21 AM EDT
bring it................
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:16:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:18:05 AM EDT
We have plenty of these in the Charlotte area and they seem to be increasing.

Just last week a lady answered her door to a woman "needing to make a phone call" and was rushed by two male thugs. Tied up the family, stole about $10,000 worth of goods. This occured about 7 miles from my home.

Neither the newspapers nor the tv media  have provided any descriptions of the criminals.

The death penalty should be applied to those convicted of this crime.

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:35:27 AM EDT
This type of thing will only increase as the economic times get more desperate. It was a factor in my recent aquisition of a dog.

and, judging by your avatar, a fine dog he is

She sure is!

She's a [very fast] growing 4-month old Akita. I can still whoop her when we wrestle, but I dunno how long that will last...

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:19:21 AM EDT
We have had several home invasions where I live as well.  So far, we've had 12 in the last 40 days.  All within a 4 block area.  The perps are kicking in doors @ about 7p.m.  Two weeks ago, we got a knock at about 10:30p.m.  It was really odd because she was pounding on the door, not like a normal knock.  It was also odd that all out lights were out and blinds were drawn as we were watching a movie.  My GF didn't open the door and asked what she wanted and the person replied, "I needs ta use yo phone".  My GF told her no but she would be happy to call 911 if it were an emergency.  Of coarse the skank said "Nah, dat's aight, I'll just walk my preg-nent ass to dah sto" (her words exactly)  I was standing nearby, with my 12 gauge because this was really unusual in my opinion.  Our local newspaper has been reporting the rash of crimes, but they are vague when it comes to suspect description.  They just say, Male, approx. 20 yrs. old, wearing a hoodie.  We called to PD and they came to take a statement and the officers told us a little more about the suspect.   It was the usual suspects of coarse.  

Sorry I am rambling.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:47:16 AM EDT
We had one in our area a few weeks ago.  Three of them tied up the husband, and stabbed him until the wife got their money for them.  The husband died from stab wounds.  No one arrested.  The home invaders were waiting outside the house when the couple left for work (early AM).
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:50:10 AM EDT
I love how the cops tell you to arm yourself.

It's AL, cops assume you have firearms unless told otherwise.

Good, but it don't hurt to re-state it!
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 10:12:37 AM EDT
I also predict, assuming the economy continues to worsen, that you will begin to see "kidnapping for ransom" bloom as a way of life. This is quite popular in Mexico and could easily spill over into this country - especially since our border security is a joke. How does one defend against this? Other than CCW for board members and spouses, I am not sure.
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