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Posted: 10/28/2006 12:00:42 PM EDT
Ok Guys, i'm having a major problem with these little "Too Fast Too Furious" wannabes
Culminating in a Fatal a week ago...  Honda Vs Tractor-Trailer...the Truck won .

Anyway,  I have about a 3/4 mile stretch of nice straight road between t major cities, that these guys use as their own personal speedways.  Sitting out with radar one night, the median speed we clocked was around 100, with one guy hitting 145.  I need some suggestions if there are any, on how to cut this down.  Since there's just NO way my vic with 145,000 miles can even come close to catching these asshats, i'm about ready to go to my boss about calling in the State Police for help.  ANY ideas would be appreciated...and yes, the Coil Roofing Nails was suggested already, and rejected.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 12:14:11 PM EDT
Look for the cars when they're sitting still - Out and about around town, parked on driveways, or when they all gather someplace to hang out. Gather license plates for specific cars (they often have identifying ridiculous mods and/or paint jobs. You see one out speeding another night, just catch them at home later on and have a little chat. You may not be able to cite them, but they'll find out you know who they are and where they live and that you're out there watching for them. I bet their parents would also love to know what the kids are really up to.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 3:56:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 4:06:08 PM EDT

Put your marked vehicle in plain view of approaching traffic.

If that doesn't work, you're going to have to set up one of those "no escape/it's a trap!" roadblocks with the other guys working on your shift....make sure you have a nice stack of summonses and a fully loaded pen handy - tag 'em for EVERYTHING! Make it hurt their parent's wallets. Maybe have a flatbed or authorized tow truck on standby for vehicles that obviously aren't street legal(deleted catalytic converters, etc.). A box of Kleenex is good to have too for the sob stories you'll soon hear from the weeping driver.

Got aviation units at your disposal?

good call. just getting their plates and "stopping to chat" won't do any good with those type of idiots. you have to make them hurt.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 4:29:40 PM EDT
Tag anything with a coffee can for a muffler
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 9:11:04 PM EDT
I do this for motorcycles/racers. Have one guy set up with radar and another a 1/4 mile or so up the road(on the shoulder etc.). When I spot the one I want, I nextel my partner up the road. He rolls down the road at a decent speed, holding the cars behind him (most wont pass) until I catch-up. Works pretty damn good.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 2:51:53 PM EDT

I do this for motorcycles/racers. Have one guy set up with radar and another a 1/4 mile or so up the road(on the shoulder etc.). When I spot the one I want, I nextel my partner up the road. He rolls down the road at a decent speed, holding the cars behind him (most wont pass) until I catch-up. Works pretty damn good.

That's a great solution.  One, because it's simple.  Two because it's simple.

Can you tell I like simple?
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 4:59:11 PM EDT
If you're looking to bag a few for speeding then lleadnbrass' suggestion is the way to go.

If, however, you're just looking to prevent them from racing see if there is a hydrant on that stretch of road. If so, make it a point to turn it on at the beginning of your tour (thoroughly wetting down the street), and every hour or so during your tour. Racers won't race on wet asphalt....I hated it when the NYPD did that when I was a teen and racing on Fountain Ave. in Brklyn.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:59:28 PM EDT
These guys will have a hang out. A burger place, shopping center parking lot, wherever they meet to setup races and strut.  Try and find them there, you can usually catch them out of the cars.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:09:04 PM EDT

These guys will have a hang out. A burger place, shopping center parking lot, wherever they meet to setup races and strut.  Try and find them there, you can usually catch them out of the cars.

And tow their AssHatMobiles with their non-street legal mods.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 12:32:22 PM EDT
Nothing like a downed tree to slow them down.

Seriously though, maybe some portable speedbumps, and a sign of course.

Wait just after the bump.

I am not a LEO, but have many ideas on ways you can slow people down.

Probably many aren't legal
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 12:51:35 PM EDT
Not sure if those coil roofing nails are the same as a spike strip. Probably be pretty dangerous to turn it on when the car goes over it at 100+ but it'd be worth it I think. Not like what they're doing isn't dangerous already. Put sugar in all their gas tanks.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:51:28 PM EDT

These guys will have a hang out. A burger place, shopping center parking lot, wherever they meet to setup races and strut.  Try and find them there, you can usually catch them out of the cars.

They set up in Newark, in an industrial area..NPD knows about it, but is frankly too busy to bother with them, besides, they do their racing iin MY town.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:52:59 PM EDT

Nothing like a downed tree to slow them down.

Seriously though, maybe some portable speedbumps, and a sign of course.

Wait just after the bump.

I am not a LEO, but have many ideas on ways you can slow people down.

Probably many aren't legal

Unfortunately this is a stretch of pretty major highway, that has a lot of truck traffic, speedbumps just arent feasable.  Our fatal last weekend was a guy who figured he would pass a truck on the right, from the left lane at approx 120mph...he miscalculated a bit.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:59:08 PM EDT
Just set up your car about mid-stretch with all the lights running.   It'll keep everybody at the legal limit.    Not as much fun, but it serves the public interest.

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 9:53:07 PM EDT
These guys will have a hang out. A burger place, shopping center parking lot, wherever they meet to setup races and strut.  Try and find them there, you can usually catch them out of the cars.This is what I would recommend, find out where they are meeting before and after racing.  Make your presence felt, get out talk to them, let them know you are there and not leaving.  Admitedly, I am an avid street racer and when the local police make their prescence felt and stick around the racing usually cools down.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 11:13:30 PM EDT
Be sure to take pictures of all the cars along with their tags so you can go after them later. They might also be less inclined to speed if you have pictures of their cars and their tags. Tell them if they ask it's so you can identify them later from under the semi-trailer.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 11:29:31 PM EDT
does state have any speed cameras you can borrow
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:10:04 AM EDT
Clock the "Ricer" and radio ahead to a fellow officer about a mile up the road (or before the next exit) to pull the said person over after the person (or persons) have slowed down to a sane speed. Issue your citation and go fish for more.

I hate these "Fast and furious" shit heads as much as you do. Puts a bad name over someones head that is an enthusiast that you wouldn't see doing 100+ or weaving in and out of traffic.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:18:51 AM EDT
The two car routine works really well, in some areas here there will be a line of PD cars waiting along an onramp and one running radar upstream.  

Confiscate one of them ricer cars and use it to do traffic stops.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:20:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:32:09 AM EDT

Just set up your car about mid-stretch with all the lights running.   It'll keep everybody at the legal limit.    Not as much fun, but it serves the public interest.


We did that the night after the fatal..they didnt even slow down.  They're smart enough to know that from a stop, there's NWIH we're even going to get close enough to get a tag #.  I'm working on something now, but i have a few weekends before im in that assigned area again.  I'm going to take a video camera, and drive down the hangout street, and film the chaos as they all try to bolt..then use THAT, along with  the MVA stats to convince my Chief that the state police need to come in and help us with this.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:43:54 AM EDT
How about radar-triggered cameras?    Go fast enough to trip it and a nice bright flash goes off..that's your tag being photographed.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:28:01 AM EDT


 Confiscate one of them ricer cars and use it to do traffic stops.

That was "Operation Hermes"(God of Speed) a few years ago in my dept.

We had a nice Mustang GT done up in our colors because of it.

I saw that on the Belt a few years back...pretty cool.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:49:37 AM EDT
I've heard of things like this happening around my town.

My suggestion is also the two cop routine.  Have one LEO sitting on the street shooting instant on radar.  No sense in running constant on if one of the racers has a radar detector.  Then, just have another marked car pull out in front of the racers with lights on or whatever just to slow them down.  You'll then have enough time to catch up and cite the drivers.  

I'm also a big fan of citing them for everything you can find.  Make sure it hurts them or their parents financially.  Also, make sure they know that you aren't going away either.  Undoubtedly they will try to find a new spot if your presence decreases.  

Also, you could pick up patrols around the racing area.  Just your presence there should reduce some of the racing.  

My $0.02.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 5:47:32 PM EDT
our area had problems with cruisers and racers.It is a large suburban dept. Saturation patrol.Show no mercy weekends."Sir, you changed lanes without useing you turn signal....$75 and costs next fri morning in court" you'd be amazed at how empty the 'strip' is next fri nite.
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