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Posted: 3/18/2001 6:23:52 PM EDT
Guys I am a cops spouce. I have had alot of trouble with her schelude. How do your wives deal with the hours?
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 7:23:18 PM EDT
My wife has 3 proven techniques; bitchin, pissin and moanin!  :)  Acually she just understood it came with the territory. We are still newlyweds so she is still cool! I just went to Investigations so I now work somewhat more normal hours.

You just have to hold tight and be supportive. If she is a good cop a more family friendly assignment may come her way.
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 9:02:45 PM EDT
People deal with it in different ways.  My wife finds things to do on the days I'm not around, which in my current assignment are many.  We make sure to spend a lot of quality time together whenever we can.
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 9:17:33 PM EDT
I have been married almost 13 years now. My wife came onto the scene after I was an established deputy. She thought she knew what she was buying into, but little things like the office calling to let her know I am OK after a shooting, almost being killed in a wreck, the idea of weekends and holidays as just another work day, out in hurricans for days, me not being as outgoing as she is....Well I was a very lucky man to find her. With all my many faults she loves me without condition. You have to learn to deal with it, and give her time and room to sort things out. Be supportive, but not smothering.
Link Posted: 3/18/2001 10:52:31 PM EDT
Easy for me and my wife, were both Troopers. Oh,by the way, you spelled spouse wrong and schedule wrong. No I'm not being a jerk, I'm a very bad speeler(oops) my shelf, I am always being corrected by my wife.(always)
I'm just bored right now. I'm working desk duty on the night shift. Plus too, we work 12hr. shifts.
Link Posted: 3/19/2001 4:38:32 PM EDT
Guys thank you. My wife is home tonight,her response,was these are guys!! She also works twelve hour shifts. We have 4 childern in the mix. If it were YOUR wife getting ready for work and dressing in soft body armor and a 40 Smith what would be your advice then? I am am not being a smart A?? Please help. As noted I cannot spell. Please bare with me as my editor was on 7pm to 7am last night.
Be safe on duty guys!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/19/2001 5:10:48 PM EDT
Well as the husband of a cop and a retired LEO myself, it is a little easier on me. Basically you just have to hang in there, things do get better. Just remember to put some quality time aside just for the TWO of you! Then you need some QUALITY FAMILY time together. It ain't easy.
Frankly, when I see my wife strapping on the body armor and a 40 cal. Glock, I get EXCITED!
Link Posted: 3/19/2001 6:06:17 PM EDT
Hey I'm not an leo but I live in a very bad area and trying to move when can a person use deadly force and not be locked away with the animals for protecting ones life.
Link Posted: 3/19/2001 9:08:26 PM EDT
Between the National Guard and LE, she is used to my crazy schedule. Other than that, she bitches at her friends on the cop wives boards.
Link Posted: 3/19/2001 10:34:29 PM EDT
My advice would be to listen to her gripes, complaints, fears, and anything else she needs to vent, after a tour of duty. Be as understanding as you can be, but don't pretend to understand everything she is talking about. It will make her feel better just having a caring "ear" to talk to. Hang in there and good luck !!  Pat
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 8:52:29 AM EDT
Listen to LA COP.  Unfortunately, I did not and became the party in a divorce.  Most of us old geizers in my neck of the woods fell prey to the same result.  To me the job was everything and still is.  Set your priorities..but LA COP's advise is pretty sound.
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