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Actually the "test markets" as you call them don't show that at all. They show mass civil disobedience. Look up the numbers of guns owned vs those turned in in places like Australia, New York, and Connecticut.
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If you have one they will track you down with dogs and black helicopters. Then they will kill you, your family, your friends, and any associates and/or co-workers.
Bodies will be dumped 200 miles off shore per the SOP.
Any more questions on future gun laws?
But really OP. The test markets showed that people will give up another right and go on about their life.
You'll either get another ban or get to mod your magazines to 5-10 rounds.
Actually the "test markets" as you call them don't show that at all. They show mass civil disobedience. Look up the numbers of guns owned vs those turned in in places like Australia, New York, and Connecticut.
We're talking about mas not turning in firearms. I looked and ya, it seems like 8-7% actually registed them in NY. Nice.
I guess we'll see what happens if she gets elected. I'm 87% sure F2F sales will get hit.
To be clear, it’s not that this has rendered the law toothless. Gun confiscation has been going on in New York since shortly after the law took effect, sometimes for reasons as vacuous as a person having once been prescribed anxiety medication. And “investigations” such as these have resulted in the state terminating the Second Amendment rights of more than 34,000 residents without due process. But as SCOPE has found out the hard way, those numbers are extremely hard to come by because of the veil of secrecy which enshrouds the law in Albany.