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Posted: 1/25/2009 11:51:34 AM EDT
I got this in a forwarded e-mail, and and have never heard of these minimums before. Is this saying that they think we're about to have a cool spell?   Thanks.

"What the Solar Cycle 24 ramp up could look like

Guest post by David Archibald

With respect to the month of minimum, it is very likely that Solar Cycle 24
has started simply because Solar Cycle 23 has run out.  Most solar cycles
stop producing spots at about nineteen years after solar maximum of the
previous cycle.  Solar Cycle 23 had its genesis with the magnetic reversal
at the Solar Cycle 22 maximum.  As the graph above shows, Solar Cycle 23
is now 19 years old. Only 9% of the named solar cycles produced spots after
  The graph also shows the position of Solar Cycle 24 relative to its month of
genesis. Solar Cycle 24 is now the second latest of the 24 named solar cycles.
January is 105 months after the Solar Cycle 23 maximum.  Only Solar Cycle 5,
the first half of the Dalton Minimum, is later. This lateness points to Solar Cycle
24 being very weak.

[!! ** Notice comment about how late this cycle is, and that it is getting
similar to what happened at the start of the Dalton Minimum ** !!

see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalton_Minimum

The Dalton Minimum was a period of low solar activity, lasting from about
1790 to 1830.[1] It is named for the English meteorologist John Dalton.
Like the Maunder Minimum and Spörer Minimum it coincided with a period of
lower-than-average global temperatures. Low solar activity seems to be
strongly correlated with global cooling.
The low solar activity may have been the cause of the "Little Ice Age". If
anyone is looking for some grand-scale event that perturbs the present
social, economic and geo-political status quo, a drastic change in the
climate like a repeat of this would qualify.

A great paragraph from one of the comments:

“After 400 years of studying solar activity scientifically, we do not know
what happens next. After 100 years or so of oceanography we do not know
when the next El Nino event will occur. After 80 years of quantum mechanics, we
cannot calculate the excitation spectrum of a simple tri-atomic molecule
such as H2O with sufficient accuracy, not even the ground state.” - Werner

> <http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/01/19/what-the-solar-cycle-24-ramp-up-could-look-like/#more-5175>

Notice the comment about how late Solar Cycle 24 is, and that it is getting
similar to what happened at the start of the Dalton Minimum ** !!

see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalton_Minimum
The Dalton Minimum was a period of low solar activity, lasting from about
1790 to 1830.[1] It is named for the English meteorologist John Dalton.
Like the Maunder Minimum and Spörer Minimum it coincided with a period of
lower-than-average global temperatures. Low solar activity seems to be
strongly correlated with global cooling.
The low solar activity may have been the cause of the "Little Ice Age". If
anyone is looking for some grand-scale event that perturbs the present
social, economic and geo-political status quo, a drastic change in the
climate like a repeat of this would qualify.

see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_Age
and: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_Without_Summer

–– Ewin"
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 11:54:36 AM EDT
Could be why the last two years have been cooler than normal.

So much for global warming.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 11:55:23 AM EDT
Nice read.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 5:44:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 5:46:13 PM EDT
After 100 years or so of oceanography we do not know
when the next El Nino event will occur.

actualy we do, wiki it
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:02:48 PM EDT
The sun is taking a short break, and will be functioning at a low idle for an indeterminate duration.
Agriculture will be affected first, followed by  advance of glaciers.
Most of the worlds poputlation will die of starvation.
Mormons, End of the world preparedness freaks, and a small number of  jews  will  be among the survivors.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:10:32 PM EDT
  OK, so it's crap science for cold instead of for global warming?
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