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Posted: 4/19/2007 8:31:41 AM EDT
My brother who is to be commissioned as an officer in the Army next month is being checked for a security clearance.

Anyway, For you older members you remember that waste of Semen RebelGrey who posted here on Arfcom, you know the d*ckhead who was trying to sell secrets about U.S. armor vulnerabilities to Al queba and got caught and is butt humping his cell mate right now.

Anyway, I remeber responding to some of his posts, mostly to tell him his were leaking poop because he was so fulla sh*t!

Anyway, could the fact i had communicated with this dweeb on the internet at one time put my brothers clearance in jeopardy?
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 8:36:30 AM EDT

They are not that savvy yet. There are no web angles in the system to correlate data that finely. Just continue as you were. And shut the F&*k up about any wrongs or what not you may know if they call you as a character witness.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 8:38:05 AM EDT
Highly unlikely, though your, um, language is descriptive.

Much depends on your brother's intended level of clearance.  Depending on his job, the depth of the investigation will vary.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 8:41:25 AM EDT
Yeah, I don't think he needs to worry about it.  Nor you.

On a related note, we had a local sailor here get a visit from the Secret Service because he said something stupid and childish before he joined the navy.

That came out of the woodwork when they were doing a routine security clearance investigation.
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