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Posted: 10/25/2010 6:39:07 PM EDT
This is a long story, but I will try and keep it short. My wife is taking her ex husband back to court over some divorce issues they are having. In his responce to the papers she filed, he mentioned a 401k account that she has. He knew the ammount she had in there and some other info that he should not know. My wife called the finance company and they told her someone logged into her account, used her social sec number and birthday to gain access. They did this 2 days after he was served his papers. So its pretty obvious that its him.

Anyways, the finance company did the research, got us the info as to when it was accessed, how many times, and got us an IP address of the computer that was used. She had to have her lawyer subpoena the info from the finance company. Now, my wife has never used the computer to access the account. So the only time it was accessed online, was by the person that did it,  2 days after the ex was served papers. He logged on 4 times in 2 days. There were 2 different IP addresses that they gave us. I did an IP search on them, and it comes up to a place near SF, Ca.... We live in AZ.

I checked emails that he has sent her, to get the IP addresses off of those, and they arent a match. When I search the IP address that I get from his email, they come up where they shoud, in our city.

So what can we do now. We are 99.9% sure he did this. I just dont understand how the IP address the finance company gave us could go to a place in SF. Im by no means a computer person. Everything I have learned about IP addresses in from google today...How do we prove it. The local police said no crime was commited. I dissagree. But thats another story.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:16:17 PM EDT
Ok, so you find out what ISP was used and who's computer it was at that time. And? They were technically still married at the time of the "infraction" unless he moved moneys around or did something to the account, whats the big deal all that info would have to be public record in the divorce anyways.

Much ado about nothing IMO.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:27:57 PM EDT
They were not married at the time. And he has no legal right to that account. The problem is he used her social and bday to pose as her online. He is a major douche bag. He is slimey and likes to play games all the time. He needs to understand that he cant just do whatever he wants. My hope is that someone will prosecute him for this. Trust me, he is one of those guys that needs to be taught a lesson. But thanks for your opinion...
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:30:57 PM EDT
You'll need to find out what ISP that IP address belongs too and then have your lawyer subpoena that ISP for that account information to get a better idea who was accessing this account.

BTW, isn't cyber crime federal? Does he own any dogs?
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:38:18 PM EDT
It's highly unlikely you'll ever prove it was him.  You will have to probably file a lawsuit, get subpoenas for whoever owns the ip addresses he allegedly used, and then find out the ip addresses belong to an anonymous proxy and you won't be able to prove anything from there.

"obvious", and legally provable are not in the same world when it comes to going to court.

A crime was likely committed, but you'll likely never prove it was him, and unless there was actually a significant amount of money stolen, the FBI (the agency that would have jurisdiction) won't care.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:47:09 PM EDT
He may be using a PI to dig up all her info.
Link Posted: 10/25/2010 7:56:13 PM EDT
I doubt he is using a PI. But even still, that cant be legal. I know we will have a hard time proving its him. We know its him. He mentions the account by name and states the exact amount in the account in his responce to her court papers. The account was accessed online using her social and bday, 2 days after he was served papers. He claims that he was never told about this account, but now knows everything about it. Im just so frusterated with this guy. I want so badly for him to pay for what a dick head he is. I was hoping he finally stepped on his own dick with this one.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 1:13:13 PM EDT


I doubt he is using a PI. But even still, that cant be legal. I know we will have a hard time proving its him. We know its him. He mentions the account by name and states the exact amount in the account in his responce to her court papers. The account was accessed online using her social and bday, 2 days after he was served papers. He claims that he was never told about this account, but now knows everything about it. Im just so frusterated with this guy. I want so badly for him to pay for what a dick head he is. I was hoping he finally stepped on his own dick with this one.

Secure the account and let him prove how much money is in it. Either he admits to a crime, or there is no proof about the amount of money in the account, or the court issues an order for your wife to disclose the amount of money in the account, and nothing is lost because he apparently already knows this.

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