I've been using a couple of torque wrenchs, the kind that basically depends on the handle bending, while you read the torque by looking at a scale near the handle and seeing how much deflection there is, according to the pointer which is fixed to the socket end extends out to the scale.
I've never felt this to be 100% accurate, but hoped it was 90%. And of course there are many times where you just have to go by feel.
Then when I went back to the tire shop because ONCE AGAIN they had used their impact gun to way over-tighten the lug nuts (to the point that my breaker bar wasn't enough), I had one of the guys say (as I was using my torque wrench at junior's insistence), "You know, those things are inaccurate as hell".
I felt there might be an element of BS to this comment, after all, I had in effect questioned their competence by telling them they'd overtightened on all the wheels.
But it did get me wondering just how accurate this kind of torque wrench is.
What do you guys say? And what other kind is affordable and fairly accurate, if this kind is marginal (Husky brand, from [gag] Homw Depot).
P.S. It seems that lug nuts and tire shops are a lifetime issue.
1. Sears - forgot to tighten them years ago.
2. Goodyear - so tight, the shop manager needed to jump up & down on a piece of pipe he'd added to his 18" breaker bar.
3. Local shop - decent guys, but had to get in the habit of making the owner write "hand tighten - use 4-way" on the work order. We just forgot this time.