9mms are blowback guns, so there is no gas system. The "mid-length" and "carbine" designation just refers to the length of the handguard.
It will probably sell for $2k in this market.
Thanks for the info.
I just got to see the photo and it looks like an LAR-9 pistol with the carbine length smooth handguard. The picture cuts off before the end of the buffer tube but there is a lot of tube there, too much IMHO for it to be a stock. There is also no "rail" along the bottom side of the buffer tube. I had him ask for more photos and ask outright if it's a pistol which the guy has not mentioned at all...he just refers to it as an RRA 9mm ar-15 several times which is a bit odd if it is in fact a pistol. It also has the A2 FSB which doesn't appear to be an option on the lar-9 pistol product page so I'm not sure what the deal is there.
If it is an lar-9 pistol how much does that affect pricing? I believe the guy is asking less than retail and is even including his original receipt, and there has been no negotiating so his bottom line is unknown at this time.
Also, if it's a pistol, what's the process on converting it to a rifle? If there's little to no red tape involved in converting an AR pistol to rifle then this might still be a good deal depending on how much my buddy can get a stock and barrel setup for.