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Posted: 2/24/2001 9:24:49 PM EDT
From another board:

"I believe that I have formulated a plan that will ultimately allow global peace and prosperity. What a happy thought! (St. Teryl wants me to try to think more happy thoughts...)

No, I haven't gone peacenik/pacifist. Quite the opposite, really.

First, a brief and perhaps simplistic look at what Mother Nature does in the real world biosphere:

When there are too many predators in an area, they over kill the local populations of their game animals, and then they starve to death if they can not migrate elsewhere or change their eating habits. Likewise, if the prey animals are not sufficiently predated, they overpopulate and wreak havok on the biome.

Animals that are not the prey of the predators due to their defenses are essentially unaffected by this shift in the predator/prey scheme. Life continues apace for them so long as their food sources remain intact and they do not overpopulate.

Life may even get easier, once the competition from the prey animals for food and space has been alleviated. The nonprey animals have no reason to defend the prey animals from the predators, and the predators can not/will not attack well defended nonprey animals because they risk or lose their lives in doing so.
The wisdom of natural selection in action. It has worked, by design, for millions of years.

Now, look what happens here in the unrealworld, the "civilized" but wildly perverted steaming cowpie of a hell world that we have drifted towards for years, and finally fallen face first into:

The nonprey, well defended animals (Citizens) are expected to defend themsleves, the defenseless prey animals AND worthless parasites (Sheeple, welfare recipients, etc.) from the Predators (criminals) at great risk and expense but no real benefit to themselves.
The Sheeple and Parasites (some are both sheeple and parasite: Sheepasites) do not understand the basic premise of the arrangement due to their amazing stupidity, so they attempt to defeat the very mechanism that protects them from "senseless aggression" and enslavement by Predators. They do this by passing laws to deprive the Citizen of his best means of defense.
Since the sheeple are over protected, they wildly overpopulate. This gives rise to a larger number of dangerous predators, making the job of the Citizen all the more difficult and dangerous. The Citizen's teeth have been mostly pulled out by the sheeple he protects, yet he is still expected to protect them despite the fact that he often gets punished for doing so! The Predators grow bolder and more numerous by the day. Since they are well protected (ironically, by the laws that have defanged the Citizen) they overpopulate, inbreed, and produce lower and lower quality Predators. Stupid, insensate brutes that indiscriminately strike anything remotely resembling a target of opportunity.
The ecosystem of our civilization is dying because we have removed natural selection from the equation.

My point is this:
Stop defending the "defenseless"! It is a waste of time and effort to the point of being counter productive. Rather, passively resist keeping them alive. Its easy!

Once the predators have culled the herd of the defenseless, they will die off or change their habits in order to survive.

They will have no more easy prey.

Violent crime rates will drop to nil.

Murder rates will drop to nil.

Overpopulation will be a thing of the past.

No one need live in fear, because everyone s
Link Posted: 2/26/2001 12:19:26 PM EDT
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