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Posted: 12/14/2010 10:46:56 AM EDT
Hey guys,

I've been starting to buy silver/gold bullion lately and have a couple of questions.

*Do you guys thing the hype about silver/gold and hyperinflation is founded or overhyped?
*Do y'all think we'll face hyperinflation in the upcoming years?
*How much would you put your money in gold and precious metals and how would you divide the rest?

Link Posted: 12/14/2010 6:28:54 PM EDT
Hey guys,

I've been starting to buy silver/gold bullion lately and have a couple of questions.

*Do you guys thing the hype about silver/gold and hyperinflation is founded or overhyped?
*Do y'all think we'll face hyperinflation in the upcoming years?
*How much would you put your money in gold and precious metals and how would you divide the rest?


*Gold and silver have a long ways to go (northward). If hyperinflation hits, gold (maybe silver) will have absolutely unbelievable purchasing power.
*John Williams (shadowstats.com) says hyperinflation will start in February or March. Others say in 2012. Yet others say big inflation will happen but not hyperinflation. I think hyperinflation is likely within five years.
*Everyone has their own formula and you're going to get 11 different opinions. Here's mine: 70% physical gold, 30% physical silver. I don't like palladium and especially platinum. I'm not into mining stocks anymore, but others here are. Mining stocks have the potential for massive gains, but risk being nationalized. I do see major supply shortages of the two monetary precious metals down the road. Those who have physical metals (and not SLV and GLD) will come out true winners in the end.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 6:41:52 PM EDT
I don't know how much higher it can go, but I started getting into it a couple of years ago. I wish I had when I was in college, but beer seemed like a better choice then gold or silver. I have mostly gold and silver, I don't know that I have a set %. I buy some of one, then some of the other. If I see a good deal on one or the other, I'll buy that as I can as well. I don't really have a savings account, well, maybe not savings, but something to retire with, so this is where I'm sticking it for now.
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 8:39:41 PM EDT
almost any tangible asset will be good if there's hyperinflation.  The key to surviving hyperinflation is to not have much cash, it'll lose it's purchasing power.
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