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Posted: 10/8/2005 5:51:18 PM EDT
Stupidity knows no bounds.

So the question. If you were there with your CCW, would you have plugged the bears gaping maw with 230 grains of lead or let nature take its course?

Link Posted: 10/8/2005 5:53:02 PM EDT
Um your Carry weapon wouldn't do much. A shot to the heart could still take some time to kill it. Also the skull is thick as shit and penetration in the body wouldnt be that great.

Atleast thats how I see it.  
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:05:38 PM EDT
I believe in people having the right to assisted suicide - who I am to interfere?

(Plus, I LIKE polar bears - not so fond of most people)
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:06:23 PM EDT
God bless that woman. She recognized that she was contamination in the gene pool,
and tried to do something about it.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:06:48 PM EDT
But they killed a polar bear with a 9mm on Lost.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:10:22 PM EDT
Couldn't they at least poke it in the eye with one of those sticks?  
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:12:43 PM EDT
Did she climb the fence in front of the cage or...?

Im missing something...
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:18:45 PM EDT

So the question. If you were there with your CCW, would you have plugged the bears gaping maw with 230 grains of lead or let nature take its course?

While I would not hunt a friggin' polar bear with a .45, I do think that shooting it might distract it long enough to get the dumbass out of there. Heck, it's a zoo bear, it might be scared by the noise alone. Probably not, but it be worth a try.

Try some pepper spray. At least the bear would have some seasoning with it's last meal.

It would be a shame to have to kill such a beautiful animal to save a dumbass like that. But I would attempt it if neccessary. If you don't try, the woman dies.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:19:05 PM EDT
I wanna know how that MORON got within paws reach of the bruin!
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:30:46 PM EDT
So 9 .45 hyda-shock rounds would have no effect on a polar bear?

I mean, shit, I 'aint gonna test it out but one would hope.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:34:33 PM EDT
Bear's gotta eat.  Stupid people can provide nutrition to hungry bears being kept in CAPTIVITY!!!  I might have tried to help her, but I wouldn't have hurt the bear.  

Darwin candidate.  
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:34:54 PM EDT

So 9 .45 hyda-shock rounds would have no effect on a polar bear?

I mean, shit, I 'aint gonna test it out but one would hope.

They certainly can't do the bear any good.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:37:06 PM EDT

So 9 .45 hyda-shock rounds would have no effect on a polar bear?

Probably piss it off real good, if nothing else.  WTF was that dumbass doing getting that close? Did she think the thing was "cute" or something?
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:38:31 PM EDT
you could kill a bear with a 9mm or 45 if you had solids very easly. If not it would take a few more shots to break threw the skull. Ive killed big steers and 700 pound pigs with a 22 to the brain, granted some times you have to shoot them a few times so we whent to the 38 and its one shoit everytime.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:41:23 PM EDT
I spent  spent a summer hiking and fishing in Kodiak Alaska [near] a with a very experienced guide.  He would tell tourist to wear bells on their shoes but he told and gave me a 12 gauge and told me that if I see a bear and it approaches me to stand my ground and to shoot to the side of it once its charged me - in an effort to scare the bear away first.  If it still came towards me that I should shoot it in its face or chest with the shotgun.

Thankfully the closest I ever saw a Kodiak bear was about 100 yards away.  Still close enough for me to hug the shotgun with a heart racing at about 1000bpm.

When in college I got to read excerpts from Lewis and Clark's diaries about their journey to the Pacific.  One of the more "comical" parts of their journal were their run ins with Grizzly Bears.  I can't remember the caliber of rifles they had but needless to say the men would have envied my .340 Whetherby!  Where's our Virginia Slim commercial "You've Come a long way BABY!"


*eta* just watched the video.  I wouldn't be calling for a tranquilizer gun if it was me, that's for sure.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:46:06 PM EDT
A handgun would hardly be ideal to hunt a polar bear but in that situation if all you have is a 9mm or .45 you gotta use it. It may not be a one shot stop but if you shoot him enough, his wounds may be enough to distract him from dinner and you may actually kill him. It certainly beats the sticks they were using.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:46:46 PM EDT
I think that was up in Anchorage, Alaska. The bear's name was like blinky or somthing like that. They had pics of that bear afterwards and it was playing with her shoe (shoe and foot fetish?). Maybe the AK members can shed some light on why she was dumbass and jumped the fence. I remeber hearing about that when I was up there. BTW it was a nice zoo.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:47:16 PM EDT
I hate being this guy but...... DUPE!

Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:50:16 PM EDT

I hate being this guy but...... DUPE!


but there's a question with this one.
and I wouldn't have drawn down either.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 6:50:26 PM EDT

So 9 .45 hyda-shock rounds would have no effect on a polar bear?

I mean, shit, I 'aint gonna test it out but one would hope.

I think it would just piss the Polar Bear off
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:01:16 PM EDT
if that happend to you and you pulled out a 9mm or 45 loaded with AP rounds it would take one shot to the brain buckett if you had hallow points you might be dumping a mag into him
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:11:01 PM EDT
Polar bears like pie too!
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:18:31 PM EDT


I hate being this guy but...... DUPE!


but there's a question with this one.
and I wouldn't have drawn down either.

Ah! In that case I would have shot the shit out of the lady for being a dumb ass.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:23:11 PM EDT



I hate being this guy but...... DUPE!


but there's a question with this one.
and I wouldn't have drawn down either.

Ah! In that case I would have shot the shit out of the lady for being a dumb ass.

Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:34:27 PM EDT
If you unloaded your .45 on the bear it would have to atleast slow it down alot.  You'd be shooting it at almost point blank range.

It be a shame to kill such a creature to save a liberal.

Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:38:26 PM EDT
At the Prospect Park zoo in Brooklyn, NY several years ago the cops blew away 2 polar bears after some dumbass kids decided it was a good idea to crawl in to their space. They already got eaten but they shot the bears anyway, Poor bears
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:39:41 PM EDT
Does this count as a failure for Mr. Darwin?
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:39:48 PM EDT
Dumb bitch deserved what she got
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:41:26 PM EDT
Reminds me of  some tips for bear safety I read a while back.

Safety In Bear Country

When travelling through bear country, it is a good idea to tie small bells on your person to constantly make noise as you move.  This will alert bears to your presence, preventing you from surprising them and provoking an attack.  You may also wish to carry pepper spray to deter a bear attack.

Identification Of Bear Droppings

Black bear droppings tend to be small, and contain things like cherry pits and fish bones.

Grizzly bear dropping are large, and tend smell of pepper and contain small bells.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:41:53 PM EDT
not the polar bear's fault, the fat cow got too close, too bad it didn't pull her fat butt through the bars.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:43:39 PM EDT

I think they would have been armed with .69 muzzle loaders.  I remember reading that as well, their name (latin for Horrible Bear, or terrible bear, IIRC) comes from L&C's experience with them?  It's late so memory is fuzzy.

Anyway, any animal that has a paw big enough to cover your leg from the ankle to the knee is not going to be impressed by a hand gun, so I say dial 911 and set your camera to record.

Link Posted: 10/8/2005 7:58:40 PM EDT
I'd shoot it.

15 rounds of 9MM/45/380 beats that stick anyday. eyes and ears, ain't like it's going to get to you, he's preoccupied with that lady.

and then we would  have the polar bear "box of truth"
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:04:31 PM EDT
I'd distract him with a picnic basket.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:04:57 PM EDT
One 9mm to the brain, and the bear goes down. I don't care what anyone says. No way is his skull thick enough to stop a 9mm point blank
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:09:38 PM EDT
Yup...If it's ever me you find down in the bear pit, please leave the bear alone and shoot me for being a dumbass.  
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:09:50 PM EDT

One 9mm to the brain, and the bear goes down. I don't care what anyone says. No way is his skull thick enough to stop a 9mm point blank

Ear and eye are the straightest shot to the brain, I'd almost have to agree it could kill it.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:10:11 PM EDT
I'd have shot that lady before I shot the bear.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:15:02 PM EDT
+1 for "better than nothing"
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:19:16 PM EDT
I'd like to say that yes I would have shot the bear but Im afraid I would be laughing to hard at the ladies stupidity to even draw down on it.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:25:15 PM EDT
Some people are absolutely rediculous...you'd think that 9mm deflected off the polar bear.  Yeah, fucking right.  The preference for killing a polar bear would be a huge round of something multiple times but some people have this rediculously stupid notion that there is a certain caliber that will drop it dead outright instantly and anything below that will bounce off.  My relatives that hunt elk have no problem with .30-06 but I hear people here who say .30-06 is round they wouldn't use on a mule deer and that .300 win mag is the minimum for deer and you want .338 Lapua or some shit for elk....you guys are fucking retarded (if you fit in that category).

They are usually the same people that claim 9mm won't hurt a person (like the gunstore guy said, 9mm it takes 15 round capacity to kill someone, while the 1911 does it with 1 .45 ).  I am a .45 guy but I left his store after hearing that (he was trying to talk my brother out of getting a P14 45....They are also the same people that claim and M-16 can't kill the enemy/designed to wound/designed to kill them 2 days later from bleeding or some shit...


You could probably drop the bear with .22lr angled the right way through the eye, you don't need .99991234123946186738756382364872946 caliber UBER SUPER DUPER PWN!1!! MAAAAGGGGNUUUUUUMMMM! To kill something if you shoot accurately.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:29:54 PM EDT
Saw a video years ago, some Game Warden in (I think) Montana was releasing a grizzly from one of those "bear trap on a trailer" things.

The bear didn't run away as planned, but hopped up on the trailer, hooked his claws into the Game Warden's leg, and yanked the guy right off the trap.

Warden killed the bear with a 4" .357 revolver while the it was munching on his leg. 4 rounds.  
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:30:35 PM EDT

Dumb bitch deserved what she got

Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:42:20 PM EDT

One 9mm to the brain, and the bear goes down. I don't care what anyone says. No way is his skull thick enough to stop a 9mm point blank


There are documented incidents where a 12ga has ricocheted off a polar bear skull.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:44:38 PM EDT
Just trying to get the bear to let go, right.  Regardless of caliber (no talking .22)  I argue the combination of sound and immediate impact, even if not deadly, get's that bear moving away quickly.  Additionally, it's a Zoo.  Not like were talking about a starving or otherwise desperate animal.

Sound/Impact - lady is free.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:48:18 PM EDT
Park rangers at Yellowstone drive bears off all the time with shotguns firing 1/2oz. bottles of water. You don't have to kill it, just sting it real good and I think a 9mm or even a .22 would provide enough sting to make it hesitate.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:53:28 PM EDT
Im sorry, but life is tough.Its tougher if your stupid.

This person was stupid, and I will have no part of aiding her future stupidity.

Dead ass if she waits on me.

Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:56:59 PM EDT
Couple of blasts of rock salt to his face would drive him away.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:57:15 PM EDT

Just trying to get the bear to let go, right.  Regardless of caliber (no talking .22)  I argue the combination of sound and immediate impact, even if not deadly, get's that bear moving away quickly.  Additionally, it's a Zoo.  Not like were talking about a starving or otherwise desperate animal.

Sound/Impact - lady is free.

+1.  Nobody likes a mag of anything emptied into their head.  It's just not fun.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 8:57:32 PM EDT
[woman] (thinks) hmm, I bet that bear is just as soft and cuddly as my Beanie baby!

[bear] (thinks) tasty snack!

[woman] /screams

[bystander woman] "Can somebody call somebody."

[other bystander] "Somebody's coming."

[zookeepers] /attack of the soft leafy sticks


ETA the zoo's lawsuit against you (or PETA's,) would break you.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:02:43 PM EDT


One 9mm to the brain, and the bear goes down. I don't care what anyone says. No way is his skull thick enough to stop a 9mm point blank


There are documented incidents where a 12ga has ricocheted off a polar bear skull.

I saw a man get shot in the face with a 9mm. he was out of the hospital in 2 weeks.
I don't think he would have made it if it had been in his tear duct, however.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:06:32 PM EDT

One 9mm to the brain, and the bear goes down. I don't care what anyone says. No way is his skull thick enough to stop a 9mm point blank

Could be wrong on this ,but I think I  read where a  polar bears skull can be upto 3 inches thick in some  places. I  don't think a 9mm would even penatrate that. But it would make it let go.
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