We bought this house last year. Last winter wasn't as cold so I didn't have any issues.
This is a pic of the valeving above the WH.
I need to isolate the roof solar preheater I think. It is too cold at night and I think it is freezing up, we had no water this morning from the hot taps.
From the looks of things I should be able to isolate out the roof preheater. Can anyone help with which handles, knobs, and or valves I turn? I think I need to drain things too.. There are 7 total valves or handles.
There is a round handled knob on the wall behind the whole shebang, an old school sprinkler spigot knob. Lets call that "rear wall valve". It that the hot in or cold in?
There are two red handled spigots. Let's call those left and right.
There is a knob (regulator?) with hotter and colder directions. It is Honeywell branded.
There are three handle valves, the center one is black and the one on the right and at the bottom of the pic are green. Lets call those the black one and upper green and lower green.
On the roof there is a 4x5' ish sized solar panel. There is a spigot on the lower side, presumably to drain the unit.
I think I should be able to isolate the solar unit and drain it, and take it out of the loop to prevent damage and or the lack of flowing hot water.
Can anyone help? I would need an order of operations! Thanks, I have until sundown!