Looking back to the time when the assault weapon ban was being debated, I remember thinking that the NRA would have gained a lot more support if they didn't fight this ban. I mean, who really needs those damned assault rifles anyway.
I had a friend doing some sheetrocking and taping at my house, and I made the mistake of mentioning my thoughts to my wife at the time. He heard it, and ripped me a new asshole. I got a major education on the intent of the 2nd amendment.
Luckily for me, I am reasonably intelligent, and of an open mind, and what he said made clear, perfect sense.
What this friend didn't know at the time, was that he was planting the seed, from which would grow one of the most rabid pro 2A voices around this area. Mine! :)
It is amazing how much good that a few minutes and some good and pertinent instruction will do for our cause. Keep up the good work!