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Posted: 3/14/2001 6:03:46 PM EDT
I had to write a persuasive paper for my English class at the Univ. of Minnesota.  Like all college campus' mine is filled with liberals, so I decided to do my paper on concealed carry since I knew I was bound to piss of at least a couple people.  

Today I had to read my paper in front of the class to get feedback from everybody.  I knew that everyone would be reading it so I went out of my way to call the anti's murders and basically insult everyone (politely of course) who doesn't believe in concealed carry.  

I was actually surprised to find that there were only 2 anti's in my class of about 20, and only 1 person got pissed off over me calling her a murderer and a hypocrite.  Everybody else was pretty supportive of my position, which shocked me.

The really cool part though was that it looks like I made 2, maybe 3 converts.  People who didn't have an opinion on concealed carry/gun control before, but came up to me after class and were like "Wow, I had no idea..."  Chalk up a couple for the good guys...
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 6:06:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 6:57:03 PM EDT
good for you dude. its funny how things work out sometimes.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 7:03:58 PM EDT
Education is our best weapon.
Isn't it nice to find others who think like us?
In my circle of friends and co-workers, I am the most rabid pro 2nd Ammendment person. On this board, I almost feel like a centrist.
Link Posted: 3/14/2001 7:45:58 PM EDT
Looking back to the time when the assault weapon ban was being debated, I remember thinking that the NRA would have gained a lot more support if they didn't fight this ban. I mean, who really needs those damned assault rifles anyway.

I had a friend doing some sheetrocking and taping at my house, and I made the mistake of mentioning my thoughts to my wife at the time. He heard it, and ripped me a new asshole. I got a major education on the intent of the 2nd amendment.

Luckily for me, I am reasonably intelligent, and of an open mind, and what he said made clear, perfect sense.

What this friend didn't know at the time, was that he was planting the seed, from which would grow one of the most rabid pro 2A voices around this area. Mine! :)

It is amazing how much good that a few minutes and some good and pertinent instruction will do for our cause. Keep up the good work!

Link Posted: 3/14/2001 8:18:53 PM EDT
Let's see it!!!

Post you paper!
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 5:22:03 AM EDT
I don't have it with me today, but for those who want to see it just email me at [email protected] and I will email it to you later tonight or tomorrow.  It's a bit long to post on here.
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 5:42:07 AM EDT
Good going. When they passed the CCW in my state
the liberal congressman said there would be a blood bath due to people having a firearm. Boy were they wrong. Our sheriff is all for the CCW. [sniper]
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 5:47:01 AM EDT
All this at the ultra liberal U of M?  kinda amazing from the land of 10,000 laws.  Keep up the good work-you will have more chances to write papers on this.
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