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Posted: 1/5/2013 7:51:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 7:55:21 AM EDT
That is awesome thank you.

My great grandfather ran a 66 station and my Grand father had a Marathon station but sold it a few years before I was born, then started delivering gas for Marathon.  I have many great memories of riding around in a GIANT red truck and filling up gas stations.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 7:57:30 AM EDT

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 7:58:23 AM EDT




and so it began

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:01:52 AM EDT
that was  pretty kool to look at, thanks for posting,  

Its crazy how much stuff changed over the years. i mean why would they make all those buildings  with no color on  them.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:04:03 AM EDT
IDK why, but I think this is so cool:

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:04:40 AM EDT
I love old pics of most anything,, cept old women,,,,
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:05:02 AM EDT
Imagine the woody the American Pickers guys would get seeing all those old signs.

Did you see the pic of the "Try Corn Alcohol Gas"? circa 1930s!
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:06:15 AM EDT

Service stations used to give you, well,  SERVICE!

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:08:00 AM EDT
That settles it, I am going to watch 2 lane blacktop this afternoon
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:14:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:39:19 AM EDT
Those are some really cool pictures; thanks for the link OP.

Anyone know what the heck is this car storage rack thingy all about?

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:47:03 AM EDT
I wonder what a "registered restroom" is.

We had a US Senator in our building for a briefing one time.  Shortly before he arrived, someone (cough...) absolutely destroyed the bathroom next to the briefing room.  Of course the Senator had to relieve himself shortly after he arrived and was heard to tell his aid to take a note to add that restroom to the Superfund Cleanup site list.  

Maybe that's what it means...
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:50:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:50:57 AM EDT
Oh look the America I wish I live in.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:56:03 AM EDT

What are those guys doing to that car?


Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:05:37 AM EDT
Those are some really cool pictures; thanks for the link OP.

Anyone know what the heck is this car storage rack thingy all about?


Big City Parking Lot
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:07:16 AM EDT
Those are some really cool pictures; thanks for the link OP.

Anyone know what the heck is this car storage rack thingy all about?


Big City Parking Lot

I can believe that, but how do they get the cars into and out of the rack?
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:08:52 AM EDT
Those are some really cool pictures; thanks for the link OP.

Anyone know what the heck is this car storage rack thingy all about?


Big City Parking Lot

I can believe that, but how do they get the cars into and out of the rack?

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:10:13 AM EDT

Check out th German helmet air cleaner

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:10:56 AM EDT
I would go out of my way to fill up at The Bomber.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:11:05 AM EDT
The America I'd rather have lived in...

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:14:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:18:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:19:43 AM EDT
Those are some really cool pictures; thanks for the link OP.

Anyone know what the heck is this car storage rack thingy all about?




Edit: What tt\he hell happened to American exceptionalism?
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:21:57 AM EDT
I used to work at a Standard Station just like that almost 50 years ago.

On a good day we'd pump 1000 gallons, we'd get robbed once a year and the boss would tell us to always put straight 20 weight in the oil changes, even if that asked for 10W30.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:24:12 AM EDT

The America I wish I'd known.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:24:54 AM EDT
Those are some really cool pictures; thanks for the link OP.

Anyone know what the heck is this car storage rack thingy all about?




Edit: What tt\he hell happened to American exceptionalism?

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:53:55 AM EDT
I remember the old Sohio stations that used to be around here.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 9:58:59 AM EDT
I remember the old Sohio stations that used to be around here.

I remember Sohio stations too!
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:16:53 AM EDT


Those are some really cool pictures; thanks for the link OP.

Anyone know what the heck is this car storage rack thingy all about?


I recognize that pic! It's from downtown Portland... That location is still a parking lot, but single level only SW Stark between 9th and Park. The copy I have lists that photo as being taken in 1955. Here's what it looks like now:

And for another old Portland location, here's one from the north side of town... St Johns actually. This site is currently was recently a flower shop, and now appears to be a pizza joint. It's hard to tell if they tore down what was there for the newer building that isn't much bigger, or if they just expanded on it and moved the pumps.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:21:56 AM EDT


I would go out of my way to fill up at The Bomber.

Dad did. For me.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:25:04 AM EDT
That was cool thanks
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:29:16 AM EDT

Check out th German helmet air cleaner


I wonder where that old girl is at now. That's a sweet hotrod.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:31:22 AM EDT



I would go out of my way to fill up at The Bomber.

Dad did. For me.


And The Bomber deserves to have it's (quite amazing)story told along with the photo


Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:47:28 AM EDT


I would go out of my way to fill up at The Bomber.

Dad did. For me.


And The Bomber deserves to have it's (quite amazing)story told along with the photo


Good read hell of a story.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:52:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:52:35 AM EDT


I would go out of my way to fill up at The Bomber.

Dad did. For me.


And The Bomber deserves to have it's (quite amazing)story told along with the photo


Good read hell of a story.

Yessir buddy it certainly is.  I'm starting to like this thread a whole bunch!  
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:57:06 AM EDT

Check out th German helmet air cleaner


I didn't notice that.  That is cool!
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 10:58:47 AM EDT
The good ol' days

Wish I got to live in those times
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:03:18 AM EDT
Very cool thread
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:08:47 AM EDT


I wonder what a "registered restroom" is.

Back then the gas co chains would send an inspector around to check on reg rest rooms and if your rest rooms were dirty they would pull your registration and if it continued you could lose your dealership.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:08:57 AM EDT


Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:13:50 AM EDT

The America I wish I'd known.

I remember a lot of it ...  not as many creature comforts as we are used to.  A good job got you $1.00 an hour, no interstate highways, no color TV, AM radio was great, no cable TV, few houses had AC, .... you could buy a wild range of funs with no need for a FFL transfer, and a powerful car had 100 hp!

I like my comforts!
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:15:05 AM EDT

Service stations used to give you, well,  SERVICE!


Don't let Sharpton see that.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:28:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:34:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:44:42 AM EDT
The good ol' days

Wish I got to live in those times

Yep, I love those old pix, love me some of those model a fords getting juiced up.
Link Posted: 1/6/2013 2:28:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/9/2013 12:11:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/9/2013 12:16:05 PM EDT
very cool
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