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Posted: 8/11/2011 7:19:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 7:22:12 PM EDT

"we treat everything except broken hearts"
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 7:38:52 PM EDT

506th Fighter Group - 1 June  1945 Black Friday

Twenty-seven Mustangs and 24 pilots had been lost.. but acrimony, argument and myth attended the event for years to come.


As a postscript to the tragedy,
someone at the Twentieth Air Force sent a shipment of Link trainers
(instrument simulators) to the VII Fighter Command on Iwo. That added
insult to injury, recalled Maj. Jim Trapp, CO of the 78th Squadron. " It
became an unwritten rule that should anyone lose an engine on takeoff
that they were to take out the Link trainer building."


In just four months of long range
fighter operations from Iwo Jima the three Mustang groups wrote off 160
aircraft to all causes. Air/sea rescue saved some 50 pilots but 90 were


Over one-fourth were the direct result of weather, the unseen and unconquered enemy, 24 of them on Black Friday.

Flying in typhoons is pretty damn risky.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 4:49:09 AM EDT
OP: thanks for posting the GREAT link!

The P-51 is my all time favorite WWII fighter. I love seeing pics of them.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 4:55:25 AM EDT

those are some of the best pictures i'd never seen before. good stuff. thx.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 4:58:11 AM EDT
Thanks for the link.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 7:19:08 AM EDT
Awesome pics.

I've always been interested in Army Air Corp operations in the Pacific
during WWII.
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