Bush, would this be from Wholesale Guns and Ammo on Long Island - they advertise in SGN.
My roommate and I drove four hours down there this weekend because we had the same concerns about the quality. For the money, we were impressed. We paid a little more for the privilege of buying it at the shop instead of mail order, but we had our doubts.
Rifles were in great shape. Fit and finish is obviously not DSA, but what do you want? You can practically buy two Centuries for one DSA. Some people will say buy the DSA, and that is valid. However, if you are just looking for something to shoot with I think this is an excellent entry gun to determine if you really like the platform.
Anyway, the rifles were built on new Imbel receivers manufactured in 2000. The L1A1 inch kits were in pretty good shape. Bolts and carriers were HEAVILY cosmolined. Took a good two hours to really get all the packing grease out of the nooks and crannies. Hoping to shoot it this weekend. Have no regrets about it yet, Century seems to have kicked it up a notch in terms of production quality.