Daniel Defense
Some details on this month's giveaway: it was our highest
entered so far, with 4,227 unique entries, and a total of 1,317,921
total clicks. Now don't get me wrong, the $3,000 Larry Vickers Signature
Series M4 is an awesome prize, but that's an extremely high number of
clicks! A little close investigation reveals that there are a few
interesting points. For instance, two users managed 2,300-2,400 clicks
each and another 3,380 clicks from his copy of the newsletter. But most
interesting was our click-through winner with a staggering 1,302,743
clicks! Since we enter each user once regardless of the number of times
they click the link, it was a good effort, but did not improve his
chances. I certainly hope there was some sort of automated software used
in that effort, otherwise that was a lot of time that could have been
better used.