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Posted: 1/31/2011 3:11:26 PM EDT
At a commercial break right now.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:12:37 PM EDT
Well duh, who do you think runs the Nazi memorabilia booths?
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:14:06 PM EDT

Fuck Bloomberg

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:16:08 PM EDT
yep just tuned in, this may be interesting, now the wait.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:17:18 PM EDT
Not me, I'm watching UFC on spike.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:17:27 PM EDT
On now
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:18:37 PM EDT
Let me guess, Undercover agents go around the law and do straw purchases over state lines and don't get in trouble in the end??
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:19:06 PM EDT
at least they added "it's not a loophole" at the very end...
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:19:41 PM EDT
yeah but the fact that they aren't real criminals mean that no crime actually took place becasue they actually could pass the background check.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:20:00 PM EDT
Bloomberg talking about respect for the Second Amendment. My head's going to explode.  
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:23:04 PM EDT
Don't feed into it. Its what they want.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:23:39 PM EDT
Shepard Smith has just about worn a slick spot on my ass.  

The guys gotta be a lib.  He pisses me off constantly.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:24:27 PM EDT
Fuck bloomburg commie cocksucker
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:27:59 PM EDT
bloomberg needs to fucking worry about his fucking city and leave the rest of the country the fuck alone. fuck him and everybody like him and everybody who likes him!
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:31:47 PM EDT
bloomberg needs to fucking worry about his fucking city and leave the rest of the country the fuck alone. fuck him and everybody like him and everybody who likes him!

I say give him a fucking snow shovel and teach him how to use it.

At the end of the day he'll be tired like the rest of us and won't have the energy to fuck with other people.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:34:42 PM EDT
My I care Why? look
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:37:34 PM EDT
Wait what happened? I wasn't able to watch it.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:42:09 PM EDT
I'm wondering what percentage of the dealers/sellers that were "tested" by the undercover ATF agents refused to sell w/out a background check. My guess is that it is probably around 90-95%.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:43:13 PM EDT
Shepard Smith has just about worn a slick spot on my ass.  

The guys gotta be a lib.  He pisses me off constantly.

Not only is he a lib he's a pole smoking lib
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:50:03 PM EDT
cliff notes anyone ?
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:56:27 PM EDT
Shepard Smith has just about worn a slick spot on my ass.  

The guys gotta be a lib.  He pisses me off constantly.

Not only is he a lib he's a pole smoking lib

You're kidding, right?  I didn't know that.

I could care less that he's gay, but my gaydar didn't even ping.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:57:58 PM EDT
cliff notes anyone ?

Mayor Bloomberg, unsatisfied that crime is up in his own city, which bans handguns, wants everywhere else to be a festering craphole too.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 4:16:52 PM EDT
Shepard Smith has just about worn a slick spot on my ass.  

The guys gotta be a lib.  He pisses me off constantly.

Not only is he a lib he's a pole smoking lib

You're kidding, right?  I didn't know that.

I could care less that he's gay, but my gaydar didn't even ping.

No I'm not kidding. Anderson Cooper is in the same camp also.

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 4:17:29 PM EDT
Where's the sting on the officers breaking the law?

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 4:37:45 PM EDT
As with most "hidden camera" stings, we see an edited version of what they want you to see. Gun shows crawl with BATF agents conducting their own stings. Bloomberg is acting as a stooge for Obama in conducting this attack on Arizona and the Second Amendment.

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 5:15:34 PM EDT
I'm wondering what percentage of the dealers/sellers that were "tested" by the undercover ATF agents refused to sell w/out a background check. My guess is that it is probably around 90-95%.

Non dealers are not allowed to perform background checks.  We should always be sure to clarify between sellers and dealers.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 5:43:09 PM EDT
I knew that wasn't real jerky.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 5:44:44 PM EDT
This sounds JUST like a thread I made a day or two ago.....


Link Posted: 1/31/2011 5:46:47 PM EDT
there was a poll attached from one ny commie rag with 58 % saying laws too lax. 20 % said laws too harsh. i wasted my time to vote on it.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 6:24:33 PM EDT
so are they trying to get at banning private sale or something?  That would cause a shit storm.
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